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<Althego> another conspiracy
<Mat2ch> Yes! A funny one!
<Mat2ch> Not taking into account that humans lived in caves for thousands of years :D
<Mat2ch> or dark huts
<Mat2ch> or in dark jungle
<Mat2ch> and probably made hats pretty early with their clothing
<Althego> i still think the best is the hungarians are from sirius
<Althego> with the differently spiraling dna :)
<sandbox> not making that pun
<Althego> surely, you cant be serious
<darsie> I guess there's a fossil record showing the evolution of humans.
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<kmath> <✔elonmusk> Cybertruck option package https://t.co/6Vz4XNoHf9
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<Althego> (it is the APC from Aliens)
<Althego> a joke obviously
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<packbart> so you say
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<sandbox> Terrahawks was set in 2020
<Althego> in the thundarr intro 1994 is the year of the catastrophe
<Althego> in nge the second impact happened in 2000
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<packbart> Gloryhammer's Apocalpyse happened in 1992 - although on a completely different planet Earth possibly in a different universe
<Althego> yes i also thought of that
<Althego> in the distant future of 1992
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<Mat2ch> Apparently SN6 already was pressure proofed and cryo proofed.
<Mat2ch> So they might install a Raptor in the next few days and do some static fire tests later this week.
<Mat2ch> Maybe a hop on Sunday?
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