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<Guest01410> Hi I'm stuck on console version won't let me escape the astronaut complex
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<raptop> (x-ray images!)
<Althego> giga flat earth livestream from team skeptic, it has been more than 6 hours already (i am watching with double speed from the start, and still only halfway through)
<raptop> o_O
<Althego> starlink 9 in a few days. i am going to skip that one, around midnight here
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<Althego> hehe went above 8 hours
<Althego> at least i realized that my new mouse is still under warranty, so now that the virus restrictions are mostly over, i can maybe get a new one for free
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<Althego> that climbing lift
<kmath> YouTube - Eve ∞ 2 | Fully Reusable Eve SEA-LEVEL SSTO | KSP 1.9.1
<Mat2ch> that lift
<Mat2ch> Wow
<Mat2ch> ok, what did I just watch there? No DLC? That means no robotic bearings?!
<kmath> YouTube - Tatooine is Flat! *PROOF*
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<sandbox> saw that yesterday
<Guest24742> Is there any RSS+RO tutorial? (not installation tutorial.)
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<kmath> YouTube - Massive Rockets, Engines & Parachutes - More Things That SpaceX Abandoned
<Althego> scott
<Althego> hehe rocketlab's next mission: pics or it didn't happen
FLHerne_ is now known as FLHerne
<FLHerne> I have a computer that can run KSP again! :D
<FLHerne> tfw when you don't have quite enough parachutes
<FLHerne> and your craft lands after a fairly successful Mun mission at 7.1m/s
<FLHerne> and explodes
<Althego> hehe
<FLHerne> Stupid Hitchhiker pods
<Althego> normally only the engine should explode
<Althego> except if you land on water
<FLHerne> Luckily it has a docking port
<FLHerne> So, reload save, send up an extra-parachutes module
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<Alanonzander> FLHerne, I've goeen into the habit of putting up a space station in medium Kerbin orbit. If for some reason I forget parachutes or heat shield, I send teh kerbals to teh station, and send up a corrected lander, then recycle the old one.
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<Dutchy45> Hey guys, what happens if you've maxed out on active Kerbals and rescue another1?
<raptop> IIRC, you can use rescues to go over the cap
<raptop> But you're not going to be able to hire any. Just fire.
<flayer> you're fired
<Dutchy45> The idea is to not be forced to hire any later in my game. So hiring from what's available is not exactly planned.
<raptop> flayer: underperforming kerbals will be feed to the Kraken
<Dutchy45> Can anybody confirm what raptop said?
<flayer> that's been my experience
<hatrix> I remember darsie liked rescuing kerbals, he might know
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<Dutchy45> darsie, you wanna weigh in?
<flayer> you don't need more confirmation
<Althego> you dont need to see his identification
<Althego> these are not the droids you are looking for
<Althego> move along
<darsie> .
<darsie> Dutchy45: I think raptop is right.
<darsie> raptop may be wrong about Kraken food.
<Dutchy45> ok, I'm gonna go for it. Anybody like me to report succes or failure here?
<darsie> yes
<darsie> upgrade your astronaut complex ;)
<raptop> yes please
<Althego> i remembe once i was scrambling to upgrade the astronaut complex to have enough places for a new rescue, but i didnt know you could go over the max
<darsie> jk :)
<darsie> They can pack closer than 1 m ;).
<Dutchy45> ok, will do. Might take some time IRL, but you guys are always here on this chat anyway. :)
<darsie> I'm out while I sleep.
<Althego> me too
* darsie rescues a Kerbal while intoxicated ...
<raptop> yeah, sleep IRCing is rather impractical
<darsie> Rescue Dobald and Dobald's debris from the surface of the Moon. That's a bit more than I planned ...
<Althego> many years ago i wanted to irc while sleeping
<Althego> imagine that, collective dreaming through ircú
* darsie does not build rockets to rescue Dobald ...
<darsie> oops, need to rescue debris, too. Rockets it is ...
<Althego> hehe ksp but orbits are shrinking
<hatrix> linx?
<Althego> that
<hatrix> I'm amazed how KSP is still pretty active
<Althego> a game such as this can never die
<hatrix> I'm trying to wrap my head around KSP Interstellar, this mod is so complex
<darsie> Generation ship?
<hatrix> but then some planets require 23 000m/s of Δv…
<JVFoxy> its space stuff..!
<JVFoxy> Been into space since I was tiny, classic lego sets from 70s... so much blue and gray :)
<Mat2ch> Sooo, harvester made another game...?
<Althego> not that i know of
<JVFoxy> ugh.. google, I wanna search the game company Harvester.. not games /about/ harvesting...
