raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.0 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | C/2020 F3 NEOWISE bright in northern predawn sky
<Guest59803> My hard drive crashed a few days ago, and when I downloaded KSP to a new computer my Career game was still available - I guess it was saved on Steam? Anyhow, I re-installed Kerbal Engineer, and was playing around with new games in Sandbox mode, while I waited to see if my hard drive could be recovered. While in Sandbox mode I see the HUD's from Ker
<Guest59803> bal Engineer, but in my Career game none of the KER windows will appear. I have the KER icon on the right side of the screen, but it's black and there's no response to clicking it, as in my Sandbox games. Any suggestions?
<Guest59803> I've deleted KER folder from Game Data and replaced it, but no change.
<Guest59803> I just noticed that KER is available in the Tracking Station, but not in flight, or the SPH/VAB.
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<Guest29241> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here: bitcoinshell.mooo.com/users/deddly/?C=M;O=D
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<JVFoxy> ... something about someone's metal spheres...
<JVFoxy> is it me or does saying the 'B' word starting to feel a bit.. wrong?
<raptop> booster?
<Althego> boost::? :)
<JVFoxy> other word for spheres
<JVFoxy> in relation to Scott's video
<Althego> i think balls are an ok word
<raptop> yeah, that's an okay word. Especially for spheres covered in pentagons and hexagons, or with "spalding" written on the side
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<JVFoxy> ok... guess just my stupid paranoia..
<JVFoxy> other than that, anyone else been sky watching lately?
<packbart> nah, it's been too cloudy all nights
<JVFoxy> ya most nights here too.. got to see jupiter, Saturn, Mars last night. Sometime during sun-up, clouded right over
<JVFoxy> I guess I haven't really given sky watching much consideration given how things been at home. Its only since I've spent some time at a friend's...
<raptop> unfortunately, current apt is really bad for any sort of viewing and my current transit options are limited, so no taking a telescope to a park
<JVFoxy> I took my field scope and tripod to a friend's place. Has an apartment with a balcony that faces south.
<JVFoxy> I was looking at a telescope at a thrift store, but didn't get it, was missing the eye piece sadly
<raptop> Unless they're doing a weird bespoke thing, that's not a problem?
<raptop> like, as long as the focuser is there, you can just drop in an eyepiece
<raptop> (hopefully 1.25")
<Althego> yes you could have probably just bought one
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<raptop> Incidentally, I'm reminded of when I probably could have easily gotten a 4.5" on a nice GEM, but skipped because the focuser only supported 0.965" eyepieces
<JVFoxy> wasn't sure what size/focal it would been, or where I could have gotten something.
<JVFoxy> telescope was a reflector type, though felt pretty light even with the built on tripode
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<JVFoxy> not sure if this was the exact model, but looked pretty similar, https://static.bhphoto.com/images/images2500x2500/1499359010_994421.jpg
<raptop> Probably something like a 4-5" newtonian?
<raptop> Also, wow, that mount looks like the worst of all worlds
<raptop> lacks the stability of a dobsonian, and the aiming prows of a GEM
<raptop> *pros
<flayer> sigh
<flayer> ik voel me misselijk
<JVFoxy> Raptop not exact tripod but was similar... just felt too light and cheap
<JVFoxy> I'm sure it holds but eh... just this idea that there'd be other problems with the scope itself that wouldn't make it worth things
<raptop> something like https://photos.app.goo.gl/3CubwNqyTqfm8EGc6 with a counterweight sticking off the side?
<JVFoxy> no countrweights at all. Just pan/tilt, handle/twist lock like in pic. Hinge part was a bit different, closer to the body
<raptop> urg, flimsy alt-az of some sort?
<JVFoxy> ya
<JVFoxy> if I had the money, I would get a equatorial mount with compensating motor drives. then I could start looking at doing time lapse and filtered pics. Post processing..
<JVFoxy> till then, its just my Bushnell Sentry and maybe some day find a digital camera mount
<JVFoxy> in any case.. need to do some stuff, clean up..
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