raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about
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<Althego> hehe of course astra rocket didnt launch
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<kmath> YouTube - Starlink Mission
<Althego> around 1 minute
<Althego> nice landing
<raptop_> \o/
<Althego> didnt even get blocky
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<Althego> after customer sats, still waiting for the starlink deploy
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<Althego> lol feed cut out during deploy
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<JVFoxy> .... just saw a video, using A-10 guns like thrusters to get into orbit... ouch
<Rokker> a-10
<Althego> saw that some days ago
<Althego> also landed with them
<Althego> and staged the guns :)
<kmath> YouTube - BRRRRRRRRT only to Orbit and back - KSP
<JVFoxy> some reason I thought it was Danny... SWDennis.. showed up on friend's Optic TV youtube thing
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<Althego> lol this is way better than rap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8V9Rl9IneA
<kmath> YouTube - Auctioneer fast talker champion auction heavy machinery rb
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<kmath> YouTube - Sandy Munro can make the Cybertruck Float | In Depth
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<Althego> heh obviously everything happens at the same time
<Althego> some ships outbound to minmus. arrival in 1 day 37 minutes. some ships arriving from minmus. arrival in 1 day 36 minutes
<Althego> always
<Althego> some missions have several days length in the kerbin soi alone, and yet they just so happen to line up with other mission nodes that are much shorter
<kmath> YouTube - 4K LIVE! 24/7 SpaceX Boca Chica Launch Pad
<Mat2ch> Starcrane!
<Althego> probably not going to fly for days
<Althego> i dont like this star naming
<Althego> it is not a starship
<Althego> what are we going to name our real starships?
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KindTwo is now known as KindOne
<Althego> galaxy hoppers?
<Althego> luckily that is only mission soi entering, so i have some time to land with the inbound probes
<Althego> the outbound ones... one is on nuke, so needs longer burn, i guess i am going to slow it down a bit farther from minmus
<Althego> then the chemical one can do orbital insertion a bit offset
<Althego> actually the timing is not completely random. with around 1350 m/s burn to minmus you arrive in such time. and with similar delta v spent for the way back, maybe a little less, even those are on their way for a while now, they arrive in the same time
<Althego> i cant have that much margin on the way back
<Althego> with such high speeds even minmus orbital insertion is expensive. but there is less time than money
<Althego> who has time for a 4 day hohmann transfer to minmus
<raptop> brachistochrone time?
<Althego> well, straight lines anyway
<Althego> but not practical to make it faster than a day
<Althego> at east now we have these big gimballed solids
<Althego> usually need to strap some old big ones to the side of the 2.5 m to have enough thrust
<Althego> bit annoying that the old ones are longer
<Althego> and you need to regulate the thrust to get the 80 sec burn time to have them burn out the same time
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<Mat2ch> Soon Starhopper will fly ;)
<Althego> that not
<Mat2ch> you are seeing this to negative
<Althego> probably bolted to the concrete
<Mat2ch> they are attaching the lift section right now
<Althego> the starship prototype, yes, it is going to make the 20 km jump this year
<Mat2ch> I said Starhopper and not Starship :P
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<Althego> is something happening to the hopper?
<Mat2ch> It's going to get lifted onto the roll lift
<Mat2ch> right now
<Mat2ch> that's why I'm talking about it for an hour or so now ;)
<Mat2ch> well, maybe half an hour ;)
<Althego> are you talking about the labpadre livestream?
<Mat2ch> yes
<Althego> that is not starhopper
<Althego> starhopper is the small round top tank that flew last year
<Mat2ch> oh, you are right
<Mat2ch> But calling it starship is also wrong
<Mat2ch> so Starhopper 2?
<Althego> starship sn5
<Mat2ch> SN5 sounds so lame
<Althego> as staated in the scrolling text
<Althego> since elon plans to have hundreds of these, naming them is kind of pointless
<Mat2ch> not reading scrolling things ;P
<Mat2ch> I guess they will all get individual names, like airplanes
<Althego> remanent of the 90s internet?
<Althego> you mean like ships?
<Althego> because airplanes generally dont get names
<Mat2ch> oh, many airlines give their planes individual names
<Mat2ch> Looks like they're lifting it right now
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<Althego> is it floating yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZF9SxZwZJo
<kmath> YouTube - LIVE: Crane Lifts Starship SN5 onto Stand Following 150-Meter Hop
<Mat2ch> Uh, better angle!
<Althego> elon slightly moving cylinder program
<raptop> What is a Falcon 9, but a pair of very fast moving cylinders plus some misc bits?
<Althego> yes, moving cylinders
<raptop> tired: orb, cube
<raptop> wired: cylinder
<Althego> wired: lain
<raptop> well, yes
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