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<Mat2ch> Let me quickly park this here:
<kmath> YouTube - GPS III Space Vehicle 03 Mission
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<sandbox> I've had one of these flying over my house 4 times today
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<Althego> lol commercial space tourist with eva
<Althego> not in ksp
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<Mat2ch> In mother Russia you get thrown out of space station if you pay for it!
<Althego> hehe
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* darsie offers space tourism with EVA.
* JVFoxy suddenly has dark thoughts but then tells self to shutup. ..<
<flayer> indeed
<JVFoxy> given how manic kerbals are about spaceflight, borderline suicide maybe?
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<flayer> nah, they're just excited
<JVFoxy> ok.. maybe a bit OCD?
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<Althego> 20 minutes unti launch?
<Althego> this is not the usual llaunchpad
<raptop> Today in lunar far side radio proposals
<JVFoxy> anyone else use airplanes plus?
<JVFoxy> figured I'd mess around, try a little slow flying piston plane. this engine.. and with KSP's flight modeling, hard to get anything off the ground that goes less than 60ms
<JVFoxy> though I suspect power curve on this engine just... its nasty.
<Althego> heh over 20 minutes already
<Althego> or rather again
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<Althego> music on
<Althego> amazin, this feature didnt work for months now, the streams never started on their own
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<Althego> i still canttake this space force seriously
* JVFoxy oh wells, made switch to little turboprop engines, plane ends up flying way better.
<Althego> hehe pixelated
<umaxtu> I still find the stock turboprops confusing to use
<JVFoxy> Bounder just made.. Airflow was bigger one I did with same engines, based on the Airstream aircraft
<umaxtu> that looks nice
<JVFoxy> er.. airflow also did a while back..
<JVFoxy> airplanes plus has these two bladed tiny piston engines, but between planes struggling to get up at slower than 50m/s and the power of that engine getting enemic once it goes past 50m/s...
<JVFoxy> is why I switched to turboprop. I did manage to get tiny censna type plane with the little engine, but only seats 2
<raptop> The prop sizes are annoying
<umaxtu> JVFoxy, have you noticed the stock jet engines randomly losing intake air momentarily at regular cruising speeds?
<JVFoxy> umaxtu can't say I have... though have noticed SAS tends to twitch depending on some conditions
<JVFoxy> Was going to say, between Bounder and Airflow, I like the clean look of the second. Extra wing parts though on the other, at least it can cruise alright around 8km up
<JVFoxy> not really sure if its needed but eh..
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<JVFoxy> raptop how so?
<raptop> JVFoxy: I mean, I've had gound contact problems while taxiing/needed to use the larger landing gear for light aircraft?
<Althego> hehehe ufd tech vpn ad insert... calls vpn an internet condom
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<JVFoxy> raptop you using the DLC stuff for doing props?
<raptop> JVFoxy: yeah. Bought the game in like november 2011, so got all the DLC for $0
<JVFoxy> got a pic of one of your designs? Kind of curious what these blades are like. I tend to base some of my stuff off real world designs. though I don't have the DLC yet, so not sure what the 'pain' is like
<raptop> part of the problem is that I've barely played KSP lately, so eg:
<raptop> er
<raptop> I've done a bit with trying pseudocontrarotrating designs (either push-pull, or something like the P-38) to attempt to manague torque
<JVFoxy> torque modeling too huh?
<raptop> yeah
<JVFoxy> IRL, when you have a single prop engine on the front of the plane, the design of the wings has it that one side pushes down harder just a tiny bit to counter act things.
<raptop> Like the guides on the forums talk about managing torque
<raptop> Huh, that's a good idea
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<JVFoxy> there is also slipstream, which is countered at the tail with a little sideways tab, but I don't think KSP models that. Just if some engine is pushing on teh craft itself
<JVFoxy> Raptop maybe consider a trim tab on the wing?
<JVFoxy> doubt you'll get things perfect, might have to fiddle with it a lot.
<JVFoxy> if you using engines on the wings, a way to reverse one side so it counteracts torque?
<raptop> I've seen trim tabs mentioned somewhere, but forget where.
<raptop> And yeah, reversing one side does wonders (that was my p-38 reference, the props spin in opposite directions)
<JVFoxy> Tigercat I believe does it too
<JVFoxy> F7F-3N
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<JVFoxy> oh wait.. quick search says it was planned but never done. Since making counter rotating engines for one specific aircraft wasn't worth it... hm
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