raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.0 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | C/2020 F3 NEOWISE bright in northern predawn sky
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<transitbiker1> erm
<transitbiker1> weird connection delay
<transitbiker1> bwoop
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<transitbiker> so i just discovered that my macbook (this computer) hs been running flding at home for weeks tucked in between my mac pro and powermac g4...
<transitbiker> cu was at 85c
<transitbiker> cpu*
<transitbiker> er 185F
<transitbiker> wow
<transitbiker> hah yeah its 185F/85C thats funny
<transitbiker> in any case.. yeah, it was very hot where the cpu sits in th case
<transitbiker> down to about 142F/64C
<transitbiker> anyone awake in here?
<umaxtu> sorta
<transitbiker> in unix, if a thread count is 5/2 what does that mean?
<umaxtu> for a single process?
<transitbiker> yes
<umaxtu> threads/cores maybe?
<transitbiker> so 5 threads per core?
<transitbiker> hmm
<umaxtu> what utility are you using?
<transitbiker> just /top
<transitbiker> cpu is a core 2 duo 2.1 ghz
<umaxtu> so 5 threads 2 cores. thats my bet
<transitbiker> load is around 200%, so i'm guessing tat means both cores are being utilized at or near 100%?
<umaxtu> yeah
<transitbiker> hm.. neat.. thanks for that info
<umaxtu> its just a guess on my part
<umaxtu> also, 85c isn't unheard of with today's macs
<transitbiker> its a mid 2008? the mac pro it was sitting against is averaging 45c, wth the zens inside having a max thermal spec at 53.. it is also running at 200% per cpu - basically the macbook was not getting cool air
<transitbiker> zeons*
<umaxtu> macs are basically designed to thermal throttle these days
<transitbiker> the move to ARM is a smart one, i feel?. intel is lagging behind and people expect higher end amd chips in more exensive stuff such as what aple's price points are
<umaxtu> I just hope everyone else doesn't follow suit. I like having Linux on my laptop
<transitbiker> personally, i have always preferred amd & motorola chips
<umaxtu> motorola? thats a hell of a throwback
<transitbiker> the G3 is still manufactured for aerospace applications
<umaxtu> like I should be talking, I've got a 6502 on a breadboard to my right
<transitbiker> heh
<transitbiker> what were those last used in?
<transitbiker> i want t say LC
<transitbiker> oh ok the 02 bit threw me
<umaxtu> yeah, that model is still being made actually
<transitbiker> the 6502 or the 68020?
<umaxtu> the 65c02
<transitbiker> ah
<transitbiker> i think both may be? o.o
<transitbiker> 1.75 watts? thats pretty decent
<transitbiker> rochester makes them...
<transitbiker> bbl
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<kmath> YouTube - Let's watch SpaceX static fire Starship SN-5!
<Althego> another spaceship static
<Althego> (no fire :))
<umaxtu> yesterday's attempt or today's?
<Althego> i was joking because nothing happened yesterday
<Althego> so we are just watching a static steel cylinder
<flayer> epic stuff
<umaxtu> there was an RCS test
<umaxtu> very briefly
<flayer> i wish i had someone to massage my feet
<Althego> i cant believe it. the hardware unboxed autogenerated captions correctly say welcome back to hardware unboxed.
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<umaxtu> I remember when those we first introduced and they thought Obama said "mafia tax credits" 🤣️
<Althego> lol
<Althego> haha live in 2 hours
<Althego> we cant even watch the static cylinder
<Mat2ch> there are several webcams, so technically you could :D
<Althego> yes spadre
<Althego> that was really useful for the explosion, several vew angles
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<Mat2ch> It's so sad that so few people will get to see space
<kmath> YouTube - Virgin Galactic Spaceship Cabin Design Reveal
<Mat2ch> you have to skip the first 10 minutes.
<Mat2ch> But it would be so great if we just could go to space with an airliner...
<Althego> hah just finished
<packbart> in an electric plane. thing of the environment! :)
<packbart> think, d'Oh
<flayer> one thing i still can't do well is determine where i land when i return from the mun
<Althego> wild thing
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<Althego> hehe still no stream
<Althego> it moves further
<Althego> like achilleus and the tortoise
<raptop> Achilles refuses to join the race because of a loot disagreement with Agammemnon
<Mat2ch> flayer: that is in fact really hard to predict.
