Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about |
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<Deddly> Hey Fluburtur, I finally got it all recorded
<Deddly> Would be great if you could update the OP, if possible
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<JVFoxy> after a month of being away from my ksp... got a chance to mess with designs again. Ya.. umm.. little twin rotor heli, named it Pony cuz I couldn't think of anything else to call it
<JVFoxy> kind of looks a bit like a kerbal version of some flier from Halo
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<Mostly_Deddly> JVFoxy, nice :)
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<JVFoxy> airplane+ and one of the fly-by-wire autopilot things.
<Mostly_Deddly> Pics?
<JVFoxy> oh eh.. it'll take me a bit
<Althego> hah, starlink launch moved to thrusday. which means i can watch it easily, since i will be in home office
<JVFoxy> Mostly_Deddly
<Deddly> JVFoxy hey nice job! Do they rotate forward for level flight?
<JVFoxy> Deddly no.. static, but it still flies ok. I tried the osprey versions of the rotating ones, but they proved a bit of a hassle to work with. I can't limit how far forwards they go, just the vertical mode. Plus they have a mind of their own when it comes to which orientation they are based on where they are from CoM :\
<JVFoxy> I thought maybe I'd use the little turbine cat engines but they don't provide enough lift when sitting still.
<Deddly> Ah ok. Still a nice result. Helicopters aren't very easy
<JVFoxy> I'm alright with them.. KSP tends to be a bit sensitive when it comes to flight surfaces though. It be nice to have a way to manually set control surfaces or wings to a certain angle and leave it, but still be able to adjust them. Ya, I know, robotics
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<Mat2ch> Another Kraken drive!
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<Mat2ch> sadly easy to fix.
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<packbart> that's a proper Münchhausen Drive - pull yourself to orbit by your own docking hair
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<packbart> sandly the docking force can't be mapped to the throttle axis
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<Mat2ch> Can't? That's really sad.
<darsie> :)
<Mat2ch> But it works for groups, so you can control eight at a time
<Mat2ch> with the slider
<Mat2ch> that's something at least
<Mat2ch> it should be possible to write a simple script as well for that ;)
<Mostly_Deddly> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<Fluburtur> damn, you did it all
<Fluburtur> im not sure I remember my password
<Fluburtur> and I lost interest in ksp since at least a year tbh
<sandbox> anti-gravity brought you back?
<darsie> Can it go FTL?
<sandbox> what happens if you put one on both ends?
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<Mostly_Deddly> Fluburtur, Aaw. It would be great if you can change it, otherwise, I suppose you could give me permission to use my evil mod powers to edit your post, but it wouldn't feel quite the same :P
<Mat2ch> Woot
<Mat2ch> evil mod powers? Wanna have!
<Althego> with great power comes great responsibility :)
<Mat2ch> I'm totally irresponsible and you should give me power!
<Althego> every politician ever :)
<Althego> when is the hop?
<Mat2ch> No no, I'm better than them, I tell everyone that I'm irresponsible and don't keep up a facade!
<Mat2ch> Uh, I just visited the KSP2 website: Launching Fall 2021
<Mat2ch> well
<Mat2ch> that's almost Elon-time!
<Althego> hehe by this speed starship may go into orbit before ksp2 launch
<Mostly_Deddly> KSP2 is waiting for the tech to become reality before launch, for realism
<Althego> hehe
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<packbart> the nukular drive? that could be a long wait
<Althego> quick build the hydrogen metal engine
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<darsie> Will KSP2 have realistic ion engines and thrust during time warp? And solar sails?
<Althego> the public does nto know
<raptop> I'm going to guess not really, but they might try to approximate it
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<raptop> If they do, I'm also going to guess that they're not going to use a fancy integrator like egg would
<Althego> so what was in the nvidia event?
<Althego> it is too long to watch
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<darsie> Do fancy integrators integrate along curves?
<Althego> ok i watched it with skips
<Althego> too much marketing speak
<Althego> have to wait for actual independent tests
<Althego> not to mention amd is a few weeks behind
<raptop> darsie: yes (ish)?
<raptop> And of course, good symplectic integrators get you proper n-body gravity with tractable amounts of compute [dubious - discuss]
<darsie> Integration is probably bad at 100.000x time warp.
<darsie> 100,000*
<darsie> n-body would need a stable solar system.
<Althego> solar systems
<Althego> since there will be several
<raptop> heh, he has had to fend off bug reports that amount to "custum solar system is unstable, please fix your code with correctly shows this"
<Althego> hogylehet hogy erről nem hallottam?
<kmath> YouTube - Gustav Holst - Jupiter
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> ok, still not bad
<Althego> (why didnt i know this?)
<raptop> ...had you only heard Mars before?
<Althego> there are mor?
<Althego> have to
<raptop> Yeah, you'll want the whole planets symphony
<kmath> YouTube - Gustav Holst- The Planets, Full Suite
<packbart> just today I read a piece mentioning this classic recording:
<kmath> YouTube - Charles Dodge - Earth's Magnetic Field
<Althego> the great problem with music that it is not good to listen to on 2x speed
* raptop is of the opinion that the tracks that more or less correspond with KSP planets should play sometimes when you're in the relevant SOIs
<raptop> (unfortunately, saturn, uranus, and neptune get left out)
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<packbart> there's a mod for that ;) (at least I think so, reading the description.
<packbart> Soundtrack Editor can change playlists based on body and situation (and more)
<raptop> nice
<Althego> hehehe. "Where's Earth ?? It wasn't yet discovered when Holst composed this, I assume"
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<Althego> so in 2 days
<Althego> for a possible hop
<Althego> but then waht is the other date?
<Mat2ch> SN7.1 test maybe
<Althego> hmm, starship booster down to 28 engines from 31
<Althego> 8 in the center? in an octagon? why nothing in the center?
<packbart> less boosters? that can't be right ;)
<Mat2ch> Althego: why put something in the center if you don't have to?
<Althego> and all the stuff above it
<kmath> <✔elonmusk> @SpceEnthusiast @tjmurphy_mit @thesheetztweetz @ExploreMars @SpaceX @TheeSpaceDude Over time, outer 20 will have ~3…
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<raptop> have a fun paper:
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