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<JVFoxy> my current PC is just so I could play KSP... still only thing on here mainly since v0.22
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<JVFoxy> hmm.. seems I'm going off on all sorts of ideas now on what to do next. Got 3 in orbit around the Mun with a tiny station. Contract to explore mun surface but the ship isn't capable. Do I leave them there, send some more equipment over. Bring them back and build something crewed? (Val and Jeb out there right now, no other pilots at the moment)
<transit> man, really not a fan of these bladed motors or he blades
<transit> thaha.. a fan HAHA
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<JVFoxy> Guess the blades don't quite cut it huh?
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<Mat2ch> Althego: they welded the hole shut and there are reports for more LN2 deliveries :D
<Mat2ch> Hopefully we see a boom soon
<Althego> so elon was not joking
<Mat2ch> When I'm grown up, I wanna own such a thing :P
<Althego> yes i saw the big crane
<Mat2ch> until destruction.
<Mat2ch> that thing is massive.
<Mat2ch> And on tracks
<Althego> or at least parts of it
<Mat2ch> I wonder if Liebherr has something similar to offer
<Mat2ch> I'm biased here ;)
<Mat2ch> oh yes, they do, and it's beautiful ;)
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<darsie> 1337
<Tank2333_> that is so 2000
<darsie> :)
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<GlassYuri> just had a tourist named "Mister Kerman"
<Althego> followed shortly by his wife?
<darsie> :)
<JVFoxy> should be a Dude Kerman
<hatrix> how much computing power does this take?
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<packbart> I didn't notice any impact in a test. I tried some config packs but didn't like them. too shiny ;)
<hatrix> the astronomer's visual pack includes textures for this mod right?
<hatrix> I like this screenshot I took but it's a bit… dull
<hatrix> like, there's something missing
<packbart> hmm. I don't see TU-specifix textures in the Astronomer pack. worksforme without Textures Unlimited. I use the stock planet system, though
<packbart> AVP has a config for "TUFX", the post-processing mod. but it's rather blue. I removed TUFX because the one effect I'd like to have (Ambient Occlusion) doesn
<packbart> err, doesn't work well with KSP, it seems. weird dark bands
<hatrix> TUFX didn't work well
<hatrix> it apparently doesn't work on linux also
<hatrix> the planets are beautiful with the Astronomer's pack, the vessels also with Restock, but I'd like more for the crafts
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<packbart> PlanetShine adds some bits. I was looking at WindowShine but it would need some work to adapt it to new and modded parts (because only a whole texture can be set to "reflective", every part with a windows needs a duplicate texture applied with the window parts cut out/transparent)
<packbart> it would really look cool, though. the effect on solar panels is nice, too. It depends on TextureReplace, not Textures Unlimited
<hatrix> mhm
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<hatrix> I'm a bit lost with all those mods that are compatible or not
<hatrix> I'll install Textures Unlimited and see wat happens
<packbart> TU is a base mod for other part/config packs, if I understand it right. Texture Replacer is a different one, I use it mainly for more diverse Kerbal heads
<packbart> and WindowShine is/was a config patch that applies the Texture Replacer reflective shader (otherwise used on the helmets) onto solar panels and pod windows
<packbart> so many mods just for a little bit of shiny
<hatrix> yeah but TU is listed as Optional under AVP
<hatrix> so AVP should provide some config for it I guess
<FLHerne> hatrix: Who cares if they're compatible? :p
<FLHerne> The classic Minecraft strategy was always to install everything and the kitchen sink and ignore the resulting mess :p
<hatrix> I'm already having some glitches though ;x
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<Mat2ch> I have an idea what this one has to do during the next test:
<kmath> YouTube - Boston Dynamics Robot & SpaceX
<Mat2ch> mainly being very close to the test.
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<GlassYuri> how do I clear a launch clamp test contract?
<Althego> activate the clamp?
<GlassYuri> when I stage the clamp the contract doesn't clear
<Althego> are there any other conditions?
