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<Althego> what, 2 launches on saturday, oh yes. the two best, rocket lab and spacex
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<hatrix> I should have brought bigger landing legs
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> not really
<Althego> just angle them outward
<Althego> and use 4
<hatrix> my graphics driver crashed while playing though, I tried again and it did the same :/
<Althego> even on the lem they wanted to use 5 to have optimal suport area and mass, but they had to reduce the mass and finally settled with 4
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<packbart> my (early, light) landers mostly use 3 legs, too. bring RCS ;)
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<Althego> then you need to rotate to have a leg downhill for maximal stability
<hatrix> I need to recompile the drivers first :|
<Althego> what arcane ritual is that
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<packbart> I still have the problem where I target a 20km orbit around the Mun - and it's 200+km when I arrive. (yaddayadda, MechJeb ;)
<packbart> I thought that wouldn't happen if I start high enough in Kerbin's orbit
<packbart> where exactly does the reference frame switch happen?
<Althego> hehe i did not expect those side tanks to remain on
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<packbart> yeah, I often use drop tanks on the lander stage. sometimes I put the landing legs on there, too
<JVFoxy> packbart oof those portraits. How high is your resolution there?
<packbart> 2560x1440
<JVFoxy> must be pretty big screen then.. heh, I only run 1920x1080, then again, mid grade GPU
<packbart> 27". it's just about not too large
<JVFoxy> I see those landing leg pads never got fixed.. still flipped over the wrong way till touchdown
<packbart> it's a feature ;)
<JVFoxy> heh.. all them kerbals standing around. Ok someone light a fire, we camp'n here for the night
<packbart> not sure if I'll keep that Kourageous Tourists mod. "EVA photo" contracts take a lot of clicking
<packbart> I like this shot of the first tourist group:
<JVFoxy> mechjeb best way to get a reading on surface slope angles? Be nice if there was something that could mark out locations with only so much slope. Sometimes its hard to tell unless you really down there and close.
<packbart> I just target a "looks flat-ish" area by eye :)
<JVFoxy> figures
<JVFoxy> also, with those colors, why am I getting flashbacks to Lego space men?
<hatrix> what do you use to record your screen? ssr, obs?
<packbart> Kerbal Engineer has slope readouts, I think. I never used those
<JVFoxy> it does but only directly under
<packbart> yes, obs captures with the GPU in "h264 lossless" and ffmpeg encodes it at 5x speed
<JVFoxy> if I was recording, I would be using OBS Studio.. I also have DaVinici Resolve for editing but only just used it once so far
<JVFoxy> I tried it with AMD's capture software, felt like it wasn't running very smoothly
<packbart> I used the Windows-integrated "Game bar" at first. it works but lacks options
<JVFoxy> I might have to start using OBS on my laptop for the built in cameras. Seems the windows camera app keeps showing the view sideways
<JVFoxy> used to be a setting you can set the rotation but that was removed during one of the updates, for the more 'automatic' motion sensor version
<JVFoxy> got fed up with things, removed links to the app since the can't even remove the app itself....
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<Althego> wait for it (watch upper left corner)
<kmath> <police_HU> No comment... #rendőrség #dontdrinkanddrive
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<JVFoxy> weee
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<JVFoxy> see how I do getting two ships sent to the Mun a few hours a part.....
<Althego> i can do that few minutes apart
<Althego> the problem is getting them back
<JVFoxy> leaving station out there...
<Althego> you need around 10 minutes for a reentry and landing
<JVFoxy> reason a few hours is I got Jedmon in the rescue pod waiting in orbit. Going to pick them up on the way out with the other ship
<JVFoxy> by the time Nest 2 is in position for Mun injection, Jedmon would already be directly over the center.
<JVFoxy> ok now that the injection is done.5.5 hours
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<JVFoxy> to wait for rescue pod to go around again, launch, pickup..
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<Althego> :)
<JVFoxy> and now... a 3 star contract for surface temps around KSC?
