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<hatrix> ok, nights are 41 days long on Pol, I should have thought of that and added more batteries
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<kmath> YouTube - Metallica - Battery (HD)
<hatrix> this thing will take ages to fill up
<hatrix> after some time warp my landing legs clip into the ground :(
<hatrix> and now they don't work anymore, they always get into the ground
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<JVFoxy> ugh... ok my a fault for not saving a craft file.. but stupid windows decided file restore points won't work any more. :(
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<hatrix> lost something
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> huh.. craft I'm testing is almost similar in shape.. see if I can get a daylight shot
<JVFoxy> right now.... sorta coasting up to 70km to test if I got enough DV to spare for circularization
<hatrix> I just circularized with stage 1 ._.
<hatrix> there might be a better design
<JVFoxy> I'm being a bit... frugal with mine
<JVFoxy> of course.. lvl1 VAB so limited to 30 parts still
<JVFoxy> Working name: Spear. Limited parts concept ship for orbit mission to the Mun. Will meet up and dock with a mun injection booster/relay.
<JVFoxy> And ya... docking ports for separators.. just cuz I can
<hatrix> ah cute
<hatrix> aaaand not enough Δv for pol ._.
<JVFoxy> mun orbit mission was going to advance me 17.9k, get orbit was going to get 51.2k, and completion 33.28k..
<JVFoxy> crew portion is already hitting 21.75k cost wise.. probably the same again for the booster portion. I didn't feel like unlocking rockomax parts just yet. wanted the 3 person crew pod for going to mun.. also needed at least two crew, pilot, and scientist so I can reset the sci jr. pod that'll be on the booster side
<JVFoxy> booster will stay in mun orbit and act as part of a relay, or so is the hope
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<packbart> Rejoice. It's Mednesday again
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<Mat2ch> No
<Mat2ch> ist Munday. Like a Monday, but feels like a Sunday
<Mat2ch> so quiet, so peaceful
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