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<Althego> i thought the new mainsail look is stupid. why two side exhausts? turns out it is the vulcain 2 engine from ariane 5 and 6
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<raptop> huh
<kmath> YouTube - Ariane 6's Vulcain® 2.1 engine has its first successful test
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<flayer> epic
<flayer> i should stock up on food, but i'm too lazy to go the store :(
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<raptop> food good
<raptop> if you don't eat, you can't ksp
<raptop> therefore, food
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<dnsmcbr> .tell sborbbtd also see My Mate Vince
<dnsmcbr> !tell orbbfrgg also see My Mate Vince
<dnsmcbr> bots?
<flayer> you're in the wrong channel
<Althego> these are not the droids you are looking for
<dnsmcbr> oh
<dnsmcbr> lmao
<dnsmcbr> I saw raptop as op and assumed i was
<dnsmcbr> herpaderp
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<Mat2ch> flayer: soo, where you live the stores are open on Sunday?
<flayer> since a couple of years yeah
<flayer> but only supermarkets, really
<flayer> hardware store's closed
<Mat2ch> That feels a bit weird to me somehow.
<Mat2ch> Sunday has always been the day where almost everything is closed and I can lay my mind to rest.
<flayer> germany still closes everything on sunday?
<Mat2ch> mostly
<Mat2ch> there are some exceptions on special occasions
<Mat2ch> like before christmas
<Mat2ch> but I never made use of it.
<flayer> it's just silly traditions
<Mat2ch> It is
<Mat2ch> But on the other hand it guarantees that families have one day the week both parents are home
<sandbox> in scotland the shops have always been open on sunday
<sandbox> with some exceptions
<flayer> Mat2ch, unless they're both in health care or some other profession with irregular hours
<flayer> i think that kind of thinking is better facilitated by ensuring there are enough free days when full-time employed
<Mat2ch> flayer: well, that would need a major rework of our working culture here and all that happend the last 30 years were minor tweeks. Nobody even tries to change something big.
<Mat2ch> but we're getting into politics with that.
<Althego> at least the stupid dst is going away
<Mat2ch> Wait, any news on that? Afaik we will still have it in 2021...
<Althego> yes something like that
<Althego> i hope it is not stopped just because of the virus
<flayer> either way
<flayer> i am stocked up for another week
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<Mat2ch> flayer: I always stock up for two weeks now...
<Mat2ch> but I have to admit at the end of the two weeks the selection gets quiet small ;)
<bees> ...there are places where food stores close on sundays? how barbaric
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<Althego> one static fire coming up
<kmath> YouTube - LIVE: Starship SN6 Static Fire Attempt at SpaceX's Boca Chica Launch Site
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<Althego> eh it seems the static fire was scrapped
<Althego> cars went back
<Althego> cant beat the parachute engines
<Althego> why does it have the rockets?
<JVFoxy> ... rockets push pistons, heatshields block them like valves?
<Althego> ah, cvan be
<JVFoxy> though.. pistons to run the 'valves' no idea what they used to hold up the pistons.. video having troubles even playing on my machine right now
<packbart> pistons from Breaking Ground and lots of struts
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* darsie watched The Beyond (2017)
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