Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about |
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<Kerbal_47> Gidday
<Kerbal_47> Fellow kerbals
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<raptop> 47 seconds
<Althego> longer than average
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<Althego> nobody reminded me of the launch
<Althego> wait, was it postponed?
<kubi> nomen est omen
<Althego> ULA Delta IV Heavy Rocket Launch from Cape Canaveral Scrubbed Due to ‘Pneumatics Issue’
<raptop> kubi: when you use latin to declare variables and functions
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<kubi> when I code for Vatican
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<Althego> nice picture
<Althego> it took considerable effort based on the text
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<Rolf> yeah
<Judge_Dedd> Wow, it looks almost round
<Althego> and flatties say moon is its own light source
<raptop> They also say that moonlight makes things colder, right?
<Althego> that too
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<raptop> Incidentally, something you set outside in a clear moonlit sky will be colder than something set under a roof, but otherwise in the same outside environment
<raptop> (blackbody radiation from the roof dwarfs reflected moonlight)
<Judge_Dedd> Likewise for something set outside in a clear moonless sky
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<raptop> yep!
<Althego> they never checked this of course
<Althego> others did
<raptop> The baleful cold gaze of the hateful stars
<Judge_Dedd> As Medlife Crisis often points out, correlation is not causation
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<kmath> <olimould> Apparently, the new Microsoft flight sim has used AI to map the entire world. But it's not done it all that great,…
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<Judge_Dedd> Althego, it's the game of the future
<Judge_Dedd> AI might be great at predicting the future
<Judge_Dedd> Since tourism is looking bleak right now, blocks of flats might be a more profitable use of the land ;)
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<Judge_Dedd> You mean, l337 71m3
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<Althego> do what you want 'cause a pirate is free
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<Judge_Dedd> Pirate 11 did a tight little circle on the approach there
<kmath> YouTube - The Martian Machines | Episode 1: The Mars-2 Probe
<Judge_Dedd> Thought it was going to land at Aberdeen but apparently not
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<FLHerne> So my spaceplane gets to LKO with about 600m/s excess Δv
<FLHerne> Any suggestions on how best to stretch it to reach Minmus?
<FLHerne> (can be refuelled in low Minmus orbit)
* FLHerne still isn't very good at spaceplanes
<FLHerne> Also, I really wish there was a half-length Mk1 liquid-fuel tank
<Althego> quite a lot of delta v from a plane with all those cabins
<Althego> obviously swap to rapiers and nuke
<Althego> lose one crew cabin and replace it with fuel
<Althego> the docking part is also quite heavy if i remember correctly, just stick a docking port on top
<Mat2ch> Too much wing area for my taste of space planes. The aerospike just adds weight, a good profile should work without
<Mat2ch> (but the wings look cool)
<FLHerne> Althego: I don't have Rapiers or a nuke, it's career ;-)
<Althego> day how many?
<FLHerne> And the crew cabins are what it's for
<bees> FLHerne: drop tanks then
<FLHerne> No idea
<Althego> yes that is a sane solution
<bees> you are pretty maxed at your tech level
<Althego> if you dont want to make it ssto
<bees> and 600m/s with it is already pretty good
<Althego> which is a pointles endeavor except for bragging rights
<FLHerne> I have a spaceplane with a Mk1 crew cabin that can get to Minmus and back without refueling
<FLHerne> (barely)
<FLHerne> So I figure it should be possible
<Althego> and actually losing tanks costs you in a loss of few thousands
<Althego> but everything else comes back
<FLHerne> Althego: I want SSTO for the bragging rights :D
<FLHerne> Drop tanks can be plan B if I can't make it work
<Althego> the problem is, if you want a big payload, you need more engines, which means more fuel, that further increases the engines
<Althego> and you end up with something like 3 times this big
<bees> FLHerne: mk3 or drop tanks
<bees> or nukes/rapiers
<Althego> yes because it becomes big, the mk3 is a good solution
<FLHerne> How draggy are different kinds of landing gear?
<FLHerne> It's annoying to have tailstrikes unless I fly really carefully
<Althego> generally not too much if they are retracted
<FLHerne> But I can put up with that if it saves me anything
<Mat2ch> Since you should reduce your wing area as well, you should go fast and not pull very hard on the stick ;)
<bees> FLHerne: calculate your maximum possible delta-v on rocket power
<bees> assuming you start from 1400 m/s and suffer no aero/gravity losses
<bees> if it is lower than your required delta-v for minmus from that position, abandon idea for obvious reasons
<bees> and ofc with zero extra LF
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<Althego> electron is scheduled again, so is the self igniting one
<Althego> so saturday morning may be quite interesting
<Althego> or around friday midnight for americans
<kmath> YouTube - KATICA ILLÉNYI - STAR TREK (theremin)
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<FLHerne> With a bit of tweaking it's up to 970m/s left over at LKO
<FLHerne> (on the first launch of this version)
<FLHerne> So I think it should be feasible
<FLHerne> Without being *too* huge
<FLHerne> Maybe even with this version if I play trial-and-error with the launch profile enough
<bees> consider bruteforcing your way with 4x jets + 1x aerospike
<bees> that allows you to leave atmo at 20-30 degrees angle at full speed
<bees> and usually saves more fuel than 1 extra engine loses
<FLHerne> But then it would be ugly :p
<FLHerne> (also, where would I put the 1 aerospike?)
<bees> 3 on tail
<bees> 1.25m ending with aero and 2 on that
<bees> thrust would be somewhat imbalanced, but manageable
<bees> < that version almost has the space
<FLHerne> Hm, I need to put the docking port the other way up, otherwise the tail will hit my station...
<bees> it would not be higher than your present tail
<FLHerne> The present tail is too high ;-)
<FLHerne> (or rather, too close to the docking port)
<FLHerne> Right, so with this version I've got easily enough Δv for a Minmus flyby, but not to make orbit
<FLHerne> Perhaps with a Munar gravity assist...
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<FLHerne> Hm, so designing a trajectory where I actually *hit* the moon was...not such a great idea
<FLHerne> (:facepalm:)
<raptop> Ranger program?\
<raptop> s/\\//
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<Mat2ch> FLHerne: but why the aerospikes?
<Mat2ch> oh, you don't have the Rapiers yet, right?
<FLHerne> right
* FLHerne still trying to get the craft above to Minmus orbit :p
<FLHerne> (having got distracted by IRL stuff for a while)
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<FLHerne> bees: "pretty much maxed at your current tech level" indeed :D /home/flh/Pictures/Screenshot_20200828_000058.png
<FLHerne> (sadly, not *quite* able to rendezvous with the station, but I can send a lander over)
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<bees> and how much heavier it was compared to initial version?
<FLHerne> Marginally, 35 tons against 31
<FLHerne> I've designed a version with slightly smaller wings, RCS and a docking port that doesn't risk knocking the tail off
<FLHerne> But testing that can wait for tomorrow, because I should sleep :p
<JVFoxy> heh.. much testing, yes, been there, done that
<FLHerne> Of course, in the time I've spent fooling about with this thing, I could have researched Rapiers probably twice over
<FLHerne> But constraints are fun :-)
<JVFoxy> lol....
<JVFoxy> constraints... me: doens't bother to upgrade VAB/SPH or runway or launchpad for as long as can in career