raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.0 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | C/2020 F3 NEOWISE bright in northern predawn sky
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<X> Are there any updates on a second?
<raptop> There will be no leap second in decemeber
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<X> I thought we moved to doing leap seconds in October and April now?
<raptop> june 30 and december 31 are the possible dates
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<Althego> what
<Althego> i would have liked the urine level report better
<raptop> blarg
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<JVFoxy> oooh, just saw the ISS buzzing over head just a few moments ago
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<packbart> Heavens Above says I should get 4 ISS passes tonight, between -3.8 and -2.5
<packbart> most of them too far in the south, though
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<JVFoxy> I've quite a few here as well, mostly to the north of me
<JVFoxy> I use WXTrack for satellite stuff, also does doppler radio
<JVFoxy> I went out to check to see if the comet was up in the sky. Think I'm too early
<JVFoxy> oh well.. guess I should try sleep for now.
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<packbart> I use the HA app for the occasional "what's that light in the sky?" moment. Venus can be very bright
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<Althego> Mat2ch: i cant watch it now
<Althego> but at least the mars launch was moved from today
<Mat2ch> Althego: shall I remind you later?
<Mat2ch> It's aweful. ;)
<Mat2ch> Where's the bot
<Mat2ch> ts
<Mat2ch> tststs
<Mat2ch> Astra is trying another launch on 20th July
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: Ola!
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<Fluburtur> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Fluburtur
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: how's your production going?
<Althego> what, there is a production of fluburturs?
<packbart> Fluburtur - The Musical
<Mat2ch> Nah, Fluburtur is creating props.
<Mat2ch> and he seems to have some customers
<Mat2ch> hopefully happy ones
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<Althego> Mat2ch: hard drive back up... argh
<Mat2ch> Althego: :D
<Mat2ch> How to back up your hard drive!
<packbart> clog the data drain, download more cat videos
<Mat2ch> packbart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1qip1-1W9A I case you missed it. :D
<packbart> :)
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> there are a bunch of twets about an interview with roscosmos' head
<Althego> if you scroll up
<UmbralRaptop> hm
<Althego> but when is the static fire
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<Mat2ch> the Russian space program will run out of money, before they develop a new rocket. That's why they're looking at China
<Althego> ankara has been in development for years now, isnt it
<Mat2ch> StarShip will probably be the nail in the coffin
<Althego> for every rocket
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<Althego> ok, not exactly
<Althego> but for many
<Althego> you cant compete with starship against electron
<Mat2ch> On a single starship launch you can launch every satellite that electron will launch in its lifetime. And many more.
<Mat2ch> Rideshare missions will become the standard there...
<VanDisaster> it's been a bit awkward for ariane, that
<VanDisaster> it's all fine if they want to put them roughly in the same place
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<Althego> the problem is there are other features for a rocket
<Althego> for example electron runs more smoothly because of the electric turbopumps
<Althego> it can take you satellite anywhere you want it
<Althego> while a starship is a rideshare
<Althego> and there are other things to consider
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<Althego> for example falcon 9 is seriously limited because of the second stage using the same fuel and engine as the first, for engineering reasons. you could get way higher delta v from hydrogen and lox
<Althego> and this is true for starship too, just with methane. on the other hand you can refuel, but that takes time and resources too
<Althego> well i should have spent that 300 science on the seizmo thingie. then valentina could take that too
<Mat2ch> Althego: well, Starship is so big, you can bring your own push-stage...
<Althego> but traditional providers are going to be in huge trouble
<Mat2ch> Also Ariane 6 is just there, because some European country want a backup solution if they can't use other providers
<Althego> hehe elon decides to revolutionize cars, then rockets, then internet, what comes next (boring company doesnt look like revolutionary to me)
<Mat2ch> and everyone at ESA knows that and they can throw out the money :P
<Mat2ch> The AI thing!
<Althego> oh taht too
<Althego> neuralink
<Mat2ch> jep
<Mat2ch> there probably will be a bigger update soon
<VanDisaster> elon hardly revolutionised cars, no matter what he wants you to think :p
<Althego> soon the infinite war is upon us
<VanDisaster> BMW are trying to add microtransactions to car hardware, that is a revolution I could do without
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> it seems there is a push back against microtransactins in gaming now
<Althego> so as a typical car manufacturer they are behind the trends
<Althego> but actually teslas have this too, you can pay for an upgrade and you get the software
<Althego> however that works, probably just a limitation is disabled
<Mat2ch> jup
<Mat2ch> you can pay for games as well
<Althego> which is reasonable
<Althego> but this you buy a car and you didnt really bought it, annoys me
<Mat2ch> jep, but that's politics
<sandbox_> just wait until they add surprise mechanics
<Althego> randomized self destruction?
<Althego> ah i remember now
<Althego> surprise mechanics was what loot boxes were called
<Althego> by some ea representative? or some other big company
<VanDisaster> BMW are going to rent you heated seats & that sort of thing...
