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<JVFoxy> blrp
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<FLHerne> Althego: You'd gone away, but I did finally get it to work:
<FLHerne> (barely)
<Althego> nice
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<Guest83779> Hi all, last update for KSP on PS4, in septembre 2020 or later ?
<Althego> i havent seen any date yet
<Guest83779> Last update have a micro-bug. I hope to correct with a next update.
<Guest83779> I hope for october update on ps4... for my birthday.
<Mat2ch> is there any update planned lately?
<Mat2ch> I'm not reading the dev news anymore.
<Althego> there was a tweet after 1.10 that there should be an update for enhanced
<Althego> or was it after 1.9?
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<kmath> <✔KerbalSpaceP> @Airor987 The next console update will be the ESA content. 😁
<Althego> this was in july
<Althego> and i dont know if they released it or not. probably not because no tweet
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<packbart> consoles bind so much development time - buy a PC! (scnr ;)
<packbart> back in my day... we had to rent the PS 1 from the video rental store. and no memory module, so every time we died in Resident Evil, we had to play it all from the beginning...
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> 4 yorkshiremen
<packbart> the obvious solution was to Bring Your Own Memory Module (much cheaper than the console)
<Althego> so when is the hop?
<Althego> friday is still possible
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<Mat2ch> Today?
<Mat2ch> You think so?
* flayer sits in Althego's lap
<Althego> supposedly yesterday the road block for today was still in effect
<Althego> but if not today, sometime in the weekend
<Althego> and i dont care about tomorrow's "friday2"
<sandbox> "Finish the game without saving."
<FLHerne> I think they cancelled today's TFR
<FLHerne> So probably tomorrow
<FLHerne> Yep, and today's roadblock is cancelled as well
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<FLHerne> Hm, I seem to find a bug in 1.10.1
<FLHerne> I select several fuel tanks, click "Out" on one of them
<FLHerne> Sometimes it does the expected thing and transfers fuel
<packbart> yeah, fuel transfer is buggy in 1.10(.1)
<FLHerne> But about half the time it only shows "Stop" without doing anything
<packbart> (ok, it was weird, before. sometimes I'd have to hover over the resource window to make the buttons reappear)
<Althego> luckily rarely needed
<packbart> now lists two Falcon 9 launches on the 30th (from different sites). that's going to be interesting
<packbart> (several hours apart, too)
<FLHerne> packbart: It's wrong, Starlink is on the 1st now
<packbart> ah, ok. thanks
<FLHerne> (well, outdated)
<FLHerne> And yes, it's a pity :-(
<FLHerne> 39A and 40 are within sight of each other, it would be amazing
<FLHerne> Is there a succinct way to view the crew list for a craft?
<FLHerne> I have 20-odd kerbals hanging about on my station, and poking through the icons is annoying
<packbart> there's a button in the Tracking Station Toolbar
<packbart> at least I think that's a stock feature and not added by the tracking station mod I use
<packbart> also the "assigned" tab in the Astronaut Complex
<FLHerne> Hm, it's there, but the menu is tiny despite my having tons of screen space
<packbart> oh right, but the AC doesn't sort by vessel
<FLHerne> So it only moves my poking to the other dimension
<FLHerne> (which is a pet peeve of mine with the KSP UI generally)
<FLHerne> A lot of the tools are very cramped for no good reason
<packbart> there's but I never had a need to try it
<FLHerne> Oh, that looks nice
<FLHerne> Might also avoid this fuel transfer bug :D
<FLHerne> My space program is getting a bit silly, virtually my entire team are either in orbit around Minmus or on the surface
<FLHerne> Plus about 8 tourists
<Mat2ch> First answer, that's what almost everyone is thinking ;)
<Mat2ch> a bit late to the party. ;)
<Mat2ch> And this one is a rather crazy finding:
<Althego> there are people whoi basically only build airplanes
<Mat2ch> Loading times have something to do with framerate!
<Althego> enough purpose for me
<Althego> no game mechanics, true
<Althego> rovers have infinite delta v
<Mat2ch> Well, real world rovers have that, too...
<Mat2ch> powered by the sun ;)
<Althego> i want more fuel only tanks
<Althego> adapters too
<Mat2ch> 2000 open bug reports. That's something...
