raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.0 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | C/2020 F3 NEOWISE bright in northern predawn sky
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<JVFoxy> heh.. challenge: to build a probe lander to go to the surface of the mun, and return for recovery. But restricted to 30 parts and has to look reasonable. (landing gear, no engine bell sitting.)
<JVFoxy> guess I could have done away without the relay antenna part
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> that 30 part limit is hard
<Althego> but also depends on tech level, like you can use bigger tanks or bigger solid boosters
<raptop> Assuming you can use eg: the FL-T800 and LV-909, hrm...
<JVFoxy> ya, didn't have any of the big rockmax tanks. Had a pair of swivels for boost stage, terrier for circularize, mun inejction. Then the Spark for landing, return
<JVFoxy> heat shield, chute, one solar panel, little round battery, one hg-5 relay antenna but I could have probably used a cummuno-16
<JVFoxy> injection left me with 5m/s in the terrier. return, I had 200-300 or something left, used it to slow down before re-entry
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<raptop> grmbl, 34 parts in a sketched out design (though there are a bunch of instruments that could be dropped)
<raptop> also, not sure it has quite enough ΔV
<JVFoxy> oh heh.. you trying it out?
<JVFoxy> was more a 'see what I could do since I had a contract to land', and to see if I could break my kerbal block
<JVFoxy> if curious.. pulling up screen shot of what I did
<JVFoxy> heh
<JVFoxy> Raptop quite a different style there
<Althego> you could lose the fins
<Althego> or the dual engines. what i usually do in similar situation i put a single solid booster in the side
<raptop> I mean, advanced tweakables so fuel burns bottom to top does help
<Althego> that is only 2 parts
<Althego> need to angle it a bit
<raptop> My lower stage is all swivels, so I assume that mixing in some reliants and extending the tankage would get a bit more ΔV
<raptop> Or, well, skipper+orange
<raptop> But that's farther up the tech tree
<JVFoxy> I've found with fairings, it helps to have fins. Otherwise the drag can be a pain if you not exactly pinpoint with the airstream
<raptop> yeah, not sure if it's still the case, but fairings were at times way too draggy (defeating their point)
<JVFoxy> dual engines in this config gives me TWR of 1.58
<raptop> 1.58 at 1 atm gives a bit of headroom for stage or payload growth
<JVFoxy> Raptop talk'n about 1.10? Lol, sorry wonder if mentioning I'm doing this 1.8 still..
<raptop> yeah, I fired up 1.10 <_<
<raptop> I guess if your current design needs more ΔV, the easiest way is replacing that top FL-T200 with an FL-T400
<JVFoxy> 1.58 is just my booster stage, 1978m/s at sea, second is with terrier, TWR with 1.25 and 1778m/s in space to circularize. Injection, well more like direct to mun surface than bothering with orbit
<raptop> wait, maybe not. Is that a spark?
<JVFoxy> ya spark on lander
<raptop> ah, yeah.
<raptop> I did the brute force approach of using a terrier
<JVFoxy> did have to unlock the field with spark, buy the stick landing legs for the design.
<raptop> Large nominally SSTO stage, and then offload the entirety of TMI/landing/Kerbin return on the probe upper stage
<JVFoxy> I've been using the dual engined booster like this quite a bit for small payloads. I do something similar for the 1 person crew pod in earlier career
<JVFoxy> though I have extra fuel tank sections that are angled out. Lower longer tanks straightened, kind of looks like dual engine kerbalized version of the Mercury-Atlas
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<JVFoxy> oh and ugh.. spark on that size of tank, kind of makes me wish there was a way to do fairings that size to the tank than the engine, without having to use a separate fairing part.
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<sandbox> well that could've been a lot worse...
<sandbox> I slipped getting into the shower and broke the bathroom window
<Althego> no cuts from the glass?
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<sandbox> Althego, just a bit of a gash just above my elbow
<sandbox> I once put my hand through a window
<sandbox> this is nothing
<Althego> good
* darsie sterilizes a 35 m2 room with a 40 W quartz mercury UVC/ozone lamp with. http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/IMG_3714.JPG http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/IMG_3716.JPG
<Althego> how do you know it works?
<darsie> Well, I saw metal pieces in it, solid, so I guess it's not only Hg. It emits blue light. After 30 min I'll test if I smell ozone.
<Althego> ah yes the smell would indicate it does something
<darsie> Weak ozone smell only.
<packbart> old laser printers do the trick, too ;)
<Althego> so you would be better off with arc welding in the room? :)
<Deddly> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here: bitcoinshell.mooo.com/users/deddly/?C=M;O=D
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<darsie> Althego: Maybe. Arc welding uses much more power than 40 W, though.
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<kubi> is 40W enough?
<Althego> 640w should be enough for everyone :)
<kubi> we were using an oldlamp in my childhood
<kubi> was maybe 500W
<kubi> extremely bright and hot too :)
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<Mat2ch> no new launch date for Starlink yet
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<Mat2ch> well, tomorrow is another launch
<Althego> and again 2 launches 9 minutes from each other
<Althego> i guess i have to stay awake because one is for mars
<Mat2ch> Just wait until SpaceX has Starship up and running. Then it's a launch every few hours or so :P
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<Mat2ch> Althego: SpaceX launch tomorrow is scrubbed
<Althego> so it turned into worktime launch
<Althego> and i am only in the office for two days
<Althego> now i can hope for another scrub :)
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<Althego> ship with a hat, going to the mun. 8 kerbals from 3 contracts, valentina for a planting a flag and collecting science, a docking port for station contract
<JVFoxy> heh...
