raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
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<darsie> SPOILER ALERT! Darsie found a Duna anomaly: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot112.png
<darsie> I flew there wiht a rocket plane.
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<darsie> SPOILER ALERT! Darsie found a second Duna anomaly: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot116.png
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<Mat2ch> uhm uhm uhm
<kmath> YouTube - Live: Starship SN5 150-Meter Hop Attempt From Boca Chica, Texas
<Mat2ch> Maaaaaybe hop?
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<Guest97792> Hi all. In game, in the tracking station building. The map view over Kerbin shows a white overlay showing the gravity well .. its rally annoying. how do i disable it ?
<packbart> uh. do you have an image per chance?
<Guest97792> yeah. one sec
* packbart remembers seeing a Kerbal with a thick white outline in some forum post, too
<Guest97792> can i upload images here?
<packbart> https://i.imgur.com/r56tc9d.jpg - that was it. probably related to Scatterer
<packbart> ah. that
<kubi> well, it is not a well
<packbart> that's Kerbalism's display of the radiation belts
<packbart> I think you need to press "b", iirc
<packbart> didn't use Kerbalism in a while
<kubi> do you have any visual mods?
<Guest97792> ah, yeah astronomers. i must have pressed something. because it was not like that yesterday when i played
<kubi> have you upgraded anything since yesterday?
<Guest97792> "b" didnt do it
<Guest97792> no
<kubi> any mods or the game
<Guest97792> no
<packbart> do you have Kerbalism installed? maybe there's another one that uses the same effect
<Guest97792> yeah, i have Kerbalism installed
<packbart> then that's what it is. there should be a hotkey to change the settings
<Guest97792> ah. found it now
<Guest97792> it was in the Kerbin body info window,
<Guest97792> thanks all
<Guest97792> it does say press "b" to open this window again. but it didnt work for me. had to open it manualy
<Guest97792> manually-*
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<darsie> SPOILER ALERT! Darsie found a second Duna anomaly: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot118.png
<darsie> third*
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<packbart> more vapour vision, so it's probably only a few hours until next scrub ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QbM7Vsz3kg
<kmath> YouTube - 4K LIVE! 24/7 SpaceX Boca Chica Launch Pad
<packbart> they should have sent Spot out to give the valve a good whack ;)
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<Mat2ch> 10 minute warning siren!
<Mat2ch> 18:35 launch probably!
<Mat2ch> Hopefully!
<Mat2ch> 18:35+2 ;)
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<packbart> ooh, chance for badaboom
<Mat2ch> Nah, just N2 or O2
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<Mat2ch> Since Elon didn't tweet something yet they are probably going for another test
<umaxtu> I don't think he is at the control center this time
<kubi> he has better things to do
<kubi> and it is not himself tweeting :)
<Mat2ch> umaxtu: there are enough cams he can watch it :D
<Mat2ch> and I bet he has a direct connection to the test center
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<Guest13548> what is up with the mk1 command pod lift? it has no wings... it is making my rockets flip uncontrolably
<FLHerne> Guest13548: Just the angle of attack
<FLHerne> Guest13548: If the centre of pressure is ahead of the centre of mass, your rocket is almost guaranteed to flip
<Guest13548> then why don't the mk2 have the same issue?
<FLHerne> Square-cube law?
<FLHerne> It's much heavier, but not that much more surface area
<Guest13548> the mk2 has ni inherent lift. unlike the mk1, even with 4 delta winglets on the tail my rocket keeps flipping
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<Guest13548> but yes. i sort of understand what your saying about angle of attack
<Guest13548> I hope they turn down the strength of that lift. it seems a little extream.
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<raptop> Adjust fuel flow so that the bottom tanks drain first?
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<darsie> SPOILER ALERT! V sbhaq na vaivfvoyr nabznyl ba Qhan.
<raptop> Yvan eht nioj?
<raptop> ah
<darsie> raptop: What code are you using?
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<packbart> The Simpsons code
<raptop> ^
<raptop> it took me a moment to realize that darsie was using ROT13
<darsie> More precisely, vg'f na npbhfgvp nabznyl.
<raptop> Ah, that
<darsie> I struggle to pinpoint its location.
<darsie> Appearently it moved.
<raptop> hrm
<darsie> On Kerbnet.
<darsie> SPOILER ALERT: Even though the coordinates of the anomaly seem to drift in Kerbnet, I declare this to be it: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot121.png
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<transit> Ahoy bwoop
<transit> RIP Beirut.
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<darsie> Looks like there's only one anomaly on Ike.
<darsie> Can't get full Ike in 10% FOV, but scanned for a while.
<raptop> huh, maybe it was added in 1.0?
Ezriilc has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.Kerbaltek.com)]
<darsie> SPOILER ALERT! Ike anomaly: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot125.png
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