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<Althego> hehe existential question of the day: does a female centaur use the human half or the horse half to feed the young?
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<Mat2ch> Althego: out!
<Althego> i still like the gingerbread man the best. if a gingerbread man lives in a gingerbread house, does he live in a house of flesh, or is he made of house?
<Althego> same can be said of the lego figure
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<Deddly> Sounds like my house
<Deddly> Oh wait... did I say that out loud?
<raptop_> Technically most houses are made of (plant) flesh
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<sandbox> stone flesh
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<Mat2ch> raptop: my house is made out of animals that died millions of years ago.
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<raptop> Mat2ch: I'm going to assume that your walls are made of trilobites
<darsie> cement is made from carbonates and silica or so.
<Mat2ch> concrete. :P
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<Mat2ch> darsie: here, have a cookie :)
<darsie> Thanks for the vegan cookie :).
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<raptop> Depending on the silica source, it might be volcanic?
<darsie> Yeah, but that wasn't used for Mat2ch's concrete :).
<darsie> They used kiselgur from algae.
<Mat2ch> point taken
<raptop> ah
<Mat2ch> not sure where our cement here is coming from. :P
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<Mat2ch> a crazy modder does crazy mods to those poor Kerbals...
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> yes i saw one not long ago, the ksp but the ground is going higher
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> he's doing many of those things
<Deddly> He is not doing someone else is doing
<Althego> hehehe
<Deddly> :P
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<darsie> Was that guy on esper, too?
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<kmath> YouTube - Light Up Those Raptors! | TMRO News
<Althego> that is not stage and a half
<Althego> those are external boosters, not engines
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<Tank2333> never heard stage and a half before
<Althego> the famous example
<Althego> i think even scott talked about this
<kmath> YouTube - How The Atlas Rocket Evolved Over 60 Years
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<lordcirth> that's pretty cool
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* darsie 's Eve lander: (not flown, yet)
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<Althego> insert meme "are you sure about this?" :)
<Althego> ok there is a tiny heat shield
<darsie> yeah :)
<Althego> this can workk
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<Althego> battery?
<darsie> okto2 has 5 EC ;)
<Althego> not enough for sending
<darsie> do not require complete
<Althego> also some parachute liek thing maybe
<darsie> there
<Althego> ah on the right side
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<Althego> maybe it burns off
<darsie> 2500 K
<darsie> We'll see.
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<darsie> Then you'll know, too.
<darsie> I can do an entry burn if necessary.
<darsie> refuel in LKO and LEO.
<darsie> Fuel station in LEO also has a relay antenna.
<darsie> Class E fuel station :)
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<kubi> interesting design
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<JVFoxy> wee.. fun with antennas.. both KSP and RL...
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<darsie> ok :)
<darsie> orbit wasn't too hard.
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<JVFoxy> darsie: little control probe on the side there?
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<darsie> JVFoxy: Eve lander.
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<JVFoxy> darsie ah..
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<darsie> landing burn was to decouple the heat shield.
<darsie> At first I tried to aerobrake to the Class E fuel station, but that used up heat shield and then I just landed directly.