<Mat2ch> what about modular fuel tanks altogether?
<Althego> like in the above ticket
<Althego> dont make copie fo tanks
<Althego> copies of tanks
<Althego> but make them modular
<Mat2ch> also you don't need adapters, if you can tell a fuel tank different sizes for both sides.
<Mat2ch> But I'd like to have some presets, for fast building
<Althego> that is basically the modular tank
<Althego> set up x and y size
<Althego> set up fuel type(s)
<Althego> maybe x size on top and bottom as by your solution
<Althego> and you are done
<Althego> there are now so many tanks that i have to scroll
<Althego> same for airplane parts
<Mat2ch> yeah, building isn't fun anymore, because it takes ages to find a part now
<Althego> at least separate those to wings control surfaces and intakes
<Althego> and because the graphics changed i dont recognize the thumbnails
<Althego> and oyu cant tell the size by just thumbnail
<packbart> "Frame rate affects asset loading time during game load" - I wondered if KSP would load faster if it would not try and display each and every name in the loading screen
<packbart> wasn't enough pain, yet, to actually try and see if a mod could disable that
<Althego> i dont care about this
<Althego> however the scene change getting slower a bit each time is annoying
<Althego> after like 8 hours it takes a minute
<Althego> and either the game crashes (probably unrelated), or i have to restart it because i cant take it anymore
<Althego> oh yes, why cant you pause in the tracking station?
<Althego> the whole idea of the tracking station is dumb
<Althego> at least for crafts
<Althego> you can change them on the map which doesnt do scene change
<Althego> but you dont see the additional info there
<Althego> why not just merge these?
<Althego> and get rid of the scene change
<Althego> also most important, make the tracking station list orderable by time until maneuver node
<Althego> why is the pause so important? because the maneuver nodes are blinking in the list. so you cant read them all by a glance. and you need to read them because they are nto in order
<Althego> alternative is wait for the blink, take a screenshot, get out of tracking station and pause the game
<Althego> then outside of the game you can plan your next actions
<packbart> well, I'd wager that the number of players who deal with massive lists of pending maneuvers *and* don't use Kerbal Alarm Clock is rather small ;)
<Althego> not massive, just about a dozen, or less than 20
<packbart> but in general I agree, too
<Althego> but someho the nodes ar always grouped very close together
<Althego> then you have to reorder them
<packbart> pausing in the tracking station is something I miss, too
<Althego> because escape returns, in every other scene it is pause
<Althego> sooner or later they created everything i wanted
<Mat2ch> I'm really wondering if some of those shortcomings will be fixed in KSP2. I will have a very close look at the reviews, before I make myself unhappy.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> nowhere near release
<packbart> It will have all the bugs and missing features that you feared it would have, of course ;)
<Althego> obviosuly
<Mat2ch> If they're still using Unity, I will probably pass...
<Althego> also focus more on colonization
<Althego> wehich is interesting
<Althego> but for that i play surviving mars :)
<packbart> Unity is a given, I think. I don't see them switching to Godot or whatever
<Mat2ch> With Unity this will perform so badly...
