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<Guest63437> hello there
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<raptop> general kenobi!
<Althego> gwgw
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> 2 launches in 2 days
<Althego> fixed electron test and this is fine delta 4 heavy
<raptop> yay
<packbart> ooh, I like the Delta IV plumes. a little bit of ablator makes it looks much more rocket-y
<raptop> And for the Delta IV, it really is fine!
<packbart> and Electron launches "I Can't Believe It's Not Optical"
* raptop is guessing that they've replaced the engines with something powered by a laser
<raptop> It's the only explanation that makes sense, obviously
<raptop> obviously!
<Guest63437> Althego you are bold one
<Althego> green flames would be cool
<packbart> yeah, I was wondering if they could change the composition of the nozzle layers so it would burn with different colors as it ascends :)
<Althego> i am neither bold or italic, underlined is right out
<Guest63437> you underestimate my power
<packbart> Isp is more important than raw power
<Guest63437> ?
<Guest63437> star wars?
<packbart> no, KSP
<Guest63437> yes
<Althego> rocketry
<Guest63437> ok
<Guest63437> "you underestimate my power" this is star wats
<Althego> we know that
<Guest63437> ok fine
<Guest63437> well then you should have repsonded with
<Guest63437> ill give you a chance
<Guest63437> not with that
<Guest63437> im saying you can try
<Althego> look i didnt respond to that statement
<Guest63437> yes
<Guest63437> i know
<Guest63437> you should i have responded with
<Guest63437> "Dont try it"
<Guest63437> but you didnt
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<raptop> ???
<Althego> it was fun while it lasted
<Althego> i can rarely come up with a witty reply on the spot, even if the selection is star wars quotes
<Althego> but regardless of origin, i might have chosen to reply with "I will not be dictated to. I will not be threatened. I am the morning and the evening star. I am Pharaoh."
<Althego> also i almost fell asleep in the chair
<raptop> It's all fun and games until a random deity hardens your heart
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> I didn't even realize it was a Star Wars quote. I barely recognize Star Trek quotes
<raptop> hm
<Althego> hehe, elon for scale
<Althego> a strangely shaped banana
<raptop> on an unrelated note, silicon zeroes is basically a zachtronics game, despite not being made by them
<Althego> so what happened to the iss leak?
<Althego> finally found a bit of flat earth
<packbart> "The IMMT opted to extend the leak isolation period to Tuesday morning." is what the (yesterday's) latest report said.
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<Mat2ch> looks like the leak is either very small and hard to detect over 3 days or not caused by a regular leak.
<Althego> not regular leak?
<Althego> inverse farting?
<Althego> where could the air go but outside?
<Mat2ch> Maybe there's more loss during the space walks
<Mat2ch> or more loss due to the launch for cubesats
<Mat2ch> *of cubesats
<Althego> or maybe it is not one module that is leaking
<Althego> simply they have bigger leak because of age
<umaxtu> did they check for drill holes?
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> it is so small that this finding the leak operations was delayed for months
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