<Mat2ch> One degree off and you're missing by half of the planet
<Althego> the issue is, the game does not help you
<Althego> you could do some modulo like something. see where you trajectory intersects the surface, then take the remaining time until there, and based on the rotation of the planet you could find the offset from that
<Althego> i never tried this
<Althego> for precision landing i circularize first
<Althego> but nasa can do a direct landing and this annoys me, becaause i cant even do it in the game
<Mat2ch> and the entry angle into the atmosphere changes everything, too
<Mat2ch> Althego: well you can calculate it backwards
<Mat2ch> and that's what they're doing
<Mat2ch> They start with: I wanna be back on this date and then go back in time until they reach the first manouver
<Mat2ch> In KSP this is mostly impossible
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<Althego> ah when, not where
<Althego> when is secondary for me. do it the fastest possible, on non hohmann if possible
<Althego> just dont conflict with another reentry
<Althego> which happens foten. like i sent a minmus mission days ago, and of course a regular mun mission coming back happens to be at the same time
<Mat2ch> Althego: well, if you can calculate it for one date it should be possible to do that for other dates, too ;)
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<sandbox> new version
<packbart> ooh, indeed
<packbart> Steam scheduled the download for the weekend. rrright
<packbart> 1.1MB - that's a very small patch
<packbart> weird, another Steam client downloads 10MB
<raptop> chanlogs
<packbart> no Modbot
<packbart> 14:57 <+Mod9000> I keep channel logs here: bitcoinshell.mooo.com/users/deddly/?C=M;O=D
<raptop> site is down apparently
raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
<Althego> ah 1.10.1
<Althego> when did that happen?
<raptop> today(ish)
<packbart> the Steam update was posted "11 minutes ago"
<raptop> forum patch notes are from 8 hours ago apparently
<Althego> i got it. i have to put the docking port to the nose of the mun rover. then use a robot arm to lover one to the correct height
<Althego> then i dont need to fit it to the top
<Althego> also i dont need to make the rover jump to rech the port
<Althego> this was because of old ways of thinking without arm
<Althego> or robotics
<Althego> i thougth i would just move under the ship and jump up with the rover connecting to the docking port
<Althego> or i can make the whole ship flat, lands flat, but main engine is on one edge. almost like a spaceplane with a rocer attached
<Althego> hmm
<Althego> that sounds too cool to not do it
<packbart> my Minmus NinjaBase had a robotically stowed rover. https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/kspmb.jpg
<Althego> cute rover
<Althego> but i cant design rovers at all
<packbart> the hinges and cylinders didn't keep their positions during transit, though
<Althego> and it has to carry a big robot arm for scanning
<packbart> well, the small thing does have a big arm, too. attached with an cubic strut
<Althego> ah so the whike base is big
<Althego> i should have known based on the the legs and engines
<Althego> i want to hop around the polar regions
<Althego> and need to contract scan two somethings there
<packbart> yeah, I didn't took any good pictures of it, though. https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/kspnb.jpg
<packbart> using BonVoyage may be cheaty but it gets a lot more rover science done when I don't have to do all the driving
<Althego> ladies and gentlemen, i present you the mold shielded bio wall ship
<packbart> there was some talk on another channel about the substrate and whether the Mars colonists would need to venture outside and spray it with a nutrient solution
<Althego> aha copenhagen suborbitals video
<Althego> oh no a pbs space time live... but i have to sleep. and i hardly progressed anything with the rover and polar lander setup
<packbart> every time I open the SN5 static fire link, the time increased. now "live in 90 minutes"
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<Althego> that is what i said with the tortoise
<Althego> cant catch up with it
<Althego> there is a lone baobab tree west from the space center. towards the mountains not far from the trees
<Althego> 10 science
<Althego> lol i cant scan it, because wheels are moving on their own even with brakes on, but the car is moving backwards, opposite direction of the wheels
<Althego> so just as yesterday i do not scan the tree today
<Althego> at least i simplified the rover
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<Althego> this is problematic, because i want to use this on the mun
<Althego> so if i cant scan here then probably cant scan there
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<kmath> YouTube - Kerbal Wireframe Program
<packbart> creative use of flags
<packbart> ( https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/195104-the-esa-exploit-challenge/ )
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<kubi> so, is it good enough or wait for .2?
<JVFoxy> well.. considering I play it regardless..
<JVFoxy> you might be waiting a while for .2 to come out
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