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<kubi> unplanned rapid disassembly of the 2HOT left on the balcony :)
<Mat2ch> uh, funny thing I noticed. There's a "toilet" sign over the side hatch of Crew Dragon
<packbart> sooo, there are straight lines in space? and 90° corners, too ;)
<Althego> tron satellites
<Althego> Mat2ch: pic
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<Althego> Mat2ch: does that mean the whole thing (capsule) is considered a toilet? or the toliet is on the roof, in the inside of the capsule (only zero g use)? or that the toilet is on outside (outhouse)?
<packbart> "SpaceX's Crew Dragon toilet is on the ceiling of the spaceship — and no one wants to talk about it"
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> Althego: look at the sign left of his head.
<Mat2ch> I bet it's some shower curtain thing that comes down and then you can go
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<Althego> cant see any sign
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<packbart> I do. left of his head at the timestamp
<Althego> those things about 5 pixels high and immediately blurred by the codec?
<Althego> there are some framees where it is sharper
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<Mostly_Deddly> They should have toilets in KSP. I can see it now: KSP 2.0 "KSP POO"
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<Althego> poo/loo
<Mostly_Deddly> They both work
<Mostly_Deddly> Heh heh. That's almost as good as LOLCODE
<packbart> I'm gonna sing the Doom song now!
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* UmbralRaptop isn't sure how you'd sing E1M1,unless you're a midi device
<sandbox> I once hooked up my sister's old yamaha keyboard and did exactly that
<Althego> there is a version that has lyrics
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<UmbralRaptop> (or if you're 6 floppy drives)
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<packbart> I was thinking of a Doom song with rather simple lyrics and melody.
<kmath> YouTube - Gir - The Doom Song
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<Guest64802> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest64802
<Guest64802> Can someone help me
<sandbox> with?
<Guest64802> So
<Guest64802> I got the dlc of making history
<Guest64802> and i dont know how to put it in the file
<raptop> Assuming you got it from the store, either run the exe and select your kerbal space program folder, or unzip the zip into GameData
<raptop> Not sure how Steam handles things
<Guest64802> There is no exe
<raptop> Okay, what OS?
<Guest64802> Window
<Guest64802> Is there like a video
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<Guest64802> I have discord
<raptop> ...are you sure you downloaded the windows version? I just check on my store account, and that's all there is for that. (OSX and Linux are zips)
<sandbox> what is the name of the file?
<Guest64802> yea
<Guest64802> Making History
<Guest64802> Do you have discord
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<Althego> the dlc is an .exe in the store
<Althego> it puts itself where it needs to be
<Guest64802> there is no dlc or exe
<Althego> tere is no spoon
<raptop> ...what did you download, then?
<Guest64802> Will you be mad
<Althego> "u mad bro"
<packbart> is there a zip? if this old comment is still valid, there's azip in the zip with the directory that goes into GameData/
<packbart> but yeah, there *should* be a .exe if you downloaded the Windows version. inside, they're all the same
<raptop> packbart: there's a zip if they clicked one of the non-windows links
<Althego> but that is normal
* raptop stabs things and tries to figure out why screenshots aren't uploading
<Guest64802> What if it one from igg games?
<Guest64802> free
<raptop> eg: the store page should look like
<raptop> ...
<packbart> shouldn't matter. in the end, the SquadExpansion folder must end up in KSP's GameData folder. then it works
<Althego> that seems to be a pirate site
<Guest64802> there is no squad expansion
<Althego> then what is in the zip
<Guest64802> Just squad
<Guest64802> should i renstall it
<packbart> then the pirate site ripped you off ;)
<Althego> hehe
<Guest64802> its free
<Althego> and it is not working
<packbart> the "Squad" folder is the base game, no DLC
<Althego> in theory nothing stops anybody to upload the working version somehwere
<raptop> Yeah, sounds like they didn't give you the actual files, or something. Anyway, store, steam, or gog sales happen fairly often
<Althego> but that is nto the working version
<raptop> huh, steam currently has base game plus all DLC at 21% off
<Guest64802> the problam is i am broke
<packbart> looks like the ModuleDeployable can only track a target in one axis :/ I was hoping for an antenna with stock modules that would always point towards Kerbin
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<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX DM-2 Booster Return LIVE from Port Canaveral
<Althego> continuing with my cylinder watching hobby
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<sandbox> why is everyone so obsessed with discord?
<Althego> dont know
<Althego> it is not unusable at least
<sandbox> I figured that person had pirated ksp before I asked them what the name of the file was
<flayer> 7 years in orbit, and finally the last crew leaves
<Althego> time for explosion!
<Althego> yes it was kind of fishy at the question moment, becuse i knew it should be an exe
<flayer> oh right, i could crash it into the mun for that seismic science
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<Althego> tesla has octovalve, spacex has octograbber
<FLHerne> octoweb is the OG spacex thing
<Mat2ch> That's op!
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* JVFoxy looks up pics, any resemblance to Hydra or Spectre? :P
<Althego> the octovalve has an octopus picture on it
<Althego> the octoweb is just octagonal
<JVFoxy> :P
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> there was a time when elon had a twitter avatar picture with a black plush cat and his pinky next to his mouth
<flayer> honestly its an entirely accurate perception
<JVFoxy> doing good while actually being evil in the background? Clever...
<flayer> spacex is going to dominate interplanetary transport
<flayer> they will be the first EVE corp
<flayer> slaughtering millions on a daily basis all for some prestige
<Althego> no problem with killing them if they respawn :)
<flayer> only the capsuleers respawn.
<flayer> the ships they fly have thousands working on them
<JVFoxy> ... what was that thing he said a while back? If you don't buy my automated cars, then you saying its ok to just kill people?
<flayer> capsuleers are the cybergenetically enhanced super humans, everyone else is you and me
<Althego> unless, i am a capsuleer... in retirement
<flayer> you're not a capsuleer unless you have billions
<flayer> billions of <insert coinage>
<Althego> in reality nobody is
<Althego> the best immportality you can hope for is the history books
<JVFoxy> sounds like something from a certain netflix show..
<flayer> genetic engineering is coming, cyber implants are coming, etc.
<raptop> billions of ISK, right?
<Althego> unfortunately i will not long enough to live forever
<JVFoxy> speaking of money and spending, 1mill kerb-creds.. upgrade R&D or hold off, work on other things?
<raptop> (...why does EVE use the same currency as Iceland?)
<flayer> the company is based in iceland
<Althego> because ccp (which is not a certain eastern political organization) is in iceland
<raptop> I was hoping for a watsonian answer instead of a doylian one
<JVFoxy> oof
<raptop> Anyway, do you need to upgrade R&D for more unlocks, or is there still some margin?
<Althego> i think the gravioli detector needs the upgrade
<JVFoxy> orbit mun contract.. mostly. I can easily do that as it is. Bunch of 'above 16-18km' contracts half way around kerbin,,, ugh
<JVFoxy> two star rescue mission.. last time I tried that, ya, was a bit of a pain
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<flayer> second manned duna mission returning, 58 x data
<flayer> 59 experiments recovered, 1427 science earned
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<flayer> damn, 257 parts, now i need more kredits
<flayer> on a brighter note, i think i have enough fuel to reach the mun
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<flayer> most of my crew is home now, 12 available, 5 assigned, 0 lost
<flayer> i'm short on kredits and i'm spending 200k on a joyride (and to level up kerbonauts)
<flayer> this is shameful
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<Rokker> reeeee
<Tank2333_> are you fine with all that stuff happening?
<Tank2333_> fine/safe
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