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<Althego> 1 hopper, 2 falcon 9s and 1 electron in the next 24 hours
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<umaxtu> TIL there is a song called "No Scrubs"
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<kmath> YouTube - Everyone, it seems, hates Proxima b. Even Proxima c.
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<UmbralRaptop> Prox Cen b orbits a what, M4V star?
<UmbralRaptop> Mid and later M dwarfs hate their planets (probably)
<UmbralRaptop> wikiality says M5.5V, close enough
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<Mat2ch> No Starlink launch today and the other SpaceX launch has just 40 % chance of favorable weather
<Althego> i noticed
<Althego> no word on hopper
<Althego> i need to build a miner for minmus, minme 3100 ore and then put it into kerbin orbit
<Althego> luckily it can be high orbit
<Mat2ch> Well, the SN6 hop window started just 25 minutes ago
<Mat2ch> Road is closed already
<Mat2ch> and it looks like some venting is going on
<Mat2ch> was
<Althego> labpadre?
<Mat2ch> yes
<Althego> nasaspaceflight didnt have anything on
<Mat2ch> still a lot of vehicles on the parking lot
<Althego> i may wake up in time for electron tomorrow
<Mat2ch> they are probably waiting for Mary to tell them that something is happening.
<Mat2ch> Don't forget: It's early in the morning for most of them
<Althego> what shall we do with the drunken sailor early in the morning
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<Althego> ok now there is a nasaspaceflight stream too
<Althego> "texas tankwatchers"
<Althego> i call it elon static cylinderprogram
<Althego> that shaking in the kabpadres tream is annoying because it distorts the images. i guess a side effect of some algorithm that eliminates the air distortion
<Althego> would be find if the camera was fixed
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<Althego> lol elon's physics homework
<kmath> <✔elonmusk> @teslaownersSV @justpaulinelol Yeah, he sent it to me through a mutual physics prof friend at Caltech/CERN. Very ba…
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<Mat2ch> Tank farm activity!
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<Althego> now not so much
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<Althego> scott is in the chat there
<Mat2ch> Looks like loading
<Althego> i dont see a progress bar or a circle :)
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> f
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<Althego> they may have time until 8 pm, bat that is probably past midnight here, so i dont
<Althego> at least i learned that grackle is a bird and they make synth like sounds
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<Mat2ch> Ten minute siren!
<Mat2ch> Be sure to watch the hop!
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<packbart> what are 10 elon minutes in earth time?
<Mat2ch> scrubbed :/
<a_flayer> i also scrubbed
<a_flayer> face
<Neal> I used facewash
<sandbox> I didn't because I'm lazy
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<Neal> any news on the starhopper?
<Neal> err sn6
<Mat2ch> waiting
<Mat2ch> still waiting
<Mat2ch> At least another hour or even two for the next try.
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