<Mat2ch> Balsa Model Flight Simulator
<JVFoxy> oh right.. that one
<Mat2ch> and you can build you own planes there and the menu looks pretty similar...
<kmath> YouTube - No more Rockets! KSP creator's NEW game: Balsa Model Flight Simulator
<hatrix> is the physics correct this time?
<JVFoxy> not too many people spend the time to build actual balsa framed RC planes, usually it seems more the 'pre-made' generation. :\
<Althego> hehe why have an rc flight sim
<JVFoxy> rc flight sim good practice before flying real RC stuff
<JVFoxy> also, can't always go out and fly at the field whenever you want
<Mat2ch> but that one just follows the plane
<hatrix> pretty niche still
<Mat2ch> if you want to have a sim, you need to be stationary in it to work
<JVFoxy> oh.. follows.. can you at least 1st person like PFV?
<JVFoxy> ... FPV I mean.. ugh I keep forgetting which way it goes
<Althego> this is more aimed at fluburtur than me
<Althego> make it a real plane simulator
<Althego> simulating of a toy is not what i want
<Althego> i could spend money on rc planes, and dont
<Mat2ch> you have to be outside for that! ;)
<Mat2ch> but it's fun
<JVFoxy> does it let you custom build planes or..?
<Althego> yes kerbal style build
<Mat2ch> well, after you get used to the fact that you should always carry a garbage bag with you.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> to hide the bodies? :)
<JVFoxy> plane bodies
<JVFoxy> well at least parts of things
<Althego> i was thinking maybe drones
<Althego> but the legal s tatus of these is not really ok at the moment
<Mat2ch> if there are any things left that you can call "bodies"...
<Althego> ar at least then, and i havent looked into it since then
<Mat2ch> get a smaller one and fly it inside :P
<JVFoxy> should go watch Flitetest on youtube, some of the crazy stuff they do
<Mat2ch> have fun with it
<Mat2ch> do challenges. Make videos how you break the drone *g*
<JVFoxy> Althego not ok how so? Just get your permit, think its only a written sorta thing
<Althego> flight permissions
<Althego> so basically people are flying it illegally
<JVFoxy> I understand the 'can't fly so close to airports, buildings, people' sorta thing
<Althego> and there is also the provacy issue
<Althego> so i decided no to buy drones
<JVFoxy> it could have been worse, originally they wanted to say 'anything with a camera can't fly'... tech gotten so good, flyer size of your thumb could still have a camera
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> you can ban them but pointless
<JVFoxy> so.. they had to change things. They also wanted to practically 'ban the entire RC hobby'. Or at least make it prohibited in ways
<JVFoxy> worried you might poke camera in someone's window?
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<Althego> hmm apparently there some kind of eu regulation was passed a year ago
<JVFoxy> don't have flying clubs?
<JVFoxy> a little more fortunate over here in Canada. Granted, my ultralight school lost use of the land they had been on loan from a farm for 35 years
<JVFoxy> farm wanted the land to grow more stuff, school had to move to one of the airports, which is further out from me now
<JVFoxy> .... anyways... c_c
<Althego> so basically under 25 kg and 120 m, you can now fly one
<Althego> 120 seems kind of low
<JVFoxy> 393 feet height..
<Althego> i was also thinking about high altitude balloons
<Althego> but that surely requires paperwork. also a car to chase them
<JVFoxy> we've three classes here.. I forgot the actual figures, but drone I have was made before the rules, weighs about 400g, think rules state has to be half that or in the 3 tier..?
<JVFoxy> ah ok.. if its less than 250g, don't need to do the permit/licensing.
<Althego> anyway, still seems simpler than an amateur radio operator licence. i sure dont want to go through any kind of exams at my age
<JVFoxy> here.. can fly below 122 meters but can't go further than 30 meters horizontially.. bleh
<Althego> and telescopes are also out, because i wouldnt be able to see anything from inside a city
<Althego> so i still cant spend my money on anything intersting
<JVFoxy> Althego got ham licence?
<Althego> no
<JVFoxy> doh
<Althego> i just checked what it required
<Althego> and i am not going to jump through hoops
<JVFoxy> had a friend pester me about getting it.. even hosted a mock test with some of us. One of my other friend's got it but never even used it.
<Althego> because i thought, maybe i could build a radar to measure the distance to the moon :)
<JVFoxy> very much into radio, mostly been listening, trying things out. Includes tracking amateur satellites, downlinking weather sat data..
<Althego> that weather sat data is also interesting
<Althego> saw that on thought emporium channel
<JVFoxy> ah you too heh..
