raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.0 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | C/2020 F3 NEOWISE bright in northern predawn sky
<darsie> That's so silly how easily I can turn that comet with the small RW.
<darsie> How do I return a sample from a comet? With a Kerbal floating nearby? Or on a ladder on a ship grabbing the comet?
<darsie> Or some ore?
<darsie> The contract description is so vague :).
<raptop> Land the comet at KSC?
<darsie> :)
<raptop> That seems a bit soon
<packbart> surface samples, like with asteroids. in stock, only floating Kerbals can take it
<packbart> Comets have 4 types vs the only type of asteroids
<raptop> nice
<packbart> "Renaming a comet allows duplicate surface samples to get full science credit." - interesting bug
<packbart> the "Test test test test" is in KSP_Data/sharedassets5.assets but I didn't see a bug report for it. maybe darsie's just more lucky than others ;)
<packbart> my career doesn't have comets, yet (I should finally upgrade the Tracking Station)
<packbart> ooh, comets can break up on reentry. I'll have to see that
<darsie> I was hoping for a tail. Maybe if it gets closer to the Sun.
<packbart> don't rename the comet before taking a sample, otherwise the contract won't fulfil (it tracks the name, not the ID. that's another bug report)
<darsie> Yep, needs more heat for the tail.
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<darsie> thx
<darsie> gn
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<Guest13548> Hola
<Guest13548> ??
<Guest13548> Alguien español🤣🤣
<Althego> whatever
<Guest13548> Hola??
<kmath> YouTube - Tianwen-1 Mars Launch Live Stream
<Althego> there is an other one with everyday astronaut https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG2t5FgALSs
<kmath> YouTube - Watch China launch their first mission to Mars on their Long March 5!
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<Althego> maybe no launch afterall
<packbart> launch!
<Althego> oh wait, something is happening
<Althego> things can still go wrong. remember phobos grunt
<Althego> but if everything is ok, we still need to wait like half a year
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<TheKosmonaut> I hope it lands and goes well. Even if they swipe the US’s animations for their landing videos
<Althego> also the hero arrives last, so we dont even know the launch date of perseverance and ingnuity
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<sandbox> :)
<darsie> Is that a joke?
<darsie> Or rather, is that serious?
<Althego> missing the jpeg artifacts around the oracée middle part
<Althego> also visible in the enlarged part
<Althego> so probably it is ashop
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<Althego> oh i almost forgot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg
<kmath> YouTube - NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV
<Althego> progress launch
<Althego> in 10 minutes
<kmath> YouTube - Progress MS-15 Launch
<packbart> "This is a restream of NASA TV's official broadcast, along with additional informational overlays on top of the original broadcast."
<Althego> i would not drink pounds of water :)
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<packbart> and another, so we have 3 differen countdown clocks ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTYea1583Bw
<kmath> YouTube - Запуск грузового корабля «Прогресс МС-15» к МКС
<Althego> the nasa tv stream is probably already behind reality
<packbart> yeah and the LC123 seems to be a restream of both?
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<Althego> i guess the roskosmos tv thing is the most authentic
<packbart> I should have taken russian language classes in school instead of french ;)
<Althego> at one time i seriously considered learning russian because of space things
<Althego> i even started it
<Althego> but then i changed jobs
<Althego> maybe i should really start it now
<packbart> in the roskomsos stream, the clock lower right and on the board behind them disagree
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> yes it is funny
<Althego> but the american didnt have a counter
<Althego> just the announcer
<packbart> they don't even have the telemetry overlay
<Althego> and as it turned out during the soyuz abort, that the overlay was preprogrammed and not live :)
<Althego> a ride on the soyuz with external cams
<packbart> unless that's also preprogrammed ;)
<Althego> but they are not up to spacex standards yet :)
<packbart> ooh, ReStock
<Althego> did the americans get a worse animation?
<packbart> KSP can do this simulation, too
<packbart> looks different, indeed
<Althego> yes, as he said, it is stable. in previous launches there was an annoying oscilaltion, and it was also visible for the soyuz, not only for the progress
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<packbart> wait, what? 2 hours to rendezvous?
<Althego> that is the normal fast track
<packbart> I thought the fast track was 6 hours. I must update my memory
<Althego> the slow way is something like 2 days
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<Althego> hmm, maybe it was 6 hours?
<packbart> or maybe I didn't quite get what the PAO said, I wasn't paying attention
<packbart> oh, right, I can rewind the stream
<Althego> too bad you cant forward it :)
<packbart> Instant Video!
<packbart> "we will be back in 2:20h for live coverage of the rendezvous" - no, I heard it right. nice.
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<Althego> docking is already ongoing
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<Althego> it was a bit off center
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<JVFoxy> thought getting to orbit was meant to be a bit of a challenge? unlock the swivel engine and FL-T200 tanks, and I can already get Mk1 pod into orbit doing something with a two stage.
<Althego> it is really hard not to make into orbit on first launch
<Althego> if you collect enoughscience from aroun the space center
<Althego> but then you still dont have eva so you cant easily collect the flying low high in space low high goo and bay science
<Althego> so because of this i choose a hop first
<JVFoxy> I usually do a quick jump with SRB as my first flight
<JVFoxy> once I get EVA, dual pods a craft, get it to hover, pop the second person out to get eva while in flight ;P
<Althego> oh no, event horizon
<Althego> A Quantum Beginning for a Two-Sided Universe with Dr. Neil Turok
<Althego> sounds awesome
<Althego> but i have to go to bed
<JVFoxy> multi-verse is a go!
<Althego> turok dinosaur hunter :)
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<JVFoxy> Turok.. Tuvok.. eh well
<raptop> Yeah, the swivel is all you need to get into orbit
<JVFoxy> I use a pair for the first stage. A single for the second. I would say like Gemini but I stay connected to the second in order to do re-entry burn
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<JVFoxy> good thing I don't plan on working for FLOOYD Dynamics.. people there known to take our ideas, demote you, who knows what else.. (according to Flavor text for the drain valve)
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