<GlassYuri> I thought it was something like the situation changing before the contract gets evaluated, but using another clamp to keep the vessel on the pad doesn't help
<Althego> but there shouldnt be, it can only be on the launchpad
<GlassYuri> kerbin, at the launch site
<Althego> then you can just force it to be completed from the debug menu
<GlassYuri> do I open that again
<Althego> alt-f12 or right shift f12
<GlassYuri> thanks
<hatrix> oh actually packbart I'm not using AVP, Beyond Home already provides the config for Eve etc
<Althego> wintergatan
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<Dutchy45> Hey guys, Is there a way to see what jobs the Kerbals I rescue have, before taking the contract? I'm drowning in engineers :)
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i usually modify the jobs later in the save to even them out
<darsie> Dutchy45: Dunno. You could revert.
<darsie> Or load.
<raptop> Althego: ah, changing their jobs via CRISPR
<Althego> no, by notepad
<Althego> there is a live on the nasa yt channel about perseverance
<packbart> Dutchy45: in the Astronaut Complex under the "assigned" tab
<packbart> it shows the professions of the Kerbals waiting for rescue
<packbart> "more pilots... I need engineers!"
<packbart> oh right, I totally missed the "before taking the contract" bit :)
<darsie> But that doesn't require flying to her.
<darsie> Although hard games don't allow loading.
<Dutchy45> With reverting I'd also lose the money for the contract and modifying in the save feels like cheating. So :x hmnn
<Althego> not cheating, just dixing fault yrando mgenerator :)
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<Dutchy45> "dixing fault yrando mgenerator" I have no idea what this means
<Althego> fixing faulty random generator
<Dutchy45> Kind off doesn't feel right to me
<Dutchy45> BTW: no critique here heh. You play the game the way you want :)
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<flayer> no
<flayer> althego is a filthy cheater
<flayer> i judge him
<flayer> and also myself for doing the same
<flayer> a 1800 tonnes rocket for asteroid retrieval
<flayer> bit low on TWR at lift-off
<darsie> 1800 t? That's more than some asteroids.
* darsie checks his asteroid pusher ...
<darsie> 60 t
<darsie> Just one NERV, but hey, I'm patient.
<packbart> can it refuel fast enough? dV seems a bit low with a heavy asteroid attached
<darsie> Not continuously.
<darsie> No engineer.
<darsie> It mines LF from the asteroid, so dv is huge.
<darsie> Hmm, fuel tank are not full. I guess it refuels at the LKO fuel station.
<darsie> Makes it easier to get to orbit.
<flayer> yeah, i want to bring a fully loaded class e asteroid to duna
<flayer> i need some serious muscle
<darsie> Or patience.
<darsie> I brought a lightweight class E to LEO with my pusher.
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<flayer> yeah, but that brings an empty asteroid back
<flayer> i want to use the resources while in orbit around duna, not have the empty roid there
<darsie> No, it's still pretty full. Very useful if I ever want to refuel there.
<darsie> On the contrary, a lighter pusher use less fuel. It's just slower.
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<hatrix> KSP 1.10 feels unnecessary with TweakScale and KSPI-E
<raptop> ESA edition?
<hatrix> ja
<raptop> Okay, but do I get to launch CoRoT?
<raptop> Plato? CHEOPS?
<packbart> TweakScale was quite a performance hog, last time I tried it, though
<hatrix> hog? how come?
<raptop> Hrm, rosetta implies giant solar panels, gravity assists, comets, and fancy landing craft.
<raptop> 30-50 feral performances
<packbart> hatrix: it has to check and rescale parts on every physics tick
<hatrix> ah oops
<packbart> it was the cause of some "yellow clock" lag that I noticed and I don't really used it much, anyway. ymmv
<hatrix> i didn't try to rescale actually :|
<packbart> my experience was some while ago and I haven't tried it on the new computer, yet
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<sandbox> An experiment searching for signs of elusive dark matter has detected an unexplained signal.
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* flayer tackles sandbox
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<packbart> there are so many different ways mods reference the DLLs in their build scripts. I didn't even know existed
<packbart> makes some sense, though. it only needs the interface, not the magic sauce. no configuration needed
<packbart> linuxgurugamer uses a $KSPDIR variable. had to symlink KSP_Data to KSP_x64_Data but that's probably Unity's fault
<packbart> Kerbalism instead uses secret encrypted ZIP files for release builds
<packbart> I usually just want to make some GUI changes and recompile a mod
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