raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
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<packbart> if it doesn't work out, you're stuck at Venus ;)
<Mat2ch> Oh, you should read the full article. That's another advantage of Venus, you can get home much more easy from there
<Althego> 1. you get to mars faster 2. you get to mars with less delta v 3. you can come home sooner 4. also visit venus
<Althego> so if anything it largely decreases risks
<Mat2ch> but would a slingshot around venus not just add speed to the craft and you have then to break somehow at Mars even more? I'm wondering
<Althego> also more frequent launch windows
<Althego> that is probably true
<Althego> but the initial burn is less
<Mat2ch> I wouldn't be suprised if Elon announces this soon...
<Althego> my problem is, why didnt he tweet about this :)
<Mat2ch> He doesn't know yet
<Mat2ch> so send it to him.
<Althego> cant, i dont have twitter
<Mat2ch> What I'm missing in the text is: What would be the shortest duration for a Mars flight?
<Mat2ch> you don't have a twitter account :P
<Althego> yes
<Mat2ch> Language! ;)
<Althego> the same way as you dont send an sms
<Mat2ch> Back to my initial question... how long would a roundtrip take?
<darsie> You don't send a short message service.
<Althego> especially if you know about the horrors that happen in the background
<Althego> obviously a non hohmann transfer would be faster
<Mat2ch> darsie: I'm using it. ;)
<Althego> there is also a way, where your aphelion is way farther than mars, that is somewhat faster, for not too much delta v, but if you dont stop at mars you arrive back to earth without prpulsion exactly one year later
<Mat2ch> I guess that will be the first mission. A fly-by
<Althego> you do a fly by in case you have some issues
<Althego> otherwise you stop
<Mat2ch> Now, who has a RSS setup and could try that? (And also an AC. I'd like to come over. I'm dying here)
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<Althego> go inside the nearest server room :)
<Mat2ch> Don't have the key cards for that.
<Althego> guarded by 4 cacodemons
<Mat2ch> More like underpaid security guards
<Althego> but i bet you dont even have a chainsaw :)
<Mat2ch> no angle grinder either
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<kmath> YouTube - So Where Are We With Solid State Batteries? | Answers With Joe
<Althego> but interesting topic even without that
<Mat2ch> Ok, the intro is really worthy to watch
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<Mat2ch> Wait
<Mat2ch> since when do trees have a hitbox?
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<Althego> that is a baobab tree
<Althego> scanneble and touchable
<Althego> like all the other surface features for the scanning arm
<Mat2ch> well, I don't have the DLCs so I'm never gonna touch them
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<packbart> "Don't ask... I'm still trying to figure it out - I just looked to the other side for a few minutes and when I came back to her, I found this"
<packbart> I never got her to jump high enough ;)
<Althego> hmm climbing trees
<Althego> i never tried f
<FLHerne> Maybe you can parachute into them?
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<kmath> <✔NASAInSight> I’ve used my scoop to help fill in the pit around my robotic mole. This, combined with another push on the soil fro… https://t.co/ybfUBesbOD
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<Mat2ch> I bet that thing digs properly, when someone gets his feet on top of it ;P
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<flayer> IRON MAN
<flayer> i like it
<Althego> dont need to talk to pun :)
<Althego> i wonder why that mystery goo experiment i left on the mun doesnt do anything
<Althego> didnt geenrate even 1% of science for days
<Althego> i guess i go back with bob and redeploy it, at least now he has 3 stars, it must help
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<Althego> ah it sends it back at 10% increments. and because of the nights probably it was not working for half of the time
<Althego> i wonder what happens if i deplot it again. does it erase the progress?
<Althego> on the other hand it iwe going to be several times faster
<Althego> or i have the rtg thingie, i can take that too
<Althego> scott
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