<JVFoxy> Althego huh?
<Althego> because of the .5.5
<JVFoxy> 5.5 hours till gotta go back to Nest 2, make a mun capture burn
<Althego> SNMP OIDs start like
<packbart> there's an OID for "done"?
<Althego> etc
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<hatrix> the new graphics drivers doesn't crash :)
<packbart> 🎉
<packbart> emojis look weird in terminal font
<hatrix> it also messes up with my weechat
<packbart> my font only has "party popper", not "partying face". ah, well, a smiley is still good enough for IRC :)
<hatrix> sometimes I can't focus a planet by double clicking on it, is there a reason ?
<packbart> I noticed that, too. In my case, there's usually some other craft in the way. and I'm never sure where to click on it. the center doesn't always work
<hatrix> I'm using tab to change focus but there are too many planets in that mod
<hatrix> the weather looks so nice from the ocean
<packbart> put a deck chair on top and wait for the rescue fleet
<JVFoxy> bleh... ok last time I tried docking, I barely went through 10pts rcs... how come this time around I went through nearly 50?
<packbart> heavier craft?
<JVFoxy> same one...
<JVFoxy> ok granted, I did have to do a little more translation sideways...
<packbart> 10 isn't much. I use more on average
<JVFoxy> I can launch, get the two crafts to meet in less than half an orbit.. trick is trying to time the launch and knowing how fast you can get up to orbit
<JVFoxy> anyways.. try again I guess. Though did wonder, my other craft is heading out to the Mun, will it actually get into mun SOI even though its not in focus?
<hatrix> what do you mean by "10pts"?
<JVFoxy> ah.. target it, shows that'll go into mun SOI
<darsie> JVFoxy: Do you use reaction wheels?
<JVFoxy> Ya.. I try to conserve RCS fuel using wheels..
<JVFoxy> hatrix 10 points.. its just shorthand
<darsie> I say '3.1 EVA fuel'.
<hatrix> what do you mean by points?
<darsie> Little black holes made of RCS fuel ;)
<JVFoxy> amount of resource used.. shows up on the panel
<darsie> units
<hatrix> ah rcs fuel units?
<JVFoxy> actually, was it ever defined.. like liters or gallons of something? We know weight per unit but..
<darsie> 1 RCS fuel = 4 kg.
<darsie> Should be more like 6 kg, as it has less Isp.
<JVFoxy> ya I guess it was never said if it was a liquid, compressed gas (N2?)
<darsie> I'd say NTO/UDMH.
<JVFoxy> heh.. solid fuel...
<darsie> Could work, if you have lots of them.
<JVFoxy> think there was actually some sort of weapon system, it was a spinning body with little solid rockets on the base. Computer on board would time firings to help guid
<hatrix> time to deorbit some stuff
<JVFoxy> ok figured how I managed to save so much RCS. I cirularized my orbit as I was approaching the rescue pod
<JVFoxy> the last time, I circularized a bit too early
<JVFoxy> ah yup... docked, this time using only 6 rcs
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<JVFoxy> ugff.. laptop lags a little, Webchat is, "nope, no lagging, be gone you!'
<JVFoxy> any case... feeling a millimeter better...
<JVFoxy> pod booster ditched, deorbited.. 3minutes till mun ejection
<JVFoxy> oh right.. guess jedmon will have to wait till after injection before I transfer him over
<hatrix> cute station
<JVFoxy> also whoops.. forgot Mk1-3 had RCS on it again.. no wonder was burn'n so much
<hatrix> I just deorbited the old commnet relay network :)
<JVFoxy> hatrix Lower is Flypod... what I rescued Jedmon in. Upper is Wagon. Once I get out to Mun orbit, Val going to take Flypod down closer, hit some crew reports
<JVFoxy> I ditched the probe core, fuel+engine stack, (nav ball kind of hiding it) since I don't need it any more
<JVFoxy> getting into some new stuff here... orbit paths so colorful than usual
<JVFoxy> hatrix if you wanna know, this is my little mun station, Nest 2,
<Althego> bit more spacious that nthe one with 5 seats
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<JVFoxy> grr
<Mat2ch> you don't get a more spacious station than external seats
<JVFoxy> contract wants 5 kerbals, 2 of them pilots..
