raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.0 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | C/2020 F3 NEOWISE bright in northern predawn sky
<raptop_> < sasamj> https://i.imgur.com/S1EtPDi.jpg hah
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<raptop_> thanks
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<JVFoxy> Just thought of a challenge for myself: Try to launch 1000t to orbit...
<JVFoxy> then I realized: wait.. whats heavy enough that I don't end up with 50 parts to make 1000t, um...
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<JVFoxy> well ok.. 20 parts I guess will have to do.
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<nerva> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, nerva
<nerva> first time here
<nerva> late so i mighte be here tommorow
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<JVFoxy> lol.. well this is proving a bit... of a mess
<JVFoxy> certainly is loud... @_@
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<JVFoxy> lol.. ok n/m, this is pointless. 1000t, I can loft to 75km, but getting an orbit is another matter. Even with a Rhino and fuel, I'm getting what.. 0.19 TWR.. oof
<JVFoxy> I odn't normally built big, just figured it would make for a curious exersize
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<Althego> 1000t is not big in ksp terms
<Althego> in fact i always wanted at least bigger tanks and bigger solids
<Althego> and now i got them
<JVFoxy> I guess if you used to going that size all the time.
<JVFoxy> I just threw out a weight and went with it
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<JVFoxy> ooof... 575t welll hopefully soon to be boat.. floating platform thing
<JVFoxy> if the terrain doens't keep mashing all my wheels off
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<JVFoxy> ok nope.. just hit a bump and ripped whole side off
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<JVFoxy> well.. finally got it into the water.. totally forgot I could just 'hack gravity'..
<JVFoxy> 2/3 throttle on 4 wheezly engines, cruising around 34m/s and slowly climbing
<JVFoxy> lol.. enough jet fuel to full throttle for 29 hours
<JVFoxy> weeee.. 500+tons cruising the waters at 44m/s
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> but ships are inefficient in ksp, they burn as much fuel as planes in the same time, but move lot slower
<JVFoxy> considering I've got holding tanks for 89060 points of fuel, I'm only down to 78500 and I've been at full throttle for 3h 40minutes so far
<JVFoxy> at least with ships, isn't so much a weight problem.. well, other than getting those fat tubs down to the water
<Althego> finally
* JVFoxy looks at MET on his cruise, 4h 20minutes. Face palms
<JVFoxy> mind you, 4x physics warp.. seems to be holding up ok
<JVFoxy> oh look. land.. no wait, geez thats a tall mountain.
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<JVFoxy> anyone going to still be awake in an hour or so that I can send a post card from the ice Shelf?
<Althego> sure
<Althego> most people in europe :)
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<JVFoxy> I'll keep that in mind
<JVFoxy> ... ok stopping this thing is going to be interesting...
<JVFoxy> burned a little over 100t jet fuel
<Althego> are you doing fluburtur's quest of full oceanic circumnavigation of kerbin?
<JVFoxy> no.. just iceshelf from KSP
<JVFoxy> the north one.. far as I know, you can't really circumnaviate the planet
<Althego> btw it matters if it is south or north because different biome
<Althego> and the north is quite close from the woomerang launch site, if you have that
<JVFoxy> is just a test.. originally wanted to see hwat it would take to barge a heli over for a future polar station
<JVFoxy> geezes...
<JVFoxy> stupid sudden bouncy splashy as I get close
<JVFoxy> ok finally
<JVFoxy> after fast forwarding so there was at least some daylight
<JVFoxy> bouncy bit, guess there's some hit box to the shelf I got stuck on
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<kmath> YouTube - Spacewalk Outside the International Space Station
<Althego> the bot is back
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<Althego> "Coffee + spacewalk = breakfast of champions."
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<packbart> Evewalk
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<Althego> purple
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<Guest24352> how can i download ksp demo version
<Mod9000> There's a really old demo still kicking around for Windows/Mac https://www.moddb.com/games/kerbal-space-program/downloads
<Guest24352> new demo for the windows10
<packbart> I don't think there is one
<Guest24352> oh ok
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<Deddly> Guest24352, perhaps a better option would be to buy it on Steam and try it, then request a refund if you don't like it
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<sandbox> European space probe sees 'camp fires' on the Sun
<sandbox> who is camping on the sun? ;p
<Althego> north koreans, obviously
* raptop assumes EUV or something
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<Althego> intel's last ditch effort to make 10 nm working?
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<raptop> ...apparently there's a 7:20:00 game in SGDQ 2020 (Final Fantasy VII Remake)
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<Althego> heh crashed
<Althego> i just wamted to go back into orbit
<Althego> from the mun
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<JVFoxy> ok this boat platform.. base thing is nice and all. But ugh, getting it over to the water is such a pain
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<packbart> use "set position"? I never used it for boats, though. it does have a "don't place under water" option
<JVFoxy> eh.. I know of 'set orbit' when did the position thing come into play?
<packbart> in 1.9, I think? it's right below "set orbit"
* JVFoxy checks something
<packbart> "Add new Cheat option in the Debug Menu - Set Position to teleport a vessel to a position relative to the surface of a celestial body." https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/1.9
<packbart> or use mods ;) https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/190893-19x-ksc-harbor-from-jnsq-v12-mar-25-2020/
<JVFoxy> new of mods.. seen a few 'docks' ones.
<JVFoxy> but ya.. still mucking about in 1.8.. doh
<JVFoxy> I have 1.9 but yet to 'unpack' it
* UmbralRaptop eyes 1.10
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