raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.0 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
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<darsie> oops, 1.10 crashed.
<raptop> oh no
<darsie> I have 3 mods that are not certified for 1.10, though.
<darsie> KER, EEX, dated quicksaves.
<darsie> It just suddenly quit and disappeared.
* raptop is sad that I never figured out how to effectively use kRPC
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<darsie> It was the extended burn indicator in the settingns.
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* darsie landed his shiny new Minmus lab: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot3.png
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<kubi> post pictures guys, it is boring here
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<Mat2ch> hm, the pcgamer interview looks nice, but will we really see KSP2 in 2021?
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* darsie fully upgraded all buildings and completed the tech tree yet another time: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot6.png http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot7.png
<darsie> With my "first" (in this game) Minmus lab.
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<darsie> I mounted some reaction wheels on the bottom of a fuel tank next to the engine and they had high drag, even though the tank should have shielded them from wind. So I guess the wind goes through the tank.
<Guest77346> Guys
<darsie> girls
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<German> hello
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<Mod9000> Hello, German
<Judge_Dedd> Hey there
<German> Hello
<German> Guys
<Mod9000> Hello, German
<German> is there a good space x mod pack
<Judge_Dedd> Oh, definitely
<German> Can i have a link to it
<German> cause i wanna get it
<Judge_Dedd> But I'm not using mods at the moment, so I'll see if one of the others here knows the best one to link to
<German> And another question
<Judge_Dedd> OK sure
<German> if i get a grapich inchant meant on mac
<German> 2014 mac
<German> do u think it will cradh
<German> crash it
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<darsie> Did you spell correctly?
<German> No
<German> Graphic
<German> Inchantment
<Judge_Dedd> Well, some computers from 2014 were really powerful. It really depends how much RAM you have
<Judge_Dedd> Graphics enhancement
<German> how do u check for ram
<darsie> Enchantment is magic.
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<Judge_Dedd> On a Mac.. hmm. I don't have one, sorry. But I bet you could find that pretty easily on google by searching for "how do I see how much ram I have on a mac"
<German> ok
<darsie> There's this "About this Mac" thing.
<darsie> I don't have a mac, either.
<Judge_Dedd> German, but really, why not just download the mod you want and see if it works?
<German> ok
<darsie> Stock KSP 1.10 works fine on an i7 3770, 16 GB, GTX 750 Ti PC here.
<German> I have an i5
<darsie> Better than on my previous core2 quad 3 GHz, 8 GB, quadro FX 1800.
<German> yes
<German> my is 2 cores
<German> i5
<German> 5000
<German> gpu is 5000
<German> intel gpu 5000
<Judge_Dedd> OK, so I think you will have trouble running graphics enhancement mods, but you can try and see how it goes.
<Judge_Dedd> If it works, it will probably look great but run slowly. But you can try :)
<German> i am tring to installprobe plus
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<Judge_Dedd> Bye
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<darsie> .
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<Althego> i was putting off throwing out of the useless stuff from the shelf behind my back for years, finally i did it
<Althego> still didnt start ksp 1.10 though
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<darsie> My Minmus lab is on landing legs. When it comes out of time warp it jumps a bit and if I do the time warp again while it's jumping it dives into Minmus a bit and explodes.
<packbart> time-pumping also overheats mining rigs, sometimes
<packbart> MechJeb's Autoland does that, skipping ahead in tiny increments :/
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<FLHerne> Timewarp can cause some really weird nonsense :-/
<FLHerne> Quicksave, too
<FLHerne> I had a couple of quicksaves where I saved while flying level at 2000ft, and on load the plane would dive directly into the ground from ~100ft and explode
<FLHerne> Of course, there was that series of releases where legs and wheels would just become unstable and explode for no reason at all
<FLHerne> 1.2.x?
<Althego> hehe video uploaded 9 seconds ago. i was never this early
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<darsie> Hmm, shipping fuel from Gilly to LEO might be easier than pushing an asteroid to LEO.
<Althego> hehe leo in this case is low eve orbit
<darsie> :)
<darsie> Who here did a precision landing on Eve, to rendezvous with some other craft or an egg.
<darsie> I guess it's easy with a plane. If it deorbits.
<Althego> i didnt do really high precision, but the lander had a plane to compensate for it :)
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<flayer> i've never made a non-orbital plane with a rocket engine + oxidizer
<FLHerne> I built a few to get those high-altitude measurements at low tech levels
<FLHerne> Later I figured out how to do that with just Wheesley/Juno jets, so eh
<raptop> You can in principle do a lot of early career measurements with 1-2 SRBs (RT-5 or RT-10), but getting the trajectory right is, uh, non-trivial
<raptop> (Or it probably would be trivial if I properly modeled the atmosphere)
<darsie> The early career measurements were fun when I was new to KSP. Nowadays I skip them.
