Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | Scrub
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<Runner> dnsmcbr just want to tell you thta you can go fuck yourself you scum loser
<Runner> you little weak fucken loser
<dnsmcbr> lmfao
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<Runner> fuck off you weakling fuck
<Runner> eat my shit
<Runner> you want to start a war you scumfuck
<Runner> coward bitch
<Runner> dude i'll come back and you wont even know its me you fuck
<Runner> coward
<dnsmcbr> dude
<dnsmcbr> I can't find a violin small enough
<Runner> stupid fuck
<Runner> eat my shit loser
<Runner> weak fuck
<Runner> you will regret it dude, just watch you wont even know its me
<Runner> lsoer
<Runner> cant kick me from here you loser?
<Runner> coward little bitch
* Runner spits in dnsmcbr's face
<Runner> bte, i'm alreaady in both space channels with different nicks you fuck
<Runner> fucken newb
<Runner> give me your ip coward
<Runner> fuck off megfuck
Runner was kicked from #KSPOfficial by ChanServ [(Althego) language]
Runner has joined #KSPOfficial
<Runner> loser
<Runner> dnsmcbr stay quiet like the coward little fuck you are
<Runner> loser
jan has joined #KSPOfficial
<Runner> dnsmcbr you little coward , you like to ban poeple for no reason
<Runner> scumbag loser
<Runner> you will regret it , i'll make your fucken life on this garbage netwrok miserable and you will not know its me, you scumb little fuck
<Runner> fuck you and your whore god
<Runner> dnsmcbr come out and play you scum coward little man
<Runner> you're all tough in rooms you op eh loser
<Runner> this is just the beginning
<jan> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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* Alanonzander sighs at the immaturity of some people
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<dnsmcbr> I'd apologise for bringing this nutter here, folks, but that's all on him.
<Runner> its only the start you loser
<Alanonzander> I agree dnsmcbr
<Runner> you banned me for no reason just cuz you're a loser
<packbart> needs more boosters, anyway
<Runner> you can thank dnsmcbr
<Alanonzander> runner, are you that dense?
<Runner> this is great, i'm gonna do this daily with different ips's
<Alanonzander> we are talking black-hole core dense
<Runner> Alanonzander fuck off
<Alanonzander> Aim your agger at me? Fine. Not a problem
<Alanonzander> *anger
<Runner> dnsmcbr you should apologize to me and i"ll leave
<Runner> Alanonzander stfu, stay out of this
<Alanonzander> No.
<jan> Runner, lol, what for?
<Alanonzander> YOU brought it up publicly, so YOU get to deal with others jumping in
<Runner> fine have fun , I am
<Runner> dnsmcbr get used to me
<Runner> i wont leave, i have thousands of ips you fucken loser
<dnsmcbr> HACKERMANS
<Runner> i'm not a hacker you are
<Runner> try me loser
<Runner> what wrong you can't kick me from here?
<Runner> you can't abuse being an op like you do in spacex
<jan> Runner, seriously, what should he apologize to you for?
<Runner> loser
<Runner> non of your business
<jan> i'm makin' it my business
<Runner> good congratulations
<Runner> you can fuck off too
<Runner> Added jan to Ignore list fuck off
<jan> well, no. I like this discussion.
<Runner> Added Alanonzander to Ignore list fuck you too
<Runner> keep talking morons
<jan> Oh I will
<Alanonzander> Runner, you have made some very dtupid miswtakes by bringing yourself here. This swhould be fun to see your internet demise.
<Runner> lol suckers
<dnsmcbr> Alanonzander: lmao that's a bit much m8
<Alanonzander> and all I have to d it watch
<Runner> coward
<Alanonzander> *do is
<Runner> you can all thank dnsmcbr for bringing me here
<Runner> he invited me
<Alanonzander> So?
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<jan> dnsmcbr, i see you're learning the good ways
<NicknameHere> Jeez, what in the world going on in here?
<Alanonzander> NicknameHere: not much Just one of the late comer idiots of the internet.
ldgoforlaunch has left #KSPOfficial [This is not a nice Christian channel.]
