raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
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<Mat2ch> SpaceX has been busy. SN5 is back at the production site and SN6 is on the launch/test mount
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<Mat2ch> Martin is early today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UENil4T8mXM
<kmath> YouTube - Cyber Bass with Rubber Wheels! - Marble Machine X #137
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<packbart> everyone wants to scale their solar systems up. nobody dares to scale it down
<packbart> I wonder if that would be an interesting test setup. Visit planets at the edges of digital perception! Plant a flag on Float.Epsilon (nobody will ever know)
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<nomalraptop> There was that mod that scaled the stock system down by a factor of 10, and gave everything this cute toylike feel
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<darsie> I once tried to put a rocket on a large as possible orbit. KSP misbehaved.
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<darsie> Had to be crewed, cause it was too far for antennas.
<darsie> Jeb sneaked in. That sealed his fate.
<nomalraptop> jeb's gunna jeb
* nomalraptop assumes that The Kraken was pleased
<darsie> idk. It was far beyond the Kraken.
<darsie> IIRC it was at the edge of the Sun's SOI.
<darsie> Suns*
<darsie> Sun's?
<darsie> Hmm, not sure. Going just to the edge takes too long. But going there faster and then stopping is faster.
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<Guest09267> I built a ship and saved it, but then reloaded a game from a save point from before I built the ship, so I'm not surprised that it's not showing up in the list of ships in the VAB. However, I can see the .craft and .loadmeta files in the ...\saves\<savename>\ships\VAB directory. Is there a way for me to make it available in my current game?
<UmbralRaptop> I'd assume that it would still show up -- does it contain parts that haven't been unlocked yet in the old save?
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<Guest09267> No, in fact the reason I want to bring it forward is that after I reloaded from a previous date, I garnered a bunch of science and have unlocked a lot of nodes.
<darsie> Saved ships should show up.
<darsie> Even with unlocked or missing parts.
<darsie> Maybe you didn't save it.
<Guest09267> Well, I see the .craft and .loadmeta files, so I'm sure I did save it. Let me try relaunching KSP and see if I missed it...
<Guest09267> welp, my mistake ... or the Great Kraken of the Galaxy took pity on me. It's there ... sorry to have wasted the bandwidth, folks. Much obliged for your interest and attention, though!
<darsie> yw :)
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<nomalraptop> oh well, glad it worked out!
<Mat2ch> nomalraptop: what's so normal today?
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<JVFoxy> ... don't suppose any of you computer hardware geeks by chance?
<Alanonzander> I hsave some knowlage... I work for an ISP
<Alanonzander> *have
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<JVFoxy> just wondering how the addressing is done on a memory chip..
<JVFoxy> Store was getting rid of some old chips, snagged a few memory ones to see about learning how digital stuff works. Not that I don't already, just be neat to try and build something that works
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<JVFoxy> Alanonzander ok sorry, maybe its a little deeper than you might be familiar with..
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<Alanonzander> Sorry, it is beyond my skills. did some lookups, didn't help much\
<JVFoxy> s'ok..
<JVFoxy> I was looking over some block diagrams on a memory chip, and got wondering how some addressing worked with the way it was laid out.
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