<Mat2ch> In a station you are crammed into it. But in space you are freeeee ;)
<Althego> but kerbals need to be close, hence less space between them
<JVFoxy> oh right... guess I better bring Jedmon over to the command pod :P
<JVFoxy> lol.. you preformed your first crew transfer near the Mun
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<JVFoxy> oof, forgot how sensitive things can be while in Mun orbit
<hatrix> little indeed JVFoxy :D
<JVFoxy> hatrix considering I'm only first level VAB and second on launch pad...
<hatrix> is that something you impose on yourself?
<hatrix> the first things I do in career mode is upgrading those 2
<JVFoxy> you could say that
<JVFoxy> that jump from the first to second changes things so much. I guess I'd thought things would be a bit more... gradual?
<packbart> there are mods for that ;) I upgrade VAB and pad early on, too, mostly. I rarely upgrade VAB and Tracking Station to lvl 3
<hatrix> conics and maneuvers is what I want early on
<JVFoxy> surprised haven't see more fun with astroids
<JVFoxy> I remember early versions, runway was so bad unless upgraded, better off taking off/landing from the flats around the runway
<packbart> I only update the Tracking Station to level 3 when I want asteroids
<JVFoxy> but also runway sections didn't line up anyways, wheels would explode when the smacked
<packbart> you really should forget *everything* you know about KSP and start with a fresh mind ;)
<JVFoxy> each time a new version came out.. nearly
<Althego> all fake cgi :)
<JVFoxy> welp.. got station contract done
<Rolf> sure "fake" "cgi"
<Althego> nice statin
<JVFoxy> now to take Val down to 60km orbit, take reports in Flypod
<Althego> oh btw, somebody should have made a video of the crew dragon launch where the faces of the two astronauts are shown in the lower right corner during launch :)
<packbart> :)
<Rolf> lol
<JVFoxy> I still remember when someone did the Falcon launch, Jeb in the bottom corner. A moment of frown when one engine explodes, then back to normal
<Rolf> i had one launch go so bad jeb wasnt cheering as usual but still smiling
<packbart> Doug certainly has the BadS flag
<Rolf> its quite hard to make jeb not happy
<Althego> Rolf: not so long ago i started to watch some hardware unboxed videos. and the viewers make jooking comments about the autogenerated closed captions. one guy always says after the music intro: welcome back to hardware unboxed. it never gets it right. harbor on box, too hard wrong box, hard rock's
<Rolf> lol
<JVFoxy> oof ok can't find that clip of jeb superimposed on a real life rocket launch that had a slight 'burp' with one engine
<Althego> the best is still scott manly lands falcon 9
<JVFoxy> geh... don't trust auto captions
<Althego> maybe in 10 years
<JVFoxy> auto translators... 50 years
<JVFoxy> also time to send Val down closer to Mun
<Althego> actually in the hardware unboxed case it is pretty simple if you know that it is a greeting and what the channel's name. but probably it only checks the audio
<JVFoxy> just realized something... Station is called Nest, Crew ship is Wagon... Station+Wagon.. umm...
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> My first car was an Aries stationwagon.. miss that thing
<Althego> already sounds like a spaceship name
<JVFoxy> Was blue... I'm sure Benny would have loved it, if it had rockets on the back
<JVFoxy> ok not quite the same shade of blue as Benny (Lego) but..
