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<Althego> hehehe. footage from a 1986 movie, the goldblum, a film exploring the body horror of when an unassuming fly scientist accidentally gets into a teleportation pod with jeff goldblum
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<Althego> bit more than 9 hhours
<kmath> YouTube - Starlink Mission
<Althego> leet time
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<darsie> .
<JVFoxy> heyo
<darsie> mayo
<JVFoxy> s'up?
<packbart> there is no up
<darsie> Up is against the gravity vector.
<packbart> on EVA, north is up
<darsie> Sometimes Kerbals lose their sense of up.
<JVFoxy> waking up at 3am...
<sandbox> Sometimes Kerbals lose their sense of spoon.
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<JVFoxy> ...there is no spoon...
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<Althego> i didnt know there is a spacewalk
<kmath> YouTube - International Space Station Spacewalk, June 26, 2020
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<Althego> found it in a comment on an anti-flat earth video :)
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<kmath> <✔elonmusk> Who controls the memes, ⏎ controls the Universe
<Althego> i guess the memes must flow
<Deddly> Heh
<Deddly> If he could harness the power of the meme, interplanetary and even interstellar travel would be instantaneous.
<Althego> hehe
<Deddly> Travel without moving
<Althego> lol without moving :)
<packbart> Jamiroquai?
<Deddly> Dune
<Althego> meme drive. would be like the infinite improbability drive. all sort of crazy things happen as a side effect
<packbart> Meme Pilots mutate into just a head with a troll face
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> and the universe would talk to them, saying: am i a joke to you?
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<Deddly> Can I has litesped?
<Deddly> haz*
<Deddly> Perhaps the lolcat/meme engine would be just too powerful
<ChexoRaptop> massless cats
<Althego> the nyancat drive... speeds you up to ludicrous speed
<kmath> YouTube - Bepicolombo Mission Comes to Kerbal Space Program. Official ESA Collaboration
<Althego> scott
<Althego> one point one oh? no it is one point ten
<ChexoRaptop> one point ex
<ChexoRaptop> one point apple
<Althego> one point line feed :)
<ChexoRaptop> That would be a fun versioning scheme
<Althego> so the magnetometer is not just a boom, but actual measurement. not there will be really no need to leave kerbin soi for all the science
<Althego> i mean all the science tree
<ChexoRaptop> difficulty settings!
<lordcirth> Althego, I play with CTT to extend "all the science" a lot, and JNSQ to make Kerbin SoI more interesting.
<lordcirth> And of course Kerbalism.
<ChexoRaptop> (I mean, granted, if you want to make finishing the tech tree from harvesting science impossible without leaving kerbin's SOI, you need to turn the rewards down to maybe 10%, which can make getting together craft capable of round-tripping to various places difficult)
<Althego> meanwhile the spacewalk is almost over
<Althego> but starlink launch is coming up in a few hours
<lordcirth> I tried lowering science gain once for difficulty. It wasn't challenging, just grindy.
<lordcirth> But having a big tech tree and needing to unlock advanced nuclear engines and assemble a craft in orbit to try a manned Duna landing was fun.
<ChexoRaptop> Insert complaint here about how probes (especially useful ones) are way too late on the tech tree
<lordcirth> ChexoRaptop, I also play with Unkerballed Start :)
<lordcirth> It makes far more sense, especially with Kerbalism, to start with small probes.
<ChexoRaptop> yeah
<lordcirth> I formerly used Probes Before Crew, but that mod has expanded to do all sorts of other stuff.
<Althego> you are talking about a game where rockets come before wheels :)
<lordcirth> rockets come before electric motorized wheels *
<packbart> and ladders ;)
<lordcirth> yeah, ladders are dumb :P
<ChexoRaptop> Counterpoint: the Mk1 pod contains (reaction) wheels
<Althego> you dont really need ladders
<ChexoRaptop> I mean, ladders are nice...
<Althego> for eve and tylo
<Althego> for mun, minmus, i never take ladders
<packbart> I like my ladders. also, "Kourageous Tourists" often needs them. 1-star tourists can EVA on the Mun but have no jetpacks
<Althego> that is nice
<lordcirth> I occasionally use them when I want a way for an EVA to hang on to a craft at a specific spot. Like for an engineer to maintain engines
<darsie> Jump
<Althego> btw, is it always the americans to go on spacewalks?
<packbart> not always
<Althego> the only russian i remember was for the recovery of the glue sample from the hole on soyuz
<Althego> and that happened because of events, not because of planning
<packbart> maybe there's not so much to fix and rejigger and improve on "their" side ;)
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> russian tech
<packbart> Tim Taylor in Space
<Althego> heavy and sturdy
<packbart> ESA and JAXA astronauts did spacewalks, too
<darsie> Nitrous oxide also may be used in a monopropellant rocket. In the presence of a heated catalyst, N2O will decompose exothermically into nitrogen and oxygen, at a temperature of approximately 1,070 °F (577 °C).
<darsie> We could use that to replenish N2 and O2.
<Althego> there seem to be more americans
<packbart> well, lowest bidder gets the job ;)
<Althego> so the interns from spacex have to work hard :)
<Althego> one guy on the spacewalk was from the crew dragon
<ChexoRaptop> hrm, so presumably this means that wages are lower in the us than russia, eu, or jp
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<Althego> hahaha
<Althego> live in 3 days
<Althego> it was under 2 hours alrady
<Althego> and of course put it on a weekday again
<kmath> YouTube - 10 COOL NEW THINGS in Kerbal Space Program 1.10
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<darsie> legs
<Althego> obviously, wheels are good on roads, for uneven terrain you need legs
<raptop> fun-sized AT-AT
<Althego> but because in many ways space tech is 20 years behind current earth tech, there will be a while until we see a robodog on mars :)
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<FLHerne> So...spaceplane? /home/flh/Pictures/Screenshot_20200627_001404.png
<FLHerne> It SSTOs, barely
<FLHerne> Hm, is probably a more useful link
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