<JVFoxy> I thought about it when I saw thought's video. Then there was another video that came out from someone else, decided to get the software, use my 2m yagi out
<Althego> but since then it turned into this genetic engineering thing, which is interesting in a way, but i want to watch more tech
<JVFoxy> ya was hoping for more radio/tech stuff too, but I guess ever since they built that bio lab thing... oh well
<JVFoxy> oh.. it was the ham radio crash course guy on youtube that I saw about the weather sats
<JVFoxy> about the NOAA satellites.. I've not do the geo stationary ones. I guess I could with a dish I have, but I would need to find a way to power the LNB since my dongle doesn't supply the voltage
<kmath> YouTube - UNLIMITED POWER!
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> just take a pocket palpatine and plug in
<JVFoxy> Althego you any good at offering ideas on directions to go with career?
<Althego> in ksp?
<JVFoxy> ya
<FLHerne> Hm, my booster stage has a TWR of 0.98
<Althego> wait 11 days until we get 1.10 :)
<FLHerne> This isn't working very well
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> that is what i am doing
<JVFoxy> val and jeb with a rescue at mun with a little station. A couple of contracts cropped up while they were there. Two rescues (turns out one is a pilot) and a 'land on mun, get science' Wondering if I should just return the 3 back home, or try to send some stuff out using probe cores, or rescue the one pilot in LKO, use him
<JVFoxy> hmmm...
<JVFoxy> Althego guess no thoughts?
<Althego> for career i just do whatever missions pop up
<JVFoxy> I guess I could do the two rescues with one ship..
<FLHerne> Does anyone play without revert/autosave?
<darsie> no
<darsie> ;)
<FLHerne> I think I'd have depopulated Kerbin by now
<Althego> hehe
<FLHerne> But building abort systems that actually had to work might be neat
<JVFoxy> I'd go nuts without revert. I do a lot of design testing
<Althego> even if you do everything perfectly
<Althego> ther can be bugs
<FLHerne> Maybe there should be a setting when you launch
<Althego> revert doesnt help much with parallel missions
<JVFoxy> there was a mod that made parts randomly fail on you.. that still around?
<Althego> once you started them you have to finish them as you are
<FLHerne> Simulation that's always revertable, or real launch that never is
<Althego> yes, you can treat the first few tries as simulation
<JVFoxy> even if you saved a point, you can't revert?
<Althego> there was a time when i used to design in sandbox, fly the mission, then do the same in career
<JVFoxy> I seem to recall, once you get on the pad, if you saved, you can't revert back to VAB/SPH, had to be to that particular save point
<Althego> you cant revert with parallel missions, because you have already done n others when you get to a critical mission part
<JVFoxy> 'parallel missions'... as in leaving someone out there, flying another, and switching between the two?
<Althego> two? i can go up to 15-20
<Althego> at that point it becaomes really hard
<Althego> and that is why the traditional career doesnt make sense to me. by say 10 i should have most of the tech tree
<Alanonzander> definately need soemthing like Kerbal Alerm Clock
<Althego> *day 10
<JVFoxy> ugh... can't imagine if you wanted to hire another pilot by that point, the cost
<Althego> free
<Althego> because rescue
<JVFoxy> ya but profession is usually random
<Althego> most of these are robotic
<JVFoxy> I snuck a peek at the persist file.. got one pilot on the upcoming roster with the bads trait. But also a tourist? wuh?
<Althego> only a few mun and minmus missions are by kerbals, and of course the rescues
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> got a tourist badS
<Althego> bad luck brian
<JVFoxy> lol.. badluck
<Althego> ok, it doesnt do anythin anyway, jsut facial expressions
<JVFoxy> I did just fly two craft, one was the station part that went out first. And a 3 crew ship after the rescue on the way out. I don't quite get how the second ship made the trip faster than the station..
<JVFoxy> I injectioned at least 2.. maybe hours apart (a low kerbal orbit or two later) and yet, crewed ship halfed the gap or something. game time dialates if ship not in focus or something?
<Althego> wth a bit of delta v difference you can really speed up travel time to the mun and minmus
<Althego> but i need to sleep
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<Dutchy45> Paging darsie, raptop and whoever else was interested in knowing if you could have more Kerbals available for missions than the maximum allowable in the astronaut complex by rescueing them. I can report succes. I now have more than the max. I tested in the VAB and all the new guys were happy to enter a command pod.
<raptop> \o/
<darsie> :)
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* darsie recovered Dobald Kerman and his scrap from the surface of The Mun.
<darsie> I also have Kirk Kerman :).
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<FLHerne> Am I missing something about orbital transfers?
<FLHerne> I have a contract to put something in a fairly weird orbit of the sun
<FLHerne> 46x80Gm, 5° inclination
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<FLHerne> Wait, I know what I did wrong :p
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