<Althego> who is benny
<Althego> hehe a very happy blue lego astronaut
<Althego> an all too familiar logo on the chest
<JVFoxy> eh ya... mr. high on sugar and spaceships Benny
<packbart> (the description of "a huge, open mouthed smile" doesn't quite fit the photo)
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<JVFoxy> huh.. stareliner spacesuits look'n a bit like the blue lego guy
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> the spacex one looks great
<Althego> that blue one is just like something from the 70s
<packbart> SpaceX suits look a bit like Teletubbies
<Althego> bit strange duringwalking
<Althego> they are shaped for sitting
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<Althego> the starliner suit cable is highly visible
<Althego> how long is the cable for the dragn suit?
<packbart> how high is the sound stage? ;)
<Althego> sky high
<JVFoxy> starliner sit also got a soft helmet? Kind of reminds me of the suits used for the two week duration gemini mission
<JVFoxy> Althego not too high, no one can hear you scream in space
<JVFoxy> gah.. saw pic of spacesuits compared ot teletubbies, someone pass me the acid for my eyes
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> brain bleach
<JVFoxy> with boeing and spacex doing things differently. I gotta wonder, if something happens and one has to help/support the other in some way...
<JVFoxy> the most common thing I could see so far is the international docking port
<Althego> i want a growing helmet like in the now two decades old lost in space movie
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<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX Starship & Starlink Update with Elon Musk & Gwynne Shotwell
<kmath> YouTube - Starship SN7 Tank Rollout
<Althego> transform and rollout :)
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<Althego> i might watch this stream, there is a steel cylinder in it
<Mat2ch> I'm happy for them that they finally can test again
<Althego> i like this channel
<Mat2ch> But wait, aren't we waiting for SN5 tests?
<Althego> no
<Althego> probably the stand is not even finished yet
<darsie> After an initial kick with a decoupler this construction wiggles wildly and travelled >1 km:
<Althego> lol
<Althego> a danny moment
<Mat2ch> well, it looked gooded in Marys/NSFs video
<Althego> danny would turn this into a planet destroyer
<Althego> somehow
<Mat2ch> *good
<Mat2ch> but maybe they want to test the new steel first, before they go on and build more rings out of it
<Althego> i guess even if there is a test it is going to be the usual, first normal pressure test, then cryogenic, then the turbopump test, then the static fire, and only then flight
<Mat2ch> the real question is: How fast can they test all this nowadays?
<Althego> because of human malware, or political situation?
<packbart> why is there a police car in the street when any truck just drives around it
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> you could do all four tests in a day, but they'll probably make two days out of it
<Althego> guessthey want to close the road for any rocket part, because it might explode, as in ksp :)
<Mat2ch> Althego: human malware?
<Althego> the beer infection
<Althego> voldemort
<Mat2ch> I'm confused
<Althego> the coof
<Althego> the kung flu
<Althego> coronavirus as normal people now it
<Mat2ch> Yes, but what was it the answer to?
<Althego> it was a question to a question. why cant they test fast? what changed?
<Mat2ch> Uh, reread my question :)
<Mat2ch> better quality, but talking
<Althego> yes thought so
<Althego> these are the two channels to go to for boca chica
<Althego> but usually they have cameras in 90 degress from each other
<Althego> thus we had explosion from two angles
<Althego> i watch two of those guys semi regularly
<Mat2ch> I see movement!
<Althego> i see dead people
<Althego> the greatest problem with live streams is that you cant listen to them on 2x speed
<Mat2ch> watch the replay :P
<Althego> i do that for flat earth streams
<packbart> yeah, realtime streams are so slooow ;)
<Althego> aint nobody got time for that
<Althego> modem setup
<Althego> soon they are going to be on starlink :)
<Althego> not an apple fan video. one of those guys i cant really listen to in 2x. sometimes have to go down to 1.75x. talks too fast. and in the not so good old days there was no 1.75x speed, just 1.5 and 2
<packbart> I see a special transport mod for the truck simulator coming up ;)
<packbart> "deliver Starship to launch pad"
<Althego> with this the road closing is obvious, it is simply too large for normal roads
<Althego> what was it, 9 m diameter?
