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<Althego> well well well no more elon static cylinder program
<umaxtu> now the burning engine program
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<Mat2ch> Althego: and they hopped in the middle of the night :/
<Mat2ch> But a glorious flight. Will rewatch several times :D
<Mat2ch> And the legs worked
<Mat2ch> But, uh, I had the feeling the can was a bit slanting to one side
<kmath> YouTube - Starship SN5 150m Hop
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<raptop> 12 seconds
<raptop> (please don't ask why I'm IRCing at 0512 local time)
<kmath> <✔elonmusk> @PPathole @TrevorMahlmann @arstechnica We’ll do several short hops to smooth out launch process, then go high altitude with body flaps
<Mat2ch> raptop: it's 11 here,you're fine. :D
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<raptop> yay
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<Althego> it seemed to me it was not fully vertical after landing
<Althego> but with those legs in ksp it would have toppled instantly
<packbart> not with enough reaction wheels and SAS
<Mat2ch> Althego: well, from other cams it looks like the cams are just not set up completely horizontal
<Mat2ch> and the legs have a crush core, so no bouncing there
<Mat2ch> well, maybe not crush, but some kind of shock absorbing that doesn't have a spring in it.
<Mat2ch> and the legs in KSP have problems, because they are also dampening sideways motion. Only the smallest legs do only vertical movement
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<darsie> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1HA9LlFNM0 Starship SN5 150m Hop
<Mat2ch> darsie: you are late to the party. :D
<darsie> ok :)
<darsie> You may comment on my Duna/Ike egg finds.
<Mat2ch> But I've watched it at least five times already
<Mat2ch> So amazing to see that thing fly.
<Mat2ch> I'm just a bit mad that they did it at 3:00 local time ;)
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<Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QbM7Vsz3kg well, looking from this angle it looks a bit... leany
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<darsie> It does. Haven't clicked your link, though.
<Mat2ch> the link goes to the LabPadre live cam
<Mat2ch> It's just sitting there. Nobody working today. Probably having a party
<Althego> under the wing roof things?
<Mat2ch> Maybe? Mary will show us tomorrow. :D
<Althego> i think that part was not finished yet
<Mat2ch> doesn't matter, was a rave party in the dirt
<Althego> it looks like they used a drone to follow the hop
<Althego> so why didnt the drone fly closer?
<Althego> according to plans there are going to be more hops
<Mat2ch> Althego: uh, the engine creates lots of turbulences. You shouldn't come to close there...
<Mat2ch> Hopefully they just take a crane, put it into the launch stand again and let it fly again :D
<Althego> looksl ike they were hundreds of meters away
<Mat2ch> this time for longer?
<Mat2ch> well, you shouldn't come to close to turbulences.
<Mat2ch> If a big airplane starts then you should wait a considerable amount of time until a smaller one should takeoff
<Althego> the drone wasnt under the starship
<Althego> also in case of jets that air is rotating
<Althego> not so for the starship
<Mat2ch> and there is always the risk of a big badaboom. And the drone costs money, too ;)
<Mat2ch> I really wonder if the landing legs just fold out by gravity
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<Althego> even if it is a dji mavic thing, even i could easily buy, it is peanuts. compared to say a spot robot
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<Althego> oh starlink 9 is in the schedule again
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<Baumfaust> hi, is there a way to run ksp on a remote service, such as stadia or geforce, because my computer is pretty old
<darsie> Baumfaust: It might be possible, to run it on Linux with X forwarding. There would probably be substantial lag, and the framerate may be low.
<Baumfaust> oh ok
<Baumfaust> why did geforce now remove it?
<darsie> remove what?
<umaxtu> I'd blame 2k
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* raptop suddenly realizes that my scavenged laptop that's used for games counts as "pretty old" now
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<kubi> pacman is fine
<darsie> The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by infocom :).
<Althego> dungeons of moria should run on basically anything now
<umaxtu> Factorio supposedly runs on anything
<Althego> you still need graphics
<umaxtu> and don't forget Doom
<Althego> hehe doom that is ported to many things
<raptop> I mean, if you mess around with sourceports and graphics mods, it looks rather good
<umaxtu> it plays pretty good too
<raptop> yeah. I'd go with the gameplay holding up better than any other 2.5D shooter
<Bumfaust_> do you use kOS? i just installed it, do i have to start my script every time i procced a new launch?
<Bumfaust_> proceed
<Althego> you miss an a
<Mat2ch> Bumfaust_: yes you have to
<Mat2ch> also I dislike kOS, because it tries to simulate a computer from the 50s. And what year is it?
<Bumfaust_> 2050
<umaxtu> so you're more of a KSPrpc person?
<Bumfaust_> is there an alternative to script launches?
<umaxtu> there used to be, not sure if its still under development though
<Mat2ch> umaxtu: I'd be, if I still used it :)
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<packbart> there's RedOnion with Lua inside KSP
<packbart> still haven't played with it, yet
<kubi> it is interesting
<kubi> it seems that I can interact with the KSP API
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<Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkXDYC2y258 that's almost how it works.
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