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<JVFoxy> oof...
<JVFoxy> poking at forums.. thought I'd already signed up there. Hmmm.
<JVFoxy> Though, thinking never got around cuz couldn't come up with a good username there. :(
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<packbart> JVFoxy: telnet koeln.ccc.de 31337
<packbart> oh, gone
<packbart> Your new handle is: micro afterburner from da .:=:. global clan .:=:.
<packbart> well, vaguely KSP-related
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<hatrix> woohoo first SSTO https://i.imgur.com/HIcbRq5.png
<hatrix> when do you usually switch from air to oxidizer for the rapier?
<hatrix> I can go up to 15km or so and then I don't have enough thrust anymore with air only
<hatrix> and I can't attain orbit everytime
<hatrix> what should I improve?
<Althego> hyuge wings
<Althego> if you dont have enough thrust with the rapier at 20 km you are doing it wrong
<Althego> i usually wait until it switches by itself
<Althego> because i would do it only by a few seconds sooner
<Althego> what was your speed when you switched over?
<Althego> with rapiers it should be around 1400 at least
<Althego> so typically i vary ascent profile based on twr, to achieve maximum speed with airbreathing
<hatrix> I don't have enough thrust to go to 20km
<Althego> with 4 rapiers?
<Althego> it should totally do it
<hatrix> yeah, I don't know what's wrong
<Althego> probably the angle is too high
<Althego> with sstos you fly more like a plane, with low angles, not like a rocket
<hatrix> yep but then it takes ages and consumes a lot of fuel
<Althego> because it doesnt matter that you burn longer, that is basically the 10x more efficient airbreathing engine
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<hatrix> does it help adding air intakes?
<Althego> wait
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<Althego> why where is the fuel only container?
<Althego> i see only oens with oxidizer
<Althego> ah the wings
<hatrix> at the back of the rapier
<Althego> you have only two air intakes
<Althego> but that should still work
<Althego> i usually add one for each
<hatrix> I'll try again with a different ascent profile
<Althego> actually i never run out of oxygen
<Althego> the faster you go the more they get
<Althego> what happens that the rapiers go too fast to produce useful thrust
<hatrix> the "Prop. requirement met" is the air intake?
<Althego> probably
<hatrix> I can hardly go faster than 380m/s
<Althego> maybe 2 are really not enough for 4
<Althego> yes, it is hard to break through the sound barrier
<hatrix> oh now it's ok
<Althego> but by 380 it should be accelerating just fine
<Althego> so then it must be the intakes
<hatrix> exactly
<hatrix> I'm gaining thrust again
<hatrix> ok the rapier switched around 1320m/s
<hatrix> ascent profile too steep?
<Althego> with 4 rapiers you should be able to reach 1400
<Althego> i would lose some wings
<Althego> they jsut add drag
<Althego> at some time nose cones on the rapiers used to lessen their drag too, but i think it is not working anymore
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<hatrix> I removed a lot of wings and it's way faster now Althego :)
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<hatrix> I reach 1570m/s with air and 35km as apoapsis
<hatrix> well 39km even
<darsie> 35 km steady?
<hatrix> what do you mean by steady?
<Althego> that is more liek it
<hatrix> got too much oxidizer now :(
<darsie> Can it land? :)
<hatrix> last time I managed
<hatrix> not sure now
<hatrix> I remember spinning a lot during reentry
<JVFoxy> mmm...
<JVFoxy> lol.. meanwhile, I'm making chunky ssto's with the heavier MK3 command pod
<hatrix> oops overheat during reentry :(
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<hatrix> mk2 cockpit exploded due to overheating
<Althego> hatrix: but now there is the exhaust thingie, you can get rid of the oxidizer
<Althego> or add a little bit more fuel
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<Althego> this is a mark2 body craft, i can make sstos with mark 1 and they dont overheat. so if you keep high angle of attack, like 60 deg, then you should slow down in time
<Althego> the spinning is a com issue, airplane designs are problematic because mass is at the back in the form of engines. and as fuel is burnt, cetner of mass moves backwards, eventually getting behind center of lift
<Althego> one easy solution as skylon does it, move the engine to the wingtips around com
<JVFoxy> Kusabi (Japanese for wedge, link pin) Yes, it does fly, yes it can reach 70km circular orbit, yes it can reenter without burning up. Yes it is stable. No, I haven't gotten around to placing RCS thrusters yet. https://imgur.com/a/PQ8Myvw
<hatrix> weird but fun
<JVFoxy> was a little something I threw together out of boredom. More intended as a crew transfer, as seen with the docking tunnel. I don't know the weight, but it can at least get that up into orbit
<JVFoxy> original idea was something along the lines of thick wings with embedded engines.. but wasn't sure how.