<Alanonzander> I've been around long enough to have seen his father, possibly grandfather, do the same crap before. They never like the outcome.
<jan> Runner, anyways, what are you saying you'll do?
<jan> Seems like the thing you're threatening isn't that meaningful, even if it works.
<Runner> tell me why you banned me and if its valid i will leave you alone, if you banned me cuz you re a moron and think I was someone else, I wont leave
<Runner> tell me you loser
<Runner> dnsmcbr = loser
<dnsmcbr> "1:04:32 PM <Runner> Added jan to Ignore list fuck off" The evidence would lead me to believe that was a lie.
* Alanonzander looks back in the channel log to see the ban, and just starts laughing
<Runner> asnwer my question you loser
<Runner> or i will do this daily
<Alanonzander> Don't you keep a copy of your chats?
<Runner> i'm working from home, I need some fun
<Runner> your choice LOSER
<Alanonzander> working from home? Big deal. Been doing that for YEARS
<Runner> aha 1:04 on your side, I see now
<Runner> dumbass coward little man
<Runner> here is my ip btw, stick it up your ass you loser
<jan> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Runner was banned on #KSPOfficial by Deddly [*!*fadsa@199.66.92.*]
Runner was kicked from #KSPOfficial by Deddly [Runner]
<Alanonzander> :)
<jan> Aww
<dnsmcbr> Deddly: Hopefully he doesn't do the same to you, eh?
<Alanonzander> He will. Idiots like that do this all the time. Best solution is to mock them, or ignore them.
<Alanonzander> I do both :p
<Alanonzander> When he starts hitting the proxies, the network admins will stat nailing him for other things. IT never ends well for people like that.
<Judge_Dedd> What the heck was all that about?
<Althego> seems something happened on another channel
<packbart> raging SpaceX fanbois?
<Alanonzander> 199.66.92.* to 199.66.95.* to get the entire ISP
* Alanonzander wanders off
<Judge_Dedd> I'm wary of locking out innocent people as well, that's the only problem
<Alanonzander> yeah, Ontario, CA ISP's then to be large
<Alanonzander> AFK now
<dnsmcbr> Judge_Dedd: some dataman fan going a bit mental
* Judge_Dedd done reading
<Judge_Dedd> Wow, I haven't seen one of THOSE since 1995
<Judge_Dedd> That should at least make it inconvenient.
<Judge_Dedd> <dnsmcbr> Deddly: Hopefully he doesn't do the same to you, eh?
<Judge_Dedd> Oh, I'm quaking in my boots, man
<Althego> hehe
<dnsmcbr> Judge_Dedd: lmao
<Judge_Dedd> I don't think I can sleep at night
<Althego> quake 1? :)
<Judge_Dedd> I'm surprised he didn't threaten to beat you up on Fortnite, dnsmcbr
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<Judge_Dedd> "I gonna grief all ur minecraft worlds"
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<TheKosmonaut> what
<TheKosmonaut> 20++ notifications
<Althego> it is over
<Judge_Dedd> Seriously though guys, the best way to deal with those is to not engage.
<jan> but that's no fun
<Judge_Dedd> I agree, but in the interests of keeping it a family-friendly place, a /msg would be better if you really want to play
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<dnsmcbrr> hi losers
<dnsmcbrr> dnsmcbr: you fucken loser
<dnsmcbrr> get used to this
dnsmcbrr was kicked from #KSPOfficial by Judge_Dedd [bye]
<Althego> yes, that is the problem
<Judge_Dedd> If anyone wants to say anything, please PM an op
<TheKosmonaut> This is mood chaaaaaannell
<TheKosmonaut> Mod Party
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<Althego> wow
<TheKosmonaut> Althego: all people are equal.
<TheKosmonaut> Some are more equal than others though.
<TheKosmonaut> Like you. Welcome to Mod Party
* darsie is Althego.
<darsie> That's all I wanted to say now :).
<darsie> Since we're equal :).
<Judge_Dedd> lol
<TheKosmonaut> I have been listening to a podcast that covers air crashes.
<TheKosmonaut> I love it
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Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | Channel temporarily set to +m. /msg an op if you wish to talk
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<Althego> as i looked at the weather there is a high chance that no launch tomorrow
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* raptop pokes things with a stick
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<raptop> Apparently I missed some shenanigans
<raptop> !logs
<Althego> most action in a while
<raptop> !logs
<Althego> hehe the bot cant talk either
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<Guest467429> How do i make a sidebooster to be attached in a stable way? I have 2 boosters, and i used the radial decouplers, 4 on each side to mount them. but the boosters only seem to be attached to one of the 4 decouplers, and are hanging down because of their weight?
<raptop> Depends on where they're located. to some extent. Smaller boosters are easier, and I suppose one could start with the smaller ones (eg: RT-10 hammer). Also, struts
<raptop> Wait, you were attempting to attach a booster to multile decouplers?
<FLHerne> Guest467429: I think only one decoupler will ever work, because part connections (excluding struts/pipes) form a tree
<Guest467429> yes, that seemed like alogical thing to do when 1 ddecoupler cant hold it on its own
<raptop> Ah, limitation of the KSP engine is that (aside from some stuff with the strut connector and docking ports), parts can only have one attachment
<Guest467429> is there any way how i can post an image/ image link?
<FLHerne> Upload it somewhere and copy the link
<FLHerne> But, yeah, struts
<raptop> ^imgur is popular
<FLHerne> That's what they're for :p
<raptop> Specifically struts as in the "EAS-2 strut connector"
<Althego> in modern ksp you can solve lot of problems with autostruts, they are not as good as struts, but help a lot
<Althego> autostruts arein the part action menu or whatever it is called
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> yes, struts
<raptop> Yeah, it looks like they're only attached at the bottom one
<Althego> i would just use autostrut on the booster cones to say root part or heaviest part
<raptop> Uh, that's going to present some stability issues, and has way more thrust than it needs >_>
<Althego> not that if they are attached by the bottom one, when decoupled the nose parts are going to move inside and hit the core tank
<Guest467429> how do i use autostrut? i always thought that was a mod ^^
<Althego> such a big tank can probably make it into orbit without the boosters
<Althego> most probably it is shown only when you activate advanced tweakables
<Judge_Dedd> raptop, chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<raptop> oops
<Guest467429> the craft was just to test sth, so its rather useless
<raptop> Judge_Dedd: I ended up checking with a different logger <_<
<raptop> Guest467429: ah, fair enough
Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! |
<packbart> autostruts in a career also require the "General Construction" tech level. early unstrutted boosters always wobble a little bit
<Guest467429> i enabled it, and autostrutted the side cones to the heaviest part. it worked!! But it feels like cheeting..
<packbart> you can always use real struts if you feel like it :) I sometimes do
<Althego> it is cheating in the sense that autostruts are not counted by the game as a part, so they influence your part count in career
<Guest467429> do real struts work nad somehow detach when you want to stage "accross them"?
<Guest467429> i thought that wouldnt be possible
<Althego> they just disconnect
<raptop> ^
<raptop> They're very nice like that
<Althego> in fact you can phase through them even if they are still tehre
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<Guest467429> if that works im gonna disable autostrut for the part again.
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<Althego> however real struts always add a small amount of mass, and that mas is added to the part you started them from
<Althego> for light or high delta v rockets this might matter somewhat
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<packbart> and I'm not sure about drag. the forum posts were inconclusive. It never was a problem for me
<packbart> I use real struts from fairing plate to payload and usually "autostrut to grandparent" on throw-away boosters
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<Judge_Dedd> Regular struts generate drag, unless something was changed
<Judge_Dedd> And they weigh something, too
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<packbart> no use in fiddling with struts on parts that only last a few seconds into the mission. ymmv
<Guest467429> i think for a beginner like those normal struts work just fine
<Guest467429> thanks for helping me out
<packbart> that's why they're under "advanced tweakables" ;)
<Judge_Dedd> I like the look of struts, so I use them sometimes
<FLHerne> Yeah, even if boosters wobbling about aren't a big problem they look silly
<Guest467429> i didnt know that they would like automatically detach when staging acorss them so i never tried them in that situation.
