Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about |
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<packbart> only when I was playing around with the VAB vessel viewer mod, I realized that I forgot parachutes on the return stage m)
<packbart> ah well, the pilot will just have to jump out the hatch and use their own chute
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> looks nice
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<packbart> I installed Kerbalism again - I'll see if I like it better this time. Things just use so much EC, I need lots of batteries and hydrogen/oxygen tanks
<packbart> and there are still some weird bugs. it falls apart in time-warp >1000x
<Althego> the hab module above the capsule. there is a rim around airlock. can kerbals hold onto that, or is it just visual?
<packbart> I think it's just visual. never actually tested that, though. those parts are from Stockalike Station Parts Expanded Reduxed
<packbart> I guess they'd need to be a "ladder" for Kerbals to grab them
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<Althego> so no hop until friday, or possibly later
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<Mat2ch> Oh, why not?
<Althego> because that is the plan
<Althego> since the static fire succeeded on the third attempt, there might be some issue to investigate too
<Mat2ch> Oh well, then we have to eagerly wait
<Althego> hehe scott and the scottish rocket companies
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<raptop> Serious Sam giveaway on GOG
<raptop> I'm certain that this is relevant to Althego, and I'm not sure why
<Althego> but i never cared for serious sam
<Althego> probably wouldnt play it for free
<raptop> Ah
<raptop> Maybe I'm thinking of someone else?
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<Althego> i do buy games from gog
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<sandbox> hmm, I think the Red Arrows just flew over
<Sikandar> neat
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