<JVFoxy> Urcal...
<JVFoxy> someone having a little fun, Urkel from some way back tv series maybe? ;P
* JVFoxy currently messing around with spaceplane idea... just passing time
<JVFoxy> lol.. whoops, kinda need those wings to get back down. Oh well.. redesign time
<Althego> wings hinder you in getting down :)
<JVFoxy> ya but I wanna get down 'safely'. Not ballistically
<JVFoxy> I go ballistic, I'd do away with the wings all together, just go rocket and chutes, but then that would defeat the whole 'ssto'
<JVFoxy> .. plane project
<JVFoxy> good news.. empty, gets off the runway at a reasonable speed
<raptop> How about VTHL?
<raptop> That is, wings+landing gear instead of chutes
<JVFoxy> ....
<JVFoxy> first attempt was with twin swivels for beyond the 24km height mark. Wasn't enough power so ended up not going up fast enough while gaining speed, cooked wings off
<raptop> hah
<JVFoxy> trying with single Skipper and a bit more fuel
<JVFoxy> 4 whiplashes to get up to height
<JVFoxy> ok.. n/m.. those massive wings don't take the heat too well
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<flayer> i'm tired
* raptop checks flayer's tread depth
<flayer> very shallow indeed
* flayer sighs
<raptop> I'm afraid that we need to replace you
<flayer> please do
<raptop> that bad, huh?
<flayer> 66 hour work week last week
<flayer> it's looking like more of the same this week
<flayer> i'm not built for this kind of thing
<JVFoxy> whoops.. ok maybe one swivel is enough.. umm...
<JVFoxy> put two on cuz.. well, didn't think the extra 400 in power was going to be enough
<JVFoxy> (going from skipper to one swivel)
<packbart> when the time to Ap rapidly shrinks and the vertical acceleration just slowly crawls towards positive
<JVFoxy> more like, 2k in thrust, acceleration was great, just waaay to low in the atmos, cooked things even faster
<JVFoxy> ok meh..
<JVFoxy> I mean it looks cool but.. hard to find places to put fuel.
<packbart> right, I was just thinking of my typical stage thrust ratio (not SSTO). going from 5 Mastodons to a single Poodle or even Terrier ;)
<JVFoxy> I kind of wanted to avoid using rapiers... I might have to try on this design just to see what happens
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<JVFoxy> lol.. doubled it up to 8 rapiers, ya, those wings not happy, go rippy bye bye.
<JVFoxy> Got another craft I made though, Kusabi Mk1, sort of a box winged shape. Works ok, smaller payload bay though
<JVFoxy> shame couldn't do a blended wing-body thing though
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<packbart> I saw some MM patches on the forum that add ablator to wings. maybe that would help ;)
<JVFoxy> did a test with my Kusabi, added a little relay satellite into the cargo bay. Rather impressed.. though I might not have been as aggressive with getting into orbit
<JVFoxy> Kusabi was more designed as a crew shuttle, but there was a little extra space in the bay and usually has a bit of spare fuel once in orbit. Thought I'd test out a 0.5-0.75t range payload
<JVFoxy> uses a swivel to boost up past 24km to LKO, and a pair of thuds to circularize the orbit
<packbart> rocket bi-plane
<JVFoxy> lol.. whoops, just noticed test payload was off center a little, but it didn't seem to affect anything
<JVFoxy> packbart sorta... boxed wing
<JVFoxy> I couldn't do blended wing sort of thing in KSP
<packbart> Sopwith Kerbal - I can't find any good boxwing plane names ;)
<JVFoxy> suppose to be more like the delta glider from space orbiter, but a bit more chunky wings..
<JVFoxy> Named it Kusabi, Japanese for 'wedge' or 'link pin'
<JVFoxy> wedge cuz of the shape in a way. link pin because it meant to service space stations with crew rotations and supplies.
<packbart> nice name. in a typical career, I rarely reach the Mk3 parts. so much else to research first
<JVFoxy> ah heh.. sorry this is just in sandbox
<JVFoxy> I'll sometimes drop in, to test things out
<JVFoxy> I've a smaller spaceplane but its gone through some .. additions as KSP gained updates. I should probably try and revive it again, see how the design holds up. Carries 6, uses the Mk2 parts, but barely anything for a cargo bay. I think I intended to use it with TacLifesupport mod at some point.
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<Guest95504> Help! Is there a way to transfer one person from a command pod to a crew cabin? I accidentally put a tourist in a 2-person command pod and want to move him into the crew cabin to make room for someone I'm rescuing. When I click on the crew cabin I get a transfer option, but I don't see one for the command pod. They're connected to each other. Norma
<Guest95504> lly I'd not use a cheat code, but I've spent SO long getting here that I'd rather not start all the from launch.
<Guest95504> Disregard ... I figured it out. Woo-hoo!
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