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<Guest40994> I have a ship in space where the fairing has jettisoned, but the fairing ring is still attached to the ship, preventing the engine from providing any thrust. Clicking on the part doesn't open a window parts window and staging doesn't seem to do anything. is there anything I can do?
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<Althego> oh no, less mmx updates
<packbart> it's going to be a cozy weekend on the ISS with the crew (all 3 of them) confined to a single module
<Althego> what is happening?
<packbart> they'll close all hatches to find the leaking module
<Althego> ah leak
<packbart> it's losing more pressure than it should
<Mat2ch> I'm really looking forward to the results of that experiment
<Mat2ch> And Martin doesn't understand that we are here to watch his videos. The marble machine is just a side project ;)
<Althego> myabe he does
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<packbart> "The aim of this challenge is to do space missions with very inferior quality equipment" - when Jeb's Junkyard is too posh for your space program
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> ( )
<Althego> so where does jeb's junkyard get all the stuff? from previous launches?ű
<Mat2ch> Stuff that fell off the truck...
<Althego> that is the found lying by the side of the roadm anufacturer
<Mat2ch> but the stuff was never meant for making rockets out of it
<Mat2ch> like using an old supercharger as turbopump
<Mat2ch> packbart: Val seems to be impossible.
<packbart> yeah, at 20% thrust, the selection of engines is very limited
<kmath> YouTube - Perseverance: A Martian Rover to Find Life?
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<kmath> <✔DARPA> The AlphaDogfight Trials have concluded! Congratulations to Heron Systems whose AI agent won the championship among…
<umaxtu> thats... disturbing
<Althego> as elon said: "uh oh"
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<Mat2ch> The AI wars. Begun they have.
<Althego> i dont care as long as it is fought by ai
<Mat2ch> With only minor collateral damage
<Mat2ch> a few hundred thousands
<Mat2ch> The people with green shirts got mistake for soldiers. We are very sorry. Please accept this bouquet as or apology.
<Mat2ch> *mistaken
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<Althego> around 800000 people died because of covid-19
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<Mat2ch> Which is a tragedy. But have you ever thought about the fact that at least 1 % of the population dies every year of old age?
<Mat2ch> That's at least 200000 death a day. Which is somehow incomprehensible
<Mat2ch> Not wanting to belittle Covid19 here, just stating facts that keep me up at night...
<Althego> oh wait, it is friday
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<Mat2ch> it is
<Althego> which means there is "our ludicrous future"
<Althego> 2 hours, even on double speed that is long
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<Althego> and probably after i finish this there will be another video from jixuan and sebastian
<Althego> and i have 9 minutes to launch something until the next node
<packbart> rapid fire launchpad?
<Althego> maybe i should send the impactors to minmus
<Althego> and i forgot about the resource scan until now
<Althego> i need to update the experiment on the mun
<Althego> with some rtg
<Althego> but i dont have high enough engineer to replace the two solars with one rtg
<Althego> 1.5 days until one comes back from minmus
<Althego> or
<Althego> i can send one t here
<Althego> get him back
<Althego> and send again, so i get there with 2 stars. because there is one i retrieved from minmus, but never went to the mun
<Althego> oh wait, no, that is the pilot
<Alanonzander> :(
<Althego> the the resource scanner and the impactor it is
<Althego> but i have to put them on the same rocket because of the time window
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<Althego> yes here it is, 43 minutes ago, as i predicted
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<Althego> so, 330 bar raptor chamber pressure
<deadmind> that's more pressure than the chamber of commerce
<Althego> what is their goal?
<Althego> or are they just going as high as possible
<deadmind> i think so. iirc beating the rd270 record used to be the goal, and they'd aim lower than that for production
<deadmind> maybe they now think they can reliably go higher
<deadmind> afaik higher chamber pressure improves efficiency and not just thrust, so there are definitely meaningful gains to be had (can never have too much ISP for the interplanetary part)
<Althego> yehigher isp
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<Mat2ch> more thrust means you can get away with fewer engines as well
<Mat2ch> which means you can pack more stuff
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<Althego> this guy i found around the mun has to wait until the spaceplane gets there, so that i can fulfill a crew transfer contract
<packbart> Kerbals are patient and will wait years in their capsule for a rescue :) (unless burdened by a life support mod - and even then the clock only starts ticking once you actually find them)
<Althego> but it bothers me, normally i would have already made the go home burn
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