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<Althego> well well saocom went up electron stream is imminent
<Althego> now i just have to check the hopper
<kmath> YouTube - Rocket Lab - I Can't Believe It's Not Optical Launch
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<Althego> parachute
<Althego> so no hop
<Althego> 1 out of 3 for spacex
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* a_flayer splutters all over Althego
<Althego> eh
<a_flayer> i'm trying to talk
<a_flayer> like zizek
<Althego> starlink 11 tomorrow. just when i would go home from work
<a_flayer> all those launches are the same
<a_flayer> not interesting enough to watch
<Althego> unless something happens and they fail
<darsie> 1337
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<Althego> eh
<packbart> building fairings has become very laggy for me. did anyone else notice that? might be a mod thing but I didn't notice it before 1.10.1
<Azander> I've noticed a bit of lag too
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<Althego> loook closely
<kubi> the cameraman's hair is in front of the lens for some pics of the panorama
<Althego> the poor guy died years ago because of lack of oxygen :)
<sandbox> didn't we all?
<Althego> we are not on mars
<kubi> or, are we?
<sandbox> death on mars
<Althego> hey vsauce michael here
<Althego> (because og the or are we)
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<Mat2ch> Does anyone know when the next hop window for SN6 might be?
<Althego> i wonder where people get those road closure documents from
<Althego> apparently public information
<Althego> we need to look at that to find out
<Althego> no new dates
<packbart> also listening to the Sherrif's radio chatter, from what I heard in the stream
<Althego> if somebody installed an internet connected sdr there we could
<Mat2ch> Looks like the problems they encountered yesterday are more severe
<Althego> but it was supposed to be the wind
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<Mat2ch> Oh, did Elon say that?
<Althego> on the other hand it is a quite heavy cylinder, so not much drag but resists movement, and it also has active control
<Althego> no
<Althego> no word from elon
<Althego> or spacex
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<Mat2ch> well, it should be mostly empty for a hop, so much surface area, little mass
<Althego> hehehe: Adam Savage Cosplays the Outbreak Hazmat Suit!
<Althego> i have never seen that movie
<Althego> maybe it is time to watch it
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<packbart> well, at least we seem to be out of "The Machine Stops" territory for now
<kmath> YouTube - SEA DRAGON: The Biggest Rocket Ever Designed - Stock KSP recreation
<packbart> Kerbin is so calm and quiet underwater
<Althego> there really need to be some action under water
<Althego> ok we dont get wind in air either
<Althego> but at least give us somescience from there
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<Althego> elon and his elon time. booster hop in october? no way
<Althego> even if they can do it in december it will be extremely fast
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<JVFoxy> any idea how long it took the to build at least one Apollo rocket? I'd rather they took their time, but I guess, time is money?
<Althego> actually they already built bodies and tanks from the same material with the same diameter
<Althego> it can be so that the number of raptors available is the limiting factor
<Althego> although supposedly two are enough for a hop
<Althego> in the apollo era they had to develop everything from scratch
<Althego> for example computers
<Althego> new materials
<Althego> etc
<JVFoxy> well... different era, ya. Still gotta get over a number of hurdles. Apollo hadn't even considered booster returns. Well other than a design that dropped 4 engines off by parachute in a later design idea on paper.
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<raptop> uh, First Saturn I launch was, uh, 2 years after the design was selected?
<raptop> Later Saturns were studied longer, but with the final design selected circa 62-63. And first launch in 67
<Althego> the booster design is still changing
<Althego> at least elon tweeted that unlike earlier graphics, there will be only 4 legs but bigger
<umaxtu> something about plume impingement?
<Althego> yesthat
<JVFoxy> like a kid with his lego set
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<packbart> "Just stick a Communotron 16 antenna on the front of the mk1 cockpit. Will raise the max temp from 1100° to 2000°." - the tiny tricks of KSP
<JVFoxy> lol... drag much?
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<packbart> I don't fly much in KSP, just came across this forum post.
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<JVFoxy> Packbart uh according to the wiki, Mk1 has 2200, Comm-16 is only 2000. Am I missing something here?
<JVFoxy> Heh.. maybe I should throw in my Streak.. uses three Weezers, goes like snot. A bit of a pain to land though
<packbart> max surface temp vs max internal temp I guess
<packbart> the Mk1 Cockpit has "maxTemp = 1100", the antenna "maxTemp = 2000 // = 3000"
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<packbart> (thread: )
<JVFoxy> huh.. wiki makes no mention of internal temp on antenna..?
<JVFoxy> lol.. ya cuz.. makes total sense :P
<JVFoxy> maybe it acts as a heat probe or rejector?
<packbart> probably, it shields the cockpit from the fury of KSP's physics
<JVFoxy> like how heatshields set edge on, sucks in heat, gives less drag?
<JVFoxy> was that one video, someone trying to do a landspeed record in KSP, some tricks they came up with, heatshields, multiple fairings..
<kmath> YouTube - The giant false-leaf katydid (Pseudophyllus titan)
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<FLHerne> Am I right that Pre-cooler > Nacelle for spaceplanes?
<FLHerne> The stats aren't really very helpful
<raptop> For stock hypersonic-ish flight? I'd lean towards the adjustable ramp intake or the shock cone. I want to say that there's some stuff hidden in the part file about high speed performance
<raptop> *part files
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<FLHerne> It's a fairly small Whiplash + NERV SSTO (2 of each)
<FLHerne> It sort of works, but I have difficulty getting to orbit without enormous gravity losses
<FLHerne> I guess shock cones would let the Whiplashes keep working a bit higher, but the extra drag would hurt
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