TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP 1.⑨.1, NaN is doing | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | 2020 rover is Perseverance | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY!
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<kmath> <BLUEGALAXYDESI1> Scaled Comparison Of Outer Planet Missions
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<kmath> <Peter_J_Beck> Electron heavy is finished!
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<Guest59276> anyone can help with 32:10 aspect ration and 3840x1200 resolution can I set it somehow on (linux) ?
<Guest59276> solved
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<hatrix> this rover isn't mean to fly but it jumps well
<hatrix> meant
<Althego> i expected a dukes of hazzard style jump
<hatrix> ahah
<hatrix> i don't want to explode again
<Althego> i still cant get the eve ascent plane to the surface
<hatrix> burns?
<Althego> yes, heating problems
<Althego> doesnt work without a heatshield (was worth a try, maybe if it was empty)
<Althego> and several configurations with different kinds of heatshields
<hatrix> the last time I landed something on Eve it took me more than a month to design
<hatrix> I won't be of any help :p
<Althego> usually the ascent is harder
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<hatrix> wow, add 16 kerbals, 6000 units of fuel, 3 pilots and a cupola
<hatrix> that base is going to be huge
<Mat2ch> But... is there enough space for all to`stay always 1.5 m apart?
<hatrix> Duna is corona free
<Mat2ch> Only until you send Kerbals there!
<Mat2ch> Or the Corona Kraken finds you!
<hatrix> the time it takes to get there is long enough :p
<hatrix> it's going to be tricky to send that in one launch :x
<hatrix> this looks stupid, I love it
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<Althego> why not make it a tower?
<Althego> or rather two towers
<Althego> one for the fuel one for the people
<Fluburtur> I have built the sentry gun pistol from a gmod video
<Althego> never heard of it
<Mat2ch> well, Fluburtur is getting quiet a fanclub on twitter recently
<hatrix> that would be very unstable Althego no?
<hatrix> but that sounds fun
<Althego> nice job, but i still cant say i have ever seen this
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<hatrix> it looks even more stupid now :D
<Althego> flip it
<Althego> wider base is better
<hatrix> true
<Althego> what i meant with the tower, travel horizontally, connect vertically
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<hatrix> hmm
<hatrix> not sure I understand
<hatrix> how do you lift it?
<Althego> with rockets :)
<Althego> how else would you do anything in ksp
<packbart> Kraken Power
<packbart> a bunch of compressed landing gear on the launchpad might be enough to fling a probe core into a solar orbit
<packbart> I'll try that sometime
<darsie> packbart: Maybe you can get it in one simulation step out of the atmosphere with a raspberry pi :).
<hatrix> this might just work Althego
<darsie> If you care about realism, call it quantum tunneling :).
<Althego> looks solid
<hatrix> the landing gears don't like the weight but meh
<hatrix> this thing is 101 tons
<Althego> lol
<Althego> i thought you mine the fuel onsite
<hatrix> I will
<hatrix> but fully loaded it's 101t
<hatrix> looks like it's working, let's try to launch it
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<Althego> hatrix: you are on duna, have you visited the tourist spots? :)
<hatrix> nope
<hatrix> where's that?
<Althego> there are on 3 fixed locations
<Althego> and one random spawning, but it is not that interesting
<Fluburtur> yeah, I got one really helpful retweet from someone
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<Fluburtur> new camera handle
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<Fluburtur> for some reason I said "new camera handle" and forgot to send the link
<Althego> why not make it gimballed "steadicam"
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<JVFoxy> doh... keep meaning to record a game, but end up falling into a new career start... ugh
<JVFoxy> also lol, hadn't really looked at loading splash screens much. Just noticed the spaceplane on rocket going all over the place. Scared Kerbals in the windows... ah the little details..
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