TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP 1.⑨.1, NaN is doing | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | 2020 rover is Perseverance | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY!
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<Guest41170> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest41170
<Guest41170> I heard KSP2 was delayed
<Guest41170> When will it be released?
<Guest41170> Hello?
<lordcirth> Guest41170, I don't think anyone here is likely to know anything that hasn't been announced?
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<Guest41170> Did they announce that it was delayed?
<raptop> There's been at least one delay
<Guest41170> I'll just go for the original game instead of waiting
<raptop> Current official statement is sometime in 2020, but given the scope, we'll see
<raptop> Yeah, KSP1 is still good
<Guest41170> Is using a key selling website bad for the developers?
<FluffyFoxeh> It can be
<FluffyFoxeh> I remember the Factorio devs saying that a lot of keys are bought with stolen credit cards, which then results in chargebacks
<FluffyFoxeh> and then they lose the sale and the money, and a chargeback fee
<raptop> Generally it's bad.
<FluffyFoxeh> