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<Althego> wintergatan
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<darsie> Kindergarten
<Flayer> can i somehow disable the 'terminate' button in the tracking station
<Flayer> ?
<darsie> obsessive compulsory disorder?
<Flayer> i just don't want to be tempted or accidentally delete crafts
<darsie> You have to confirm after pressing it.
<darsie> So it's hard to do accidently.
<darsie> Just make sure you selected the right craft.
<Flayer> I don't want to terminate anything really, like, I want debris to stay around as debris unless I deorbit it myself
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<darsie> At 80 km it should deorbit itself.
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<Flayer> i want to disable the button! >:(
<raptop> 80 km Kerbin orbit, or Earth orbit?
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<darsie> I meant, realistically.
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<UmbralRaptop> This line of thought leads to questions about Jool and its moons
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<packbart> I vaguely remember a mod (?) to disable the "Recovery" button - so you either had to land at KSP or send a recovery crew out. or was that just some self-imposed restraint?
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<Flayer> 45 km.. burning straight at the mun
<Flayer> 3000m/s at 67 km
<Flayer> what a perfect flight, mun encounter in 1 day 2 hours, if the encounter with the lander goes well, enough fuel to spare for two landings
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<raptop> yay
<Althego> scott
<raptop> gah, I keep on seeing stories about Ingenuity, and misparsing it as NASA sending an attack helicopter to Mars.
<raptop> (Presumably so that Curiosity and Perserverence get CAS)
<Althego> cas?
<raptop> Close Air Support
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<raptop> uh
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<Flayer> hmm
<Flayer> i wonder if i can get a 3rd landing if i then leave the lander while its on a suborbital trajectory after taking off again and jetpack to the return ship with the data in hand
<Flayer> then i might have enough science to make a new lander with better science gear before heading to minmus
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