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<packbart> darsie: you can cheat something to the ground since 1.9 with the "set position" option
<darsie> ah, thx
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<darsie> 1337
<flayer> i always notice it when i look at the clock and i see that time
<flayer> it never ceases to amuse me
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<Althego> what, electron in 8 hours? when did that jump to the top
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<Hojamalo> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Hojamalo
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<Althego> and still here, amazing
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<Guest52719> Got a weird problem - I'm wanting to practice EVA skills, and don't want to spend time getting a ship into orbit, so I've got a very basic craft, and I cheat it into orbit, and as soon as it gets there it starts spinning, as though the RCS is on, going faster and faster and I can't get control or stop it. It's almost as though there's a key stuck i
<Guest52719> n the down position, but this a brand new computer - literally less than 24 hours that I've had it.
<Guest52719> This is in Sandbox mode, v1.10; using SAS has no effect, only seems to make things worse. I've quit and restarted KSP, deleted the game entirely and started over, and it keeps happening. About the only thing I haven't tried is rebooting the computer itself. Suggestions?
<hoglahoo> do you think it is related to cheating your ship into orbit
<hoglahoo> I don't know how to cheat a ship into orbit so I'm not sure how to test that
<Althego> does it do that on the launchpad with gravity off?
<Guest52719> Alt-F12, then select Cheats on the left, then Orbit
<hoglahoo> o
* flayer licks Althego's face from chin to forehead.
<Althego> bleh
<Guest52719> Not sure, I didn't think to try turning off gravity ... not sure how to do that, I'm new to cheats.... I'll see if I can figure it out.
<Althego> it is in the cheats too
<Althego> a slider and an activation checkbox
<Althego> you can turn it almost completely off
<Althego> if the lower left control indicators dont show a control input, then it may be a phantom force
<Guest52719> I'll take a look and let you know ...
<Althego> or it can come from reaction wheels
<Althego> and you can turn off those by the context menu of the capsule
<Guest52719> Aw crud, I can't seem to find where to turn off gravity in the cheats... little help?
<Guest52719> oh wait
<Guest52719> I think I found it ... hack gravity
<Althego> that
<Althego> move the slider way down and clickthe ckeckbox
<Guest52719> yep, as soon as I turn off the gravity it the ship on the launchpad started spinning.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> so it is not the reposition
<Althego> what if you turn off reaction wheels?
<Guest52719> Reaction Wheels are set to Normal; I've got SAS and Pilot, but not an Off setting. Looks like SAS leaves it in place.
<Guest52719> I'll try cheating it to orbit and see if that sticks.
<Althego> turn them off
<Guest52719> Is there another button to turn them off completely? Every time I click the blue Reaction Wheel button it cycles - Normal, SAS Only, Pilot Only. Am I missing something?
<Althego> hmm i remembered you could turn them off
<Althego> maybe it is in the advanced tweakables
<Althego> i guess sas only would be off if sas is off
<Alanonzander> Set to idle
<Guest52719> Well, with the RW set to SAS Only, it doesn't spin when it gets to orbit, but it won't respond at all now, whether SAS is on or off. Just sits there like a lump.
<Althego> so it is the reaction wheels doing it
<Althego> which really looks like control input
<Althego> when you look in the lower left corner
<Althego> is any of the orange needles off center?
<Guest52719> Pitch is slightly. When I use any of SAS pre-sets, prograde or retrograde, it goes nuts. It stablizes if I deselect any of those.
<Althego> maybe you have trim
<Althego> press alt-x
<Althego> on windows
<Guest52719> ok, alt-X, nothing appears to happen. Should I see something?
<Althego> the needle gping to center
<Guest52719> no, nothing ... the offset of pitch from the center point is VERY slight...
<Guest52719> And even though I didn't try anything, w/ SAS on but nothing selected, it stabiled on prograde.
<Guest52719> When I use WASD there's no response. Only the green top left SAS preset (whatever it's called) is on.
<Althego> obviously, because we turned it off
<Althego> in the wors case you could turn the reaction wheels back to normal, and just counter trim this input
<Guest52719> ok, this is weird... I set to spinning by selecting retrograde, changed windows from the game to this dialog, then back again, and it's stabilized on retrograde.
<Guest52719> Yeah, something is screwed up. When I'm focused on this window, if the ship is spinning, I see roll, yaw, and pitch inputs that finally stabilize the ship. As soon as I change to the game, it starts getting roll, yaw, and/or pitch inputs that start the ship spinning.
<Guest52719> The electric charge is being drained, so something is feeding this thing.
<Althego> you should get similar things by just hovering above the cheat window
<Althego> that also takes away control input from the game and links it to the the window isntead
<Guest52719> Sorry ... "get similar things"?
<Althego> you meantioned different behavior if the game was focused or not
<Althego> i had this kind of thing once and then it was my joystick feeding in a signal
<Guest52719> That must've been it ... I unplugged my joystick and it seems to be behaving normally againl.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> just calibrate it
<Althego> in my case a headset was pressing on it slightly
<Guest52719> Weird ... I just got this computer, just calibrated the joystick yesterday, and it was working fine. Strange that's it needs it again, but I'll give it a try.
<Guest52719> Thank you SO much, oh KSP god!
<Althego> lol
<Althego> i have a logitech extreme 3d pro. and even when it is calibrated, if i touch the stick slightly it doesnt always go to center
<Althego> so i have tomove a bit several times to settle in the center completely
<Guest52719> that's what I've got as well. Brand new beasty, only a couple weeks old. I hope this isn't going to become a habit.
<Althego> also it is useless for ksp because the game just ignores small movements, so big dead zone
<Guest52719> gotta go. Thank you again! I'm much obliged to you for your time.
<Althego> it works ok for elite though, aside from thsi center issue
<packbart> ah, that reminds me. something broke in the Joystik Mod in 1.10
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<packbart> I'll try installing it again
<Althego> or summon the creator
<packbart> I think linuxgurugamer is its current maintaine
<packbart> some conflict with "SDL2.dll", CKAN sez
<packbart> weird, it was in my Steam folder, too. must have been left over. I just recently moved my installation into its own directory
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<Althego> Rocket Lab - Pics Or It Didn't Happen Launch
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<flayer> i need to build a vtol mobile base for laythe
<darsie> stream live
<darsie> 20 s
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<darsie> Electron fail confirmed.
<darsie> gn
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