raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
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<kmath> YouTube - Watch NASA's Perseverance Rover Launch to Mars!
<Althego> in some hours
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<cringe> ISS Urine Tank Level: 18%
<JVFoxy> enough to make space icicles?
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<Althego> hehe nasaspaceflight got the live nasa stream
<Althego> while i didnt
<Althego> but better late than never https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIB3JbIIbPU
<kmath> YouTube - Watch NASA's Perseverance Rover Launch to Mars!
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<kmath> YouTube - LIVE: Atlas V Launches NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover
<packbart> the everyday astronaut guy also has a stream, I heard. didn't look for it, though
<Althego> as expected
<packbart> I can't stand the nasaspaceflight channel. too much yapping
<Althego> but how is it that the official stream is minutes late for me
<packbart> "like our channel! we're better than The Media!"
<Mat2ch> Althego: Satellite vs. Interwebz
<Althego> so the net is this much slower?
<Althego> although it goes on cable isntead of bouncing around the earth
<Mat2ch> The problem are the buffers inbetween...
<packbart> I like how NASA got Superman as commentator
<Althego> the fastest stream seems to be the nasaspaceflight, then everyday astronaut, and only then the official nasa
<packbart> they probably fudged their clock ;)
<Althego> can be
<Althego> they are in sync with nextrocket
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<darsie> 1337
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<Althego> 10 minutes
<Althego> go
<darsie> 30 s
<Althego> launching
<Althego> 30 sec is the delay in the official stream
<Alanonzander> interesting, according to this launch, I launch my KSP stuff way too slow :P
<Alanonzander> I launch around 1.2 to 1.5 Gs
<packbart> I usually launch with a TWR around 1.3 but it quickly ramps up to 2-3
<Alanonzander> I keep mine around 1.3-1.5 once launched
<Althego> in reality most rocket engines cant throttle, you end up with an exponential g curve
<packbart> I might try https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/175316-15-1101-bettersrbs-v123-29-july-2020/ in a new save - different SRB grain configurations
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<Althego> when is the injection burn?
<packbart> the next burn is a little over 20 minutes from now, if I heard that right
<Althego> the only problem with the sample return is, that a starship might land before the sample collector gets there :)
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<Althego> close to injection burn
<packbart> the transfer stage goes to Mars, too, but eventually ends up in a solar orbit?
<Althego> probably
<Althego> in ksp i would drop it on the planet, but people dont litter mars
<Althego> not yet at least
<packbart> a crashed stage in KSP doesn't leave any debris, not even a crater. magic technology
<darsie> Could it contaminate Mars?
<darsie> With life
<Althego> maybe
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<darsie> Get's pretty hot during entry, but maybe some parts remain cool enough, especially if it remains in a stable attitude.
<Althego> so it is away
<packbart> some parts have been sterilized with hydrogenperoxide vapour
<Althego> now we have to wait until what was it, 18th of february or so
<darsie> yep
<Althego> that is a thursday
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<Althego> another static steel cylinder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3Fmem6fB2A
<kmath> YouTube - LIVE: Starship SN5 Static Fire From Boca Chica, Texas
<kmath> YouTube - Трансляция запуска космических аппаратов «Экспресс-80» и «Экспресс-103»
<Althego> 07:57:57thu 2020-07-30 23:25
<Althego> [Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center] Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center
<Althego> Proton-M/Briz-M
<Althego> Ekspress-80 & Ekspress-103GEO
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<packbart> I missed the announcement - when is the press conference?
<Althego> for what
<Mat2ch> Althego: tz. I just wanted to say: Another day, another static fire test ;)
<Althego> another static cylinder
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<Althego> japanese have cherry blossom viewing, we have steel cylinder viewing
<packbart> Althego: the rover post-launch conference
<Althego> is there one?
<Althego> 11:30 a.m. – Mars 2020 Perseverance post-launch news conference
<Althego> in whatever time zone
<Althego> eastern
<packbart> yeah, I just read that too. I think its EDT
<Althego> so is that in 1 hour or in 2?
