Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Delta IV Heavy launch 30/9 03:58 GMT/UTC
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<Althego> and it was moved again
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<darsie> define it
<Althego> the delta iv heavy launch is tomorrow
<Althego> every day :)
<darsie> ic
<darsie> What's the absolute magnitude of the Tesla?
<Althego> must be really faint, because nothing can detect it
<darsie> H= 25.289
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<kmath> <✔Space_Station> The Exp 63 crew was awakened to continue troubleshooting a small station leak that appeared to grow in size. Ground…
<Mat2ch> I wonder where that hole hides
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<Mat2ch> oh, SN8 made it onto the test stand
<Althego> the whole is in the russian segment
<Althego> *hole
<Althego> they mentioned it yesterday or so in a stream
<Althego> they dont exactly know where
<Althego> it is obviously a tiny leak
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<Althego> next road closure is oct 4 from 9 in the evening, which means 5th here in europe
<Althego> delta iv heavy is again launching tomorrow (as it does every day)
<Althego> but starlink 12 is back in business in a bit less than 22.5 hours
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<Althego> i dont get how two opposite engines could have damaged
<umaxtu> the two outboards?
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<packbart> that could have happened landing on the field
<umaxtu> thats what I was thinking, the wings flexed enough on impact to bring the outer engine props into contact with the ground
<packbart> "during an air-to-air refueling evolution" - a what
<umaxtu> standard phrasing from the military. idk why
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<FLHerne> The consequences of bad savefile editing can be quite funny
<FLHerne> (I've had invisible parts, spaghettification, huge explosion with a cloud of parts vanishing at km/s, ...)
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