<Althego> you dont need heated seets in the summer anyway
<VanDisaster> given how much BMW options cost to buy, I suppose it might even end up cheaper
<VanDisaster> you sure as hell can do in the UK :D
<umaxtu> from what I've seen on Hoovie's garage, no sane person should buy a BMW
<Althego> an no sane person would buy a mac, yet they are doing it
<VanDisaster> I'd buy a BMW that a tuner had got at
<packbart> I sometimes drive car-sharing BMWs. I like them better than the Mercedes A. Most often I use a smart. Parking spaces are rare around the office
<VanDisaster> in german law it means it's not a BMW anymore
<umaxtu> though considering I really want an Giulia Quadrifoglio maybe I should stop talking
<packbart> I don't think I'll buy a car again
<umaxtu> hopefully, my Jetta will last until I can afford an EV
<VanDisaster> can't not have a car round my way
<VanDisaster> there's a very occasional bus
<VanDisaster> EVs don't really work well here either, unless oyu're just going to the shops
<VanDisaster> what I don't understand is why hybrids have been so slow to take off, they just make so much sense
<Althego> hehe i am not the only one who sometimes writes oyu :)
<Mat2ch> umaxtu: you only want a Giulia, when it got fully diassembled and rebuilt as EV. ;)
<umaxtu> well, it would probably be more reliable that way
<Mat2ch> Hybrids don't make sense at all.
<umaxtu> eh, a lot of people can't charge their cars at home
<VanDisaster> of course they do, all that energy wasted as heat during braking, you get to use it again
<Mat2ch> You either carry around a battery pack or you carry around a combustion engine. And all the extra parts that can fail.
<VanDisaster> or you can carry half the battery pack you would for a pure EV & a small combustion engine
<Mat2ch> umaxtu: the charging argument only counts for Germany, because we are so sloooooooooow building charging stations
<umaxtu> compared to Murica?
<Mat2ch> and with the range of newer EVs the "I can't charge at home" argument doesn't work either. You don't refuel your car at home either...
<Mat2ch> In the US it's quiet common to own a house and have a driveway
<packbart> I can't complain. The city has charging points everywhere and I just connect the car-sharing i3 and leave it there
<Mat2ch> except Manhattan mabye.
<packbart> some of them have the "range extender" variant - with a small generator in the back
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<VanDisaster> about 30% of car parking around here is in people's driveways
<VanDisaster> most of it is on the street
<VanDisaster> I wonder what it is about micro turbines that isn't workint out... they're compact, simple and if they're just chariging batteries they can run at their ideal speed
<Mat2ch> PV is the best way to charge batteries ;)
<Mat2ch> why are we even discussing fossil fuels anymore? There's the sun, there's wind, go use it for charging all the batteries
<Althego> there are many reasons
<Althego> like you cant really store huge amounts of it during the night
<Althego> or with wind, you cant use it if wind speed is too low or too high
<Mat2ch> well, storing is just a problem of capacity
<Mat2ch> and this is not rocket science. ;)
* raptop imagines having a few thousand kg of batteries sitting in my apt uneasily
<raptop> There's definitely a need to store power during the spring so the A/C works during the summer
<Mat2ch> raptop: iirc the powerwall from tesla is 7 kWh, which is enough to power a home
<Mat2ch> eh, during summer you've got lots and lots of sunlight :P
<Mat2ch> and for some reason the A/C has only to work really hard, when the sun is shining ;)
<raptop> Mat2ch: that's, uh, a bit less than 1 day of average use for me
<raptop> eh, there are lots of nights where it stays at >80 F
<raptop> no, wait, I math'd wrong. a bit more than 1 day
<raptop> (199 kWh/mo yearly average, but since about 60% of that seems to be A/C)
<Mat2ch> raptop: you use 7 kW a day?
<Mat2ch> also that's only the storage for the night time
<VanDisaster> you do not need to burn fossil fuels in either a turbine or an IC engine, as long as it burns it works
<umaxtu> you can get build up though
<Mat2ch> during the day your solar panels have to generate the power for the house (that's when usually most of the energy is used) and during night everything runs of the battery
<Mat2ch> VanDisaster: and where do we get the renewable fuels? :)
<Mat2ch> I did a lot of research into H2 generation lately, so I know the answer already...
<VanDisaster> *shrug* that isn't rocket science either
<Mat2ch> the amount needed is.
<Mat2ch> PV+battery is far easier when possible.
<Mat2ch> And uses far less resources
<raptop> Mat2ch: more like 6.6 (199/month, which is so low because I'm in an apartment)
<Mat2ch> raptop: if you had a house that could be fully powered by solar panels and a powerwall
<VanDisaster> you are assuming people have a) houses and b) somewhere to park where they can charge
<Mat2ch> I already answered b
<Mat2ch> and yes, a) is a problem. But could be solved by bigger installations (which would make a more efficient use of the capacity available)
<raptop> (I mean, for a proper house, you'd I'd expect want 5-7 powerwalls. More if it's a mcmansion)
<raptop> *I'd expect that one would want
<Mat2ch> nop. There are several people with houses that have one or two powerwalls and don't need the net anymore at all
<raptop> so, what's your typical usage?