<hatrix> doesn't explode with a high angle of attack, nice :)
<JVFoxy> if you can hold it, does help bleed off speed faster
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<hatrix> it lands fine also
<JVFoxy> welp, dropped messing about with setting up a relay network for testing out RCS placements on this ship
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<JVFoxy> really hoping adding these ports isn't going to add stupid amounts of drag
<sandbox> I had a weird dream that a plane was shot down and then I came in here to ask what type of plane it was ;p
<sandbox> I woke up before I found out
<sandbox> I think it was a strike or stripe something
<Mat2ch> Luckily no such thing happend
<JVFoxy> ok there.. rcs trimmed..
<JVFoxy> now I got a moderate SSTO ... but for what?
<JVFoxy> ok ... granted was sandbox mode. I have taken stuff I designed there, used them in career once I got the parts...
<JVFoxy> whoops... thought it was too light. was showing 66t, when I knew it was suppose to be at least 75t full up. Turns out forgot to refill the aft tank.
<JVFoxy> well.. good news, it makes it to orbit at least
<JVFoxy> oof.. 80km up.. got toasty but made it
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<darsie> JVFoxy: For tourists who want to orbit Kerbin.
<darsie> Is it fully reusable?
<JVFoxy> Darsie: yup.. just landed
<JVFoxy> kinda wish the Mk3 could do 6 or 7 crew stockwise.. I know there's a mod for 6
<JVFoxy> don't know about tourists though... if I ever get back to using TacLifesupport, I could see using it to resupply stations
<darsie> SSTO can't carry much payload.
<JVFoxy> My Dynafly SSTO is only 50t, but I know it can lift at least 1t to orbit.. vs the Kusabi's 75t.. not sure how much it can lift yet.
<JVFoxy> Dynafly is older craft.. I probably have to update it and test it again in current game versions
<JVFoxy> Did do a craft with the Mk2 cockpit, Dakota, but can carry four crew as well, tiny cargo bay. Looks more like a wide winged delta fighter
<JVFoxy> semi scifi look, still with stock parts
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<hatrix> my first station in this career https://i.imgur.com/tfejrXn.png
<hatrix> it can only stabilize with SAS, not easy to dock with
<hatrix> I should either get rid of it or bring some upgrades…
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<darsie> Fuel station refuelling my asteroid pusher: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot67.png
<darsie> Contract space station: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot156.png
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<hatrix> that's a nice pusher
<hatrix> I've already seen the station though
<hatrix> how do you refill the fuel station?
<darsie> I don't.
<darsie> Not yet, at least.
<darsie> The station was upgraded with sensors (themometer, gravioli detector), solar panels and batteries (for research).
<darsie> If the fuel station ever becomes empty, I guess I'd just send another one up.
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<Althego> starlink in 4.5 hours
<Althego> maybe
<darsie> Says live in 2h.
<Althego> that may be out of date
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<packbart> zombie-planet Fomalhaut b has been demoted to dust cloud, again, I see
<Althego> quite a few planets there in elite dangerous :)
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<Althego> i still think it is going to be later
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<Mat2ch> why?
<Althego> that
<Mat2ch> New T-0 of 3:30 p.m. EDT, 19:30 UTC, for today’s launch of Starlink
<Mat2ch> oh, wait, UTC
<Althego> which is two hours behind now
<Mat2ch> in 95 minutes then
<Althego> hehe flat earth made it into the news. as random segment
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<Mat2ch> In the meantime: Wintergatan! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLUDauIxudM
<Althego> hah
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<Althego> are we there yet?
