Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about |
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<Althego> what, did astra finally launch?
<Althego> didnt achieve orbit
<kmath> <✔Astra> Rocket is vertical and propellant is loading! https://t.co/VxBN91clza
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<Althego> paypal is blocking all transactions related to tardigrades
<darsie> Because they are live animals?
<darsie> To protect them? Or to avoid introducing them in other eco systems?
<darsie> Althego:
<Althego> neither
<Althego> some weapons dealer had a company with tardigrade in the name
<darsie> Sell them as water bears.
<darsie> Use bitcoins.
<darsie> Or monero.
<darsie> Or money.
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<hi> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, hi
<hi> is this a live chat?
<darsie> No, this chat is only sleeping.
<hi> oh man
<hi> crazy
<hi> lmao
<darsie> How did you guess my gender?
<hi> uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<hi> no comment.
<darsie> .
<hi> .
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<darsie> bye
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<sandbox> someone called hi was trolling elsewhere, could be the same one
<Mat2ch> well, darsie handled that well :)
<darsie> :)
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> countertrolling division
<kmath> YouTube - Kerbin encapsulated in a Megastructure - KSP
<Althego> hehe adam savage sorts screws with his mom
<Mat2ch> Look, space is hard enough. It doesn't have to get even harder by having to hit that opening as well! ;)
<darsie> Encapsulating Earth would give us a nice space port, though.
<darsie> If we put all atmosphere inside.
<Althego> or you could put some of it outside :)
<darsie> I see no point doing that.
<packbart> the point would be to have a balcony with some atmosphere held in place by force fields'n stuff
<Althego> i meant atmoshphere around the whole sphere
<Althego> you could just walk there
<packbart> encapsulating earth would mean the end of poems about stars and the galaxy
<packbart> (maybe that wouldn't be too bad)
<darsie> Transparent encapsulation.
<Althego> we could project an image of the outside to create visible stars :)
<Althego> planet size display :)
<packbart> "Are those black holes or just dead pixels?" :)
<darsie> I thought of doing that on Mars, to create a higher pressure atmosphere.
<Althego> the issue on mars is where to get the atmosphere
<darsie> It's there. We'd just compress it.
<Althego> ah
<Althego> intersting
<darsie> With a balloon.
<darsie> Could be a bunch of huge domes, too, I guess.
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<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX Boca Chica - Starship Test Tank SN7.1 readied for Burst Test
<Mat2ch> they're getting ready for Monday!
<Althego> that is obvious
<Althego> since there is a road closure on monday https://www.cameroncounty.us/spacex/
<Althego> but what can be the other one on 17th?
<Althego> 4rd hop?
<Althego> 3r
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<kmath> <✔elonmusk> SN8 Starship with flaps & nosecone should be done in about a week. Then static fire, checkouts, static fire, fly to 60,000 ft & back.
<Mat2ch> I think he means it...
<raptop> Elon time, but the profile sure
<Althego> sn8 has been under construction for a while. so it is probably ready by the time he specified. the static fire and stuff is what always has problems
<raptop> I mean, if it takes 2 weeks, he's very wrong but it's not that far in the future
<Althego> hehe technology connections. (about capacitive touchscreen) ordinary gloves prevent your fingers from furiously fighting fictional fantasy foes
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<packbart> the folding rover's joints need some chiropractic. https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/kspr1.jpg
<packbart> it was just sitting there with its joints locked, waiting for the crew to arrive
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<flayer> nice