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<DUODEX0> lmao
<DUODEX0> somehow duodex is still claimed :(
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<UmbralRaptop> did DuoDex forget about a bouncer he's had running for years?
<Deddly> Yes
<Deddly> That't why it's not opped anymore
<Deddly> NBones, too
<UmbralRaptop> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<Deddly> Quassel is a paid servie, isn't it?
<Deddly> service*
<Deddly> Or is that the one you run on your own machine?
<UmbralRaptop> Normally you run it on your own machine, IIRC
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<flayer> alright, three 53x ton rockets prepped to head to duna
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<Althego> 530t? why not one 1.5 kt?
* darsie notices ppl using 'ton' for metric tons instead of 'tonne'.
<Althego> because whay else would it be?
<flayer> tonnes
<TheKosmonaut> Tuns
<TheKosmonaut> thonnes
<TheKosmonaut> tohns
<TheKosmonaut> Ntons, the N is silent.
<Althego> the joke was, not si units dont matter
<Althego> basically the whole world, aside from usa, myanmar and idontknowwhat is in so
<Althego> so it can be only one t
<darsie> Is t an SI unit?
<flayer> i'm literally speaking dutch when i say 'ton'
<darsie> German: Tonne.
<flayer> megagram
<darsie> :)
<Black_Eagle> Mg best
<Althego> megagram sound cool
<darsie> kkt is not allowed.
<darsie> kkg*
<Black_Eagle> kinda like saying "billion" when you're trying to say "milliard"
<Althego> hehehe
<flayer> language is a thing
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<TheKosmonaut> COnfusing is that East asian languages count in myriad
<TheKosmonaut> Which in the language is ok, it's when you need to translate on the fly
<TheKosmonaut> Live-translation of numbers from Japanese-English and vice versa is a bit of a chore
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> japanese counting is ok until you reach 10k
<flayer> in dutch we say 'seven and forty' to indicate 47
<TheKosmonaut> In Khmer they count in base 5 iirc
<flayer> i am constantly fucking it up because of the fact i use a lot of english
<darsie> Siebenundvierzig in German
<flayer> i can't do the numbers right at all anymore
* TheKosmonaut cites flayer 5 points for violating channel morality laws
<flayer> haha
<darsie> flayer--
<darsie> ;)
<darsie> Karmabot missing
<flayer> i don't see it as a morality violation because i am using it as a way to describe 'messing things up' or 'scrambling the words' rather than as an exclamation
<flayer> it is only a curse word if it used as a curse lol
<darsie> Do the children know that?
<flayer> they will if you teach them
<TheKosmonaut> That's a paddlin'
<darsie> what?
<Black_Eagle> what?
<kmath> YouTube - That's A Paddlin' (The Simpsons)
<flayer> i feel nauseous
<flayer> lel, i'm testing a duna mining refinery on the mun and just as i burned to a full stop 500 meters over the landing site, i changed my mind and now im in orbit again with fuel to spare
<flayer> and i could do it again.
<darsie> lol
<darsie> Ah, I confused Duna with Minmus.
<Althego> way easier to land on duna than on minmu
<Althego> s
<Althego> or th emun
<Althego> coming back is a different matter
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<Dutchy45> Can I not revert flight after F5-F9, or is there some other reason in my game?
<darsie> yes
<darsie> ;)
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<Deddly> Dutchy45, Sounds odd
<Deddly> I presume it worked previously for you?
<Deddly> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here: bitcoinshell.mooo.com/users/deddly/?C=M;O=D
<Dutchy45> Little ambiguous but I'm gonna assume my hunch was correct.
<packbart> yeah, reverting doesn't work after scene changes or reloads
<Dutchy45> Ok, well my Minmus scrapyard is growing
<Dutchy45> Deddly, No I just assumed it would work and when it didn't I wanted to know why
<darsie> Tourist Mun landing. Plan: low orbit, jetpack land at a capsule, refuel, jetpack back to orbit, fly home.
<Dutchy45> Tourists can't EVA as far as I know
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<darsie> What if the are never inside the vehicle?
<flayer> <Althego> 530t? why not one 1.5 kt?
<flayer> because that would make it incredibly difficult to build, and take more than 255 parts so i'd have to upgrade the VAB
<darsie> Dutchy45: They can get out of command seats.
<Dutchy45> ok, didn't know that
<kmath> YouTube - Cosmic Girl Will Attempt To Launch Rocket Into Space
<Dutchy45> darsie, hang on; You're gonna launch from Kerbin with a Kerbal exposed?
<darsie> No, launch is in fairing.
<Dutchy45> Ah of course
<packbart> darsie's tourist transport looks a bit like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z2_gZkyHKY&t=1m15s
<kmath> YouTube - Catapult Air - Im hohen Bogen nach Sylt.
<Althego> lol
<Althego> so gut? and launches him
<darsie> :)
<Dutchy45> that's funny
<Althego> hehe dont feed the seagulls
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<darsie> After a rough landing and less than 1 km walk Kathwell arrived at the EVA fuel depot: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot283.png
<hatrix> EVA fuel depot?
<darsie> Lander can.
<darsie> But, oops, she can't get back out anymore. As a tourist :( ...
<darsie> dang
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<darsie> Hmm, if I had a crewed capsule with two command seats I could get the crew in one seat, the tourist in the other and transfer fuel.
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<Deddly> Can tourists use command seats?
<ShadowJK2> I would be surprised
<flayer> they can, apparently
<flayer> in one version or another at least
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<raptop> I feel like this allowss for some jokes about cheap seats on aircraft
<Deddly> Indeed.
<Deddly> Where's Red5 when you need him?
<Althego> he hasnt been here for a while
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<sandbox_> :(
<JVFoxy> sandbox_ eep?
<sandbox_> JVFoxy, I was responding to an earlier post about Red5 not being seen here for a while
<JVFoxy> alright.. used to keep in touch with them quite a bit I take it?
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<flayer> alright, polar crater and polar landing done
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