<Mat2ch> jep
<packbart> what's that truck below hopper? it has some weird piping on top
<Mat2ch> from the area alone this is bigger than my appartment...
<Mat2ch> packbart: probably one to pump concrete around
<Althego> maybe one of those cpncrete pumping things?
<Althego> but why would they need that
<packbart> ah, right. makes sense. thx
<Althego> but i am just guessing
<packbart> foundation for the test stand?
<packbart> yeah, there were concrete trucks driving around and the chute thing at the front looked like it
<Althego> maybe it is hoing to move now
<packbart> ah, ok. that's no chute
<Althego> that's no moon
<Althego> yes it is writtn on it
<Althego> concrete pumpnig
<Althego> with nimber too
<Althego> you can call them to pump for you
<Althego> usually i would expect those pump if you need to get it on top of a building
<Althego> but they are full of tents and one story buildings
<Althego> storey
<packbart> I see them being used to pump concrete from the truck in the street down and ancross to the construction site
<Mat2ch> you also need one if you're planning to make a huge base plate
<Mat2ch> and you want to do it in one go
<Althego> ah that might be the reason, that you want a single plate
<Mat2ch> You can make a single plate with several loads, but it takes longer and might not be as stable
<Althego> i was not akive during the moon landings, but this era might be more interesting after all. if elon can get a spaceship to mars with people
<Althego> hehe a corgan in the chat. corgan was one of the characters in septerra core
<Mat2ch> I'm still not a fan of this.
<Althego> not a fan of *this :)
<Mat2ch> If we go to Mars, the best would be a fly-by, just to see how humans behave on such a long trip
<Althego> for a first try? maybe
<Althego> but it is half a year to get there
<Mat2ch> but the trip is already so long you want to go down when you're already there
<Althego> so if you are that close...
<Mat2ch> so either there's lots and lots of equipment already there and maybe two backup ships or this could end in a huge desaster
<Althego> not a fan of *this, but i dont like self either. what i hate most is "the". you need a special kind of evil to call the object the
<packbart> this should be implicit
<packbart> is "that's why $they are sending only 100 humans first and not the whole colony" too cynical?
<packbart> it is some arbitrary number. it could be lower, I agree
<Althego> they send 100 humans. they never stated what base it is in :)
<Althego> solid segments you have there
<packbart> "do not hump" - wat
<packbart> fanboys stay away!
<Althego> in trains
<Althego> there is a thing called the hump
<Althego> when they organize the trains
<Althego> and there is a work position called the humpmaster
<Althego> so probably it means you cant use the hump for this
<packbart> yeah, I know. even visited a large switch yard once in school
<packbart> modern passenger cars don't like it, either
<Althego> i think it was an interesting solution
<Althego> just moving the cars by gravity into place
<Althego> they got 2 streams for the price of 1
<packbart> probably this one:
<Althego> huge
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<Althego> it is big, second biggest in the world according to wiki
<Althego> so how do they move these solids?
<Althego> are these blocks already filled with fuel? or are they assembled and only fileld later?
<Althego> also how does the nozzle steering work on the solid boosters? the fuel cant power them, or can it?
<Althego> so it had separate hydraulics power them through an apu
<Althego> the shuttle sure liekd to use hydrazine
<packbart> just slap a 1kEC battery in the stack. it's not going to need electricity for long
<packbart> loading dock isn't open, yet. typical!
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<kmath> YouTube - Amazing Camera Views From Inside SpaceX Rocket Fairings
<Althego> scott
<Althego> yest hat video is several days old
<Althego> i never linked it because i thought everybody already saw it
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<hatrix> I need 1,500,000 tu upgrade the R&D center :|
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<raptop> Hrm, Hitman Absolution is free on GoG
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<raptop> Which is I think considered one of the bad ones?
<raptop> Anyway, KSP is also 75% off
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<hatrix> and the dlcs raptop ?
<raptop> Looks like 33% off breaking ground and 25% off of making history
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