<Mat2ch> your solar panels generate around 20 to 30 kWh per day
<Mat2ch> depending on the size
<Althego> what does the magnetometer boom do? i mean in what dituations does it work?
<Mat2ch> (and when you buy two powerwalls you need that size of solar panels)
<Althego> not on the wiki yet
* raptop assumes that they're in some place with notably cool summers
<packbart> Althego: "situationMask = 48 //Only valid in space low and in space high."
<Althego> this could be autogenerated into the ingame description
<Althego> thanks
<Mat2ch> oh, PW2 seems to have 14 kWh. So doubled
<raptop> yay
<Mat2ch> well, there are people in Florida having powerwalls and solar panels on the roof. There has to be a reason for that.
<umaxtu> I know in some townships at least, installing solar panels jacks up your property taxes
<raptop> I know my mother is getting good use out of non-powerwall solar in santa fe, but that's very much an ideal case
<raptop> (high altitude, lowish latitude, semi-arid, and somehow has summers that barely need A/C)
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<darsie> Jeb forgot to put on a helmet when boarding the command seat on the launch pad.3
<darsie> -3
<darsie> 1.10
<raptop> Did he die upon hitting 70 km altitude?
<packbart> another Jeb turns to dust
<darsie> No, I discovered it before launch.
<flayer> would he have died?
<darsie> I tried. He died at ~11 km.
<Althego> do they survive underwater?
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<packbart> I seem to remember that they go poof, too. Pressure limits in both directions
<darsie> Do they gave gills?
<JVFoxy> just holds breath very good
<Althego> since jets work in water, it must be highly ocygenated
<JVFoxy> pray water doesn't just explode on its own
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> engines work under water too.. well to an extent
<JVFoxy> guessing its a glitch in the matrix
<Althego> in ksp everything explodes, so in the the best case only the oceans on eve can explode
<Althego> (since they are from explodium)
<JVFoxy> ksp, brought to you by Michael Bay!
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> I've seen just go poof instead of exploding.
<JVFoxy> guess it depends.
<packbart> "not enough oxygen, the air is too thin" - right, that was it
<JVFoxy> I never had the guts to make a kerbal remove helmet in space
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> Try it.
<Althego> probably it is not allowed
<darsie> correct
<Althego> now you cant even shred parachutes by opening them when you shouldnt
<packbart> well, trying to place my test vessel under water made KSP crash
<JVFoxy> just seen the gui button.. figured if its there, they tempt you with it?
<packbart> yes they do
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<JVFoxy> lol.. still that screenshot, coming out of timewarp, ended up 124km under the surface. 1million kpa, ya ship boom
<Althego> hehehe
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<JVFoxy> I should do a video of how far KSP has come since I've been playing.. (from 0.18 really on friend's laptop, but I didn't actually get it till 0.23. No thanks to stupid auto-update, earliest version I have on here is 0.24)
* flayer sighs
<JVFoxy> flayer ?
<flayer> i'm stressed and tired
<JVFoxy> oh
* JVFoxy just woke up
<flayer> i hope i can sleep tonight
<flayer> i'm at my limit
<Althego> luckily no launch tonight so i can sleep soon
<flayer> i worked 24 hours in the past 2 work days
<flayer> monday and tuesday
<flayer> this is crazy
<flayer> last week i worked 66 hours
<flayer> i am not used to this at all
<flayer> too much social interaction
<flayer> i met 140 people in 9 days
<raptop> uh, hopefully you're doing well on masks?
<flayer> no
<flayer> no masks, little distancing
<flayer> most of them all touch the same tablet
<raptop> whelp
<flayer> and four of my colleagues come from the part of the country that was most infected, to the part of the country that has been least infected ... so far.
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<flayer> It's quite extraordinary, the level of irresponsibility.
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<darsie> Jeb landed on the Mun: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot18.png
<raptop> He'll be fine (probably)
<darsie> He is. This was my test how much altitude I lose when burning retrograde to a halt and I had enough fuel remaining for landing, so I did.
<darsie> Attitude control was difficult, though, cause my control point was Jeb, who was looking 90 degrees off the engine direction.
<JVFoxy> darsie fun with command chairs again?
<darsie> yep
<JVFoxy> I've sometimes wondered if the CoM shifts depending if it occupied or not
<darsie> It shifts.
<JVFoxy> you can center it on top of a rocket, but kerbal faces out the side. Twist it up 90 deg, but then how far do you off set it for the mass when kerbal sits in it
<packbart> does the stock CoM indicator include Kerbal mass? RCS Build Aid does. https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/foo.jpg
<umaxtu> RCS Build AId is the best
<umaxtu> its so handy for just building regular planes because you can get it to display the dry CoM and the wet CoM
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<JVFoxy> find myself reading up on different star types
<raptop> *bamf!*
<raptop> Kerbol doesn't really match up with anything <_<
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