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<cringe> ISS Urine Tank Level: 20%
<raptop> plenty of spare capacity
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<kubi> depends on the amount of chili bean they eat for breakfast
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<Althego> what 44 minute mmx
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<Mat2ch> Althego: and he found another reason to rip all apart :D
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<Althego> astra rocket attempted launch again
<Althego> will the launch happen this time?
<Althego> ok last time it was a random boat that stopped them
<Althego> so possibly
<Mat2ch> Wait, Astra? I thought the last time it was a technical problem?
<Althego> first
<Althego> then range safety
<Mat2ch> oh, ok
<Mat2ch> you are talking about yesterday :D
<Mat2ch> I'm talking about a few month ago
<Mat2ch> But doesn't look like they have a live stream
<Althego> not this time
<Althego> so maybe they are successful now
<Althego> after that starlink 9
<Althego> both tomorrow
<Mat2ch> Boosterlanding \o/
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<Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTeeT4WVIfY as expected it's leaning due to the crush cores in the landing legs
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<FLHerne> Did anyone doubt that?
<Mat2ch> Yes
<Mat2ch> there were speculations that it punched a hole into the landing pad
<Mat2ch> or that it landed partially on the step
<Mat2ch> the heat shield tiles seem to have cracked and some maybe fallen off?
<umaxtu> are those cracks or just dirt?
<umaxtu> oh yeah, those are cracks
<Mat2ch> It looks like it, yes
<Mat2ch> I was wondering at first, too
<FLHerne> One of hopper's cracked in the same way
<FLHerne> They still seem to be trying different things
<FLHerne> Between SN5 and 6, they have at least four different mounting methods
<FLHerne> (studs with clips, studs with tapped bolt-holes, some sort of edge clip, some sort of greenish glue)
<FLHerne> And they're simultaneously experimenting with the glue on scrap rings, and testing a stud-welding robot on other scrap rings...
<FLHerne> SpaceX: do all the things, and then see which ones don't fail
<packbart> Reinforced Learning
<packbart> let the machine build random Spaceships at first, then improve on those that didn't blow up ;)
<FLHerne> I feel like that's how most people start playing KSP
<FLHerne> So...the ones mounted on studs using holes cracked
<Mat2ch> Uhm, let an evolutionary algorithm build the ships ;)
<FLHerne> The ones mounted on bars on clip-studs fell off
<FLHerne> But the edge-mounted ones look ok
<Mat2ch> well, that makes sense
<FLHerne> Oh, lower right is weird, I didn't spot that kind of mount before
<FLHerne> They fell off too :p
<Mat2ch> the tank expands and contracts and when they're screwed in they can't move, so they crack
<Mat2ch> looks like a center whole and they're twisted onto it
<umaxtu> I mean, thats the whole reason those tiles are on there right? to test mounting methods?
<Mat2ch> I'm not sure if all the tiles have flown
<FLHerne> Yes
<Mat2ch> they worked on them several times
<Mat2ch> hrm, I probably should go to bed, but it's too hot outside and inside :/
<Mat2ch> how I envy people with ACs...
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<Guest02723> is there a way to see how much science you've earned during a mission, before returning to Kerbal?
<raptop> yes, though in stock it's a bit clunky (eg: reviewing the experiments and totallying things up, or looking through R&D)
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<Guest02723> Is there a mod that let's you do a quick look at your on-mission science? I've not found one, but I may not be searching correctly.
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