<packbart> ack, me too. but I try to limit the time I spend on the booster stage. I tend to fiddle too much in the VAB, anyway :)
<Judge_Dedd> I usually use autostruts for stuff like stiffening up an airframe or stopping wings from flapping about
<Guest467429> goodbye everyone
<Judge_Dedd> Seeya Guest467429
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<Althego> at least once ina whil somebody wait for more than a few seconds :)
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<Althego> what, another static fire?
<kmath> YouTube - Starship SN4 static fire testing LIVE from Boca Chica
<Mat2ch> Yay \o/
<Mat2ch> well, at least I had no excuse to further stall developing my software
<Mat2ch> Althego: where did you look up the launch weather for tomorrow?
<Mat2ch> also they have the FAA permit now to launch Starhopper
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<Mat2ch> that really looks not like the best weather to launch a rocket in
<Mat2ch> we need real spaceships ;)
<Althego> no, we need teleport
<Althego> minus the demons you know
<Mat2ch> What about something that pushes the space vacuum aside, lets us slip through without interacting with it?
<Mat2ch> like a cavity bubble in water ;)
<Althego> if you are outside space and time, you probably cease to exist
<packbart> wormholes are basically useless if they're fixed points in space. everything interesting is moving fast. and there's the time-y gradient, too
<Althego> worm logo, wormhole, we need a wormhole logo
<raptop_> Noneuclidian Aeronautics and Spacetime Administration
raptop_ is now known as raptop
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> there is a universe where a time-space administrative bureau exists
<raptop> People who work with time standards get fun job titles for obvious reasons
<Althego> there was a series some time ago, invisible man, where the characters were in an unnamed agency, that officially has several names, "bureau of weights and measures", "department of fish and game", and such
<Althego> at some point even they didnt know what they were called
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<Mat2ch> Department of Nuts and Bolts
<packbart> one of our office neighbors is the "Institute of Research & Data Aggregation". sounds like a spy agency, too
<bees> packbart: nyet
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<Guest07096> is it possible to open parachutes via action group? google only gives me 3 year old reddit posts wondering the same thing
<FLHerne> Guest07096: Yes
<FLHerne> Guest07096: See the image in the wiki article on action groups ;-)
<Guest07096> yeah i figured it out now.. there the action group thing, and then something called "achsengruppen" (in german) and i was in that tab and there you cant select any more options for the parachute
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<Guest07096> thanks
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<kmath> YouTube - How SpaceX & NASA Keeps Astronauts Safe During Launch
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<Althego> hehe, comment on a video. "As a good 'Murican, I reject radiometric dating. Support radioIMPERIAL dating!"
<Mostly_Deddly> LOL
<packbart> "Apparently there was too much TESLA at the launch pad. ... They should have launched on Faraday" - oh my, so much pun
<Althego> argh
<Mostly_Deddly> That's Red5 level
<Mostly_Deddly> Punnage pwnage
<Mat2ch> Siren! \o/
<Mat2ch> 10 minutes to static fire test!
<Mostly_Deddly> Woo
<Mostly_Deddly> Please could you link the stream?
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<kmath> YouTube - Starship SN4 static fire testing LIVE from Boca Chica
<Mostly_Deddly> Thanks man
<Mat2ch> np
Mostly_Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | Water Tower (hopefully) static fire
<Althego> the flame is not big yet
<Althego> once they remove that, we lose this indicator
<Mat2ch> Maybe they fixed yesterdays problem?
<Mat2ch> They can't when using methane
<Althego> the plan is to have a liquifier run on solar energy there
<Althego> then there is no need for the flame anymore
<Mostly_Deddly> I thought the flame was a safety device to prevent a dangerous buildup of flammable gas
<Mostly_Deddly> But I guess that can't be true - wouldn't be needed in that wind
<Althego> supposedly some of the liquid evaporates and to not let it out, it is burned
<Mostly_Deddly> Well, it should be a very clean flame
<Mat2ch> it has to be burned, because methane is far worth than CO2 for the climate
<Mostly_Deddly> Yup
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<Althego> i am not sure about that. i mean if you leave it as methane, it is decomposed in a few years, but carbon dioxide can persist for decades
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<Mat2ch> Althego: CO2 gets washed out of the atmosphere as well at some rate
<Mat2ch> big flare!
