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<kmath> YouTube - NASA’s Lucy Mission: 1 Spacecraft, 7 Trojan Asteroids, 12 years
<Althego> there is a starlink launch tomorrow
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<Fiddlekoof> any ksp players know how to make a gravity ring for a space station with no mods
<Althego> you could use the breaking ground dlc
<Althego> that has rotational parts
<Althego> or you can build your own bearings
<Althego> which is really hard
<Fiddlekoof> ok thanks for the advice
<hatrix> any recommendation as for an interstellar mod? I tried KSP Interstellar Extended but since I don't have a PhD in rocket science I couldn't understand how it works
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> ksp2, if you have the patience for it :)
<hatrix> noooo
<hatrix> I'll have to mine and use nuclear engines then
<hatrix> beyond home really is hard on hardest settings
<Fiddlekoof> try Interstellar Adventure Revived i use it
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<hatrix> The pack adds in a total of 5 new solar systems
<hatrix> w.t.f.
<hatrix> no update for many years though
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<Fiddlekoof> yeah it hasn`t been updated for a long time but its fun
<Fiddlekoof> i colonized 2 of those solar systems
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<hatrix> I was more talking about a mod that adds parts
<Fiddlekoof> oh something lik that
<Fiddlekoof> i can`t find anything sorry
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<Althego> two wrongs don't make a right, but two Wrigths make an airplane
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<packbart> hatrix: I looked at https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/122162-181-19x-deep-space-exploration-vessels-build-nasa-inspired-ships-in-ksp/ and the spacecraft part of https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/155465-110x-near-future-technologies-all-110-nfa-returns/
<packbart> I didn't install them because I don't have any far away destinations (yet). I use the solar panel mod but it's not really necessary in a stock universe
<hatrix> near future looks too complex
<packbart> it wasn't until the addition of antenna reflectors ;)
<hatrix> are the parts integrated in the carreer mode?
<packbart> the Stockalike Station Parts Expanded Reduxed provides me with a useful set of 3.75m station parts for extraplanetry stations
<packbart> as far as I know, they are. but sometimes not very balanced, IMO (the near future solar stuff drops most of the parts into a single late tech node with only a few parts available earlier)
<hatrix> ok so near future propulsion/solar/construction and stockalike station parts, seems enough I guess
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* raptop finally gets around to downloading 1.10.1 + relevant DLC
<kmath> <✔KerbalSpaceP> Mission control to Kerbonauts! Remember this Wednesday 16th, KSP EE Complete launches for Xbox and PlayStation. We… https://t.co/0fS1nf8V7P
<Althego_> so maybe after this we can get an 1.10.2 :)
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<raptop> hah
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<Althego_> 3080 is 25-70% better than 2080ti for something like half the price
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<Mat2ch> Althego: well, I'm waiting for what AMD has to offer.
<Mat2ch> From what nvidia is doing it has to be good.
<Althego> yes, there is a reason it is so good. they are afraid of amd
<Althego> and probably they know more about it than we do
<Althego> but my intention is to buy the next desktop next year on 5nm
<packbart> I'll expect the 2080 S to last me a few years. I'm not going to look at new toys now :)
<Althego> i am still on 1070
<Althego> that was like the bottom of the barrel in the comparative test of hardware unboxed
<Mat2ch> LapPadre says in their newsbox that SN7.1 did two more tests last night
<Althego> amazing
<Althego> grace
<Althego> there is some small activity
<Althego> hehe gamers nexus with the schlieren imaging of the airflow around the cards. that is next level dedication to testing
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<umaxtu> all hail Tech Jesus!
<Althego> hehe
<umaxtu> I really like the founders edition cooler this time 'round
<Althego> yes, it is different than the usual designs
<Althego> and looks cool too
<umaxtu> and EVGA is selling a 12pin cable so I can't trash the adapter where it belongs
<Althego> hehe
<umaxtu> caveat is that they want $40 and its out of stock
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<Michionlion> Quick technical question: any reason ApplicationLauncher's OnSceneLoadedGUIReady reports ShouldBeVisible() as false in the VAB?
<packbart> I don't know. There's also #kspmodders, though I haven't joined it (needs a registered nick)
<Michionlion> I'll post there too then, thanks :)
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<kmath> YouTube - Can you really see the Martian Volcanoes through a telescope?
<raptop> Yes, you can*
<raptop> *Olympus Mons was known as Nix Olympica (snows of Olympus) before it was observed by a spacecraft
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<Althego> getting those sharp images from the surface of earth was quite an effort, as it was explained in the video. also the rotating mars looked great
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<Neal> oh no I have to use regex
<Neal> F
<Althego> lol
<raptop> Neal: s/oh no I have/yay I get/
<Neal> regex is cursed
* raptop has solved problems with regexes. granted, the problems were often the formatting of data files...
<Althego> do not parse html with regex :)
<raptop> Or I'll cause 2020?
<Althego> hehe
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<kremlin> hey, is there a way to/addon that gives you a HUD panel with your experiments and lets you run them from there?
<kremlin> instead of like. having to open a payload door and manually click the thing and run it there
<Althego> not really but there is x for science
<flayer> i use action groups for my experiments
<kremlin> Althego: x for science?
<Althego> i think it can collect all science available in a simple way
<Althego> but i have never used it
<Althego> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/182683-ksp-190-x-science-continued-ksp-science-report-and-checklist-v523/
<Althego> In flight status window - click buttons to run experiments.
<kremlin> shoot -- this isn't in CKAN
<kremlin> but thanks !
<Althego> 1.9 but probably works with 1.10
<kremlin> lets try
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<JVFoxy> ... regards to geo stationary orbits.. is it consider too cheaty if I get really close, then use the cheat menu to finalize the orbit so I don't have to keep station keeping things?
<raptop> I'd call that a completely reasonable workaround for the lack of stationkeeping
<JVFoxy> did a test, wasn't exactly spot on, maybe a 10 and 100 meters off. fast forwards to 46 days, did sort of drive closer to the center over time
<JVFoxy> lol.. drive.. I meant drift
<JVFoxy> doing a career that doesn't give extra ground stations. It be nice to have a couple of relay sats up there close to either horizon for those mun missions.
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