<Mat2ch> 45 min
<Althego> video should begina bit sooner
<Althego> hehe begina, bit like italian accent, everything must end with a vowel
<Althego> and new pbs space time video until then
<Althego> this spacex launch really came at a bad time. i read through 110 chapters of solo leveling in two evenings, so i would have liked to go to bed sooner
<darsie> So you should be really good at defining solo levelling now.
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<Guest36102> are you able to get mods on Kerbal Space Program on Xbox 1
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<Althego> well, waited at least a minute
<Althego> better than most
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<Guest55938> are you able to download mods on Xbox 1 in Kerbal Space Program
<Althego> you could probably try to somehow copy a mode in the dir where it needs to be
<packbart> Guest55938: I don't think the console version is moddable
<Althego> but i dont think you would see great success
<Guest55938> how do you copy them?
<Mat2ch> only 65k people waiting for the stream
<Mat2ch> wow
<Althego> spacex can get over 100k viewers
<Guest55938> what stream
<Althego> and they have high production quality too
<Althego> so despite being a rocket company they could do well as entertainment
<raptop> scp -r ~/games/ksp_1_9_1/GameData billg@xbox1:/home/billg/games/ksp_1_9_1/
<raptop> obviously
<Mat2ch> well, these days you only need obs, one person to control it, a cam and a host
<raptop> (I have no idea how easy it is to get to an xbox3's file system)
<Althego> that doesnt give you great quality. just guarantees the means
<Mat2ch> you need people who know what they're doing
<Althego> exactly
<Mat2ch> but not many of them
<Althego> also cameras on rockets
<Mat2ch> That was designed into the rocket ;)
<Mat2ch> I bet Starship will have more than one...
<Mat2ch> Guest55938: there's no interface to get mods running on the xbox1 version of KSP
<Mat2ch> but if you find a way to copy data to the game directoy of KSP it might be possible
<Althego> hehe i kust noticed the username in the scp example
<Althego> bill has been out for what, more than a decade?
<Mat2ch> but depends on if the company that did port KSP disabled it or not.
<Althego> and of course i had to refresh the stream manually
<Althego> because it forgot to start playing
<Mat2ch> T-11!
<raptop> Something like a decade and a half
<Mat2ch> T-11min...
<Althego> last time i missed some launch because the stream didnt start playing
<Mat2ch> interesting. No logo on the fairings. I guess that's how you save money.
<Althego> it is their own launch so why bother
<Mat2ch> T-10min! And the crowed goes wild!
<Mat2ch> *crowd
<Althego> lately they didnt have luch with the boosters
<Mat2ch> Elon tweeted the problem with the alcohol in the dead leg
<Mat2ch> I really wonder how they figured that out
<Althego> only if it was still frozen there
<Althego> and i doubt that
<Mat2ch> it ignited and exploded
<Althego> ice doesnt usually explode
<Althego> so some part could have remained
<Mat2ch> isopropanol alcohol does
<Althego> i never froze it
<Mat2ch> nobody froze anything :)
<Mat2ch> Woah
<Mat2ch> live view from Ms Tree!
<Flayer> human launch next month, yeah?
<Mat2ch> so it looks
<Flayer> man, i hope we can get to the moon next year or so
<Althego> in 1 month 5 days
<Flayer> get some hd pictures orbiting that
<Althego> lol not next year
<Flayer> i dunno, orbiting it doesn't sound out of the question
<Althego> hd is actually quite low resolution
<Flayer> maybe two years
<Mat2ch> Well, I'm waiting for the day someone overthrows all we know about physics and we get the warp drive ;P
<Mat2ch> 4k videos from the Moon plz! ;)
<Althego> get that exotic matter and there you go
<Althego> alternatively invent human hibernation
<Althego> or at least ftl communication for elepresence
<Althego> think of how faster mars rovers could operate
<raptop> Mat2ch: so, like LADEE's laser test?
<Althego> 1
<Althego> 10 sec
<Althego> something was floating there in the upper left
<Althego> yes, show more of that fuel
<Mat2ch> raptop: hopefully
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<darsie> Human hibernation+Mind uploading:
<darsie> Human hibernation for Mind uploading
<Althego> why do you need hibernation for mind uploading
<darsie> To prevent destroying the brain before uploading is developed.
<Althego> ah
<packbart> to take a snapshot of the current brain state
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