<Althego> i dont get it
<Althego> they basically rewrote the engine
<Mat2ch> Unreal 5 seems suited. But that's whishful thinking. Also it'd be an epic exclusive then
<Althego> i mean the core of the game
<Althego> and didnt switch to unreal
<Althego> ah that must have been a contributing factor
<FLHerne> packbart: Thanks for the mod link, this is great
<FLHerne> Crew: 23/34 -- definitely my biggest station so far
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<packbart> glad to hear that. I think I'll test it out in another save, too
<packbart> I reinstalled Kerbalism and started a new career. It still bugs me with time-warp quirks, like fuel cells suddenly consuming EC, automation not reacting to events and stuff
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<Althego> "another visitor. stay a while. stay forever"
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<Judge_Dedd> From Sweden, awesome
<FLHerne> packbart: Hm, it looks great, but now I'm finding it annoying
<FLHerne> Possibly it's just different
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<Althego> hehe i need something that has been in orbit
<Althego> and chris hadfield walks into frame
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<Mat2ch> and I'm wondering if you could get the same formula by using the centrifugal force. But I'm too lazy to get a pen and paper right now :D
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<Althego> maybe in a few decades i can get an orbital ride
<Althego> assuming orbital tourism takes off
<Althego> because 55 million dollars ticket is a bit much for my budget
<Judge_Dedd> I suggest getting the flatties to fund it by convincing them that it's an experiment to see "where the rocket REALLY goes"
<Althego> a promintent funder of anti flat earth channels is a gut who calls himseld hugh jarsz :)
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<Althego> *guy
<Althego> himself
<Judge_Dedd> "I will go undercover by posing as a rich tourist, but unbeknownst to them, I shall bring along a camera and take pictures and film during the whole flight. They would never expect that
<Althego> the nameless faceless they
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<Althego> ah so the robots are not used for simple velding of the parts of starships, but for the pins? studs? (whatever they are called) holding the heatshield tiles
<Mat2ch> Studs, yes
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<Mat2ch> Althego: Hop probably on Sunday
<Mat2ch> 13:00 to Monday 01:00 UTC
<Althego> eh
<Althego> there are already 2 laucnhes then
<Althego> as usual, all nodes happened at the same time
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<Althego> i had to divert a spaceplane from equatorial orbit to the dessert launch site, i could barely switch to a recovery vessel returning with a kerbal, was already around 22 km altitude, then because i couldnt switch from there i missed an other recovery vessel node by several minutes, so i had to burn there vasting fuel to catch up with the target, then i could slow down around minmus with a third cepture ship, and after this i could
<Althego> fulfill a parabolic test contract above mun
<packbart> Althego's playing Speed Kerbal - 5 maneuvers in 20 seconds
<Althego> the kerbal recovery already had an inflatable heatshield opened way farther back to avoid heat issues, i had to get rid of it to get to the surface faster
<Althego> and i hope nobody died in the process by missing one node
<packbart> you can't land them all
<Althego> the longest part was the landing of the space plane, trying to keep the heat manageable but the speed as high as possible to land in time, and became subsonic right above the airfield, it was a fast landing with a c-turn to line up with the runway
<darsie> Althego: There are no parabolic trajectories in KSP.
<Althego> it calls it suborbital
<darsie> ok :)
<darsie> I wonder what curve KSP uses for fast Sun escape trajectories.
<Althego> can you even escape from the sun?
<darsie> Kinda. You get a trajectory that ends at the SOI, but if you actually fly beyond that, the trajectory goes till your craft.
<FLHerne> Is there anything actually worth doing with the Administration Building?
<darsie> IIRC. Been long ago.
<Althego> i tried it once
<Althego> it looked like a huge loss
<darsie> FLHerne: Maybe if you messed up.
<FLHerne> I've looked at the available policies a few times, but they all seem to be trading off various factors I don't really care about
<darsie> I never use it.
<Althego> exactly
<Althego> but there is one use. you can collect science from its micro biome :)
<darsie> Say you run out of money, the government bail out might help, I guess.
<darsie> And you already took lots of contracts to use their advance.
<darsie> I usually play normal and make lots of money early in the game.
<darsie> Like, a few million. 5-10 million.
<Althego> on hard equivalent with part unlocks i have two nodes not unlocked on day 15 and still dont have all the building upgrades and all the parts
<Althego> missing few millions for that
<darsie> Hard is too unrealistic for me. No simulting rockets.
<Althego> simulting?
<Althego> i turned off perma death and no saves
<darsie> simulating. Like, trying to fly to orbit and reverting till satisfied.
<Althego> but increased heat
<Althego> yes also revert. because there is no sim center in ksp
<Althego> at least not in stock
<darsie> yeah, that would be better.
<Althego> that is why i call it hard equivalent
<Althego> science and money etc settings are the same
<darsie> Perma death? If a Kerbal dies I'd usually load a saved game.
<darsie> But I've sacrificed Jeb who diet in a long mission or so.
<darsie> died
<darsie> In a previous game.
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<kmath> <nextspaceflight> SpaceX's current schedule for Sunday is absolute madness: ⏎ - Starlink V1 L11 from LC-39A at 10:12 Eastern ⏎ - SAOCOM 1…
<Althego> starlink is some tiem later
<Althego> at least in nextrocket
<Althego> "Good chance something will slip, but, yeah, Sunday is intense" as elon said
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