<Althego> my new hobby: steel cylinder watching
<Althego> sounds like xkcd stuff
<Althego> that was it
<Althego> at least we could see the flame
<Mostly_Deddly> That was really short
<Althego> all of these were short
<Althego> the longest was maybe 2 seconds
<Althego> that is strange
<Althego> "norminal"
Mostly_Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | Static fire success (maybe)
<packbart> oops
<Althego> yep, it was strange
<Mostly_Deddly> Wow
<Althego> rest in space raptor 20
<Mostly_Deddly> The timing there of the commentary
<packbart> famous last words: "if that was methane, it would ignite in the flare, right?"
<Althego> space hehe
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Mostly_Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | Static fire boom
<Althego> well, you dont need the flare stack if you have a burning spaceship
Mostly_Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | "if that was methane, it would ignite in the flare, right?"
<Althego> i guess the engine performed well, the tank didnt
<Althego> maybe because of the fire it had previously
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<Althego> the other viewpoint
<kmath> YouTube - LIVE STARSHIP ZOOM CAM - SpaceX Boca Chica Starship Testing Live 24/7
<Althego> you have to rewind it a bit
<Althego> "this deal is getting worse all the time"
<Althego> because this means they have to test sn5 for pressure
<Althego> and then do the hop with that
<Althego> probably after a few static fires
<Althego> they keep calling these vehicles. they never moved on their own power
<Mostly_Deddly> They IDENTIFY as vehicles, Althego
<Althego> hehehe
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<Althego> i love how the flame in the bottom light up with orange light the vents on the top and yet they are unchanged for a frame
<raptop> Guess the welds need some work
<Mostly_Deddly> Yeah, throw in a pit of welding and it'll be good as new, that
<Mostly_Deddly> bit*
<packbart> "That'll buff out"
<Althego> the bottom is relatively fine
<Althego> but i see a hole in the top
<Mostly_Deddly> I want a Thermos that looks like SN4
<Mostly_Deddly> But I'm not sure I want it to behave the same way
<Althego> these people... dont play it at half speed. go frame by frame , and .
<Althego> elon hasnt said anything yet
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<Althego> mass simulator has inertia
<Althego> what a surprise
<Althego> this is the exact shot where the top two vents are illuminated
<Althego> yet sideways there is a shockwave
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<Althego> it was a great luck that the debris didnt puncture all the gas tanks but the water tank
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<Althego> potential for overpressure anomaly
<packbart> sooo... did the mass simulator reach space?
<packbart> (probably not, it takes a nuke to do that, I guess)
<Althego> no
<raptop> Nah, this was a fuel-air explosion, not a nuclear one
<Althego> with only something like 500 km/h, cant
<raptop> ...then again, I guess just 100 km isn't that high ΔV
<Althego> but it looks like the leak occured at the ground equipment connection
<packbart> hydraulic shock express detanking
<raptop> Over-eager flare stack
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<packbart> oh noez. KSP crashed on me with that Unity error message. It never did that on Linux
<packbart> (yeah, ok, it did crash, too)
<Althego> i couldnt watch this because of the livestream
<kmath> YouTube - What's the Status of NASA and SpaceX's Mission to Launch Astronauts to Space?
<kmath> YouTube - Starship SN4 explodes shortly after a static fire test
<packbart> with sounds
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* raptop waves at Tortoise767_
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<kubi> tin can rocket?
<JVFoxy> so.. spaceforce on netflix.. not exactly sure how to take that tag line they used
* JVFoxy kicks net, "though be nice if net ere wasn't flakey
<JVFoxy> oh comedy... umm..
<sandbox> tin can rocket, but can tin rocket?
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<Guest10122> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest10122
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<JVFoxy> zoom
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<packbart> ooh, (the facebook video didn't load for me, so here it is: )
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