<darsie> And get bored.
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<Guest10384> Does it take long until a mod accepts my post?
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<darsie> More than 34 s.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> still, there is room for improvement, somebody has to beat the 2 s quit time
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<packbart> my first attempt at launching a 400+ SSTO from Steam Workshop didn't work so well.. https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/kspssc.jpg
<packbart> ah, I didn't read the instructions. the Vector must be lit on the runway
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<Guest35465> I'm slowly learning to move the kerbals around on the ground, and I think I've got it all, but it seems like no matter what mode I'm in, the Q and E keys don't work to get them to turn left or right. I tried binding keypad 7 and 9 to the same motion and that doesn't work either. Is there a bug, or am I missing something?
<FLHerne> They follow the mouse view direction
* FLHerne tries whether Q/E do anything here
<darsie> Unless you disable that.
<Guest35465> I can get the same effect of turning by moving the camera with the arrow keys and/or holding down a forward/back and left/right key at the same time, but it seems like Q and E should work as well.
<Guest35465> I don't think I disabled anything.
<darsie> It works in space.
<Guest35465> but not on the ground???
<darsie> dunno
<FLHerne> Not just you
<Guest35465> ok, nice to know it's not something personal. :-)
<FLHerne> On the ground, WASD seem to always be relative to the camera, rather than the direction they're facing
<darsie> Hmm, what happens if you take off the helmet and then cheat a Kerbal into space?
<FLHerne> They die, probably
<FLHerne> You can do that with an external seat and no cheating
<FLHerne> In which case they die, definitely
<darsie> Yeah, I remember that.
<Guest35465> how does one cheat a kerbal into space??? I'm a newbie (as if you couldn't tell)
<darsie> right shift F12
<darsie> Or whatever you use instead of right shift.
<Guest35465> I'm on Win10; all I see when I use right-shift+F12 is a message about the aerodynamic overlay enabled/disabled. Kerbal's still firmly grounded.
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<darsie> Try other qualifier keys, then.
<FLHerne> Wiki says that's ⎇ Alt on Windows
<raptop> yeah, it's alt+F12 in windows
<FLHerne> Weird, I disabled "EVAs auto-rotate to camera"
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<FLHerne> And they *still* auto-rotate to follow the camera, ignoring Q/E, when walking about :p
<FLHerne> _/T\_
<Guest35465> Huh... Alt-F12 just toggles a console window with events listed.
<darsie> Now go to cheats/set orbit
<Guest35465> Ah! Okay, I think I'm getting it now...
<Guest35465> Hah! Jeb's in orbit! That's funny. And I'm easily amused.
<Guest35465> Ok, so now I can experiment some more. And probably have to accept that Q/E don't work on the ground. Thanks!
<darsie> Guest35465: You need to launch a rescue mission for Jeb now :). Or learn to https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Jetpack_deorbit
<darsie> Cause unfortunately you can't cheat someone/thing to ground.
<Guest35465> Aw crud ... you can cheat him back from orbit???
<Guest35465> *can't
<darsie> I don't think so
<Guest35465> oops ... typed without looking at the screen. Huh. This ought to be fun...
<darsie> .
<FLHerne> Jeb does have a parachute in the current version, at least?
<FLHerne> So all you have to do is not burn up :p
<FLHerne> Which beats the old "land on his head and hope for the best" approach
<Guest35465> Okay, so I'm trying to set a maneuver node and I'm getting the "Cannot add maneuver node (control locked)" message. What did I mess up this time?
<darsie> You don't have a computer.
<Guest35465> Ah! so just gotta eyeball it ... seat of the pants flying. Thanks (again)!
<darsie> Or no antenna.
<Guest35465> Well, it IS just a space suit so I guess no to both...
<Guest35465> :-)
<darsie> Guest35465: Did you make it?
<Guest35465> I may chicken out ... I've got Jeb up there on a side game, not my main/career mode, so it's no big deal if I just terminate all the way, but I should probably go thru with it and see what happens.
<darsie> I was jk before. You probably can save a previous state.
<Guest35465> I didn't burn nearly as much propellant as the instructions said, but the Periapsis is gone so I know he's gonna come down...
<darsie> Fool :)
<darsie> You gonna burn.
<Guest35465> Ha! Yep ....
<darsie> gn
<Guest35465> Now THAT was the cutest little explosion I've ever seen! LOL
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<FLHerne> There's definitely a bug where "maneuver node locked" appears intermittently even with full control
<FLHerne> But only when removing nodes, I think?
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