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<Althego> the cylinder is so static that there is not even a stream, just a picture :)
<packbart> hmm? I see a wobbling camera. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QbM7Vsz3kg
<kmath> YouTube - 4K LIVE! 24/7 SpaceX Boca Chica Launch Pad
<packbart> "SN5 pressed"
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<Althego> this seems to be the post launch conf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yivHCoGnRgc
<Althego> lol as soon as i linked it, it disappeared
<Mat2ch> Althego: what was it?
<kmath> YouTube - After the Launch: Perseverance Mars Rover Update
<flayer> hey, they didn't wait with the launch until i got back!
<flayer> how rude.
<packbart> well, there was a callout "flayer?" and someone said "Go"
<Mat2ch> There's a Scott Manley in the chat. But since anyone can copy that picture and take that name it could be fake...
<Althego> could be or not. at some time even scott and tim was there
<Althego> in one of the older streams
<Mat2ch> well, I joined this channel when scott was still here.
<Althego> i saw him twice or so :)
<Mat2ch> not just joined, but actively talking.
<Mat2ch> I miss those days. I had so much fun with KSP back then...
<packbart> there's an "Elon Musk" in the KSP-Reddit-Discord, too. sometimes "playing Kerbal Space Program"
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<Althego> elon static cylinder program continues
<Mat2ch> hopefully that was just venting of gasious oxygen that was too warm
<packbart> I guess they're not going to repeat the specactular performance of the last test
<Mat2ch> you know what I really hate? When people say "Oh, I haven't played Kerbal yet". It's Kerbal Space Program. Becaues nobody would ever say "I've never played Call yet", when they're talking about Call of Duty.
<Mat2ch> It makes me itch :P
<Althego> there is the game counter strike. often abbreviated as cs. so people say see es in english. but wait, it gets worse. in hungarian cs can bea single sound, around what ch would be in english, and it is in the alphabet. so people say that single sound
<kmath> YouTube - NASA Astronauts Return Home in SpaceX's Crew Dragon Spacecraft
<Althego> in two days
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<Mat2ch> Althego: if they'd say KSP (kay-es-pee) then I'd be fine. But just Kerbal?
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<Althego> i didnt know there is a camera on it looking up
<Althego> if it really makes true video both up and down, that would be amazing
<Mat2ch> Camera?
<Althego> on the rover
<Althego> curiosity also made a video, sort of, but it was more like many stills
<Althego> and only looking down
<Althego> real video of the landing
<Althego> i could watch that for hours
<Mat2ch> Oh
<darsie> I do say "Ich spiele Kerbal."
<Mat2ch> Shame on you!
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> it also has a microphone, but all the previous missions with microphones failed :)
<darsie> Can it make music?
<darsie> Like, spin some actuator motors at variable rate?
<darsie> That would count as dancing to music.
<Althego> i guess even insight could do that
<packbart> Insight even has a percussion instrument for the beats
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> it wasnt good for anything else yet
<packbart> Elon's cylinder is still quite static. The status reverted to "Pressed" (not Pushed)
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<Althego> so what is the difference?
<packbart> it had progressed to "SN5 Venting" already but apparently there was a boat within the range
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<Mat2ch> and now it looks like they scrubbed it for today
<Althego> wait a sec, there was no mmx video yesterday
<Mat2ch> no
<Mat2ch> he made a community post that he has only half of a story for us and doesn't want to show us it yet, so no video for this week.
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<Althego> another elon static cylinder program
<kmath> YouTube - LIVE: Starship SN5 Static Fire From Boca Chica, Texas
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<packbart> oh, it fired already
<packbart> now the interesting part begins
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<Red5> So...been away from this channel for a while, did we all finally agree that GIF has a soft G?
<packbart> it's a J as in José
<Red5> Exactly!
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<UmbralRaptor> Soft as the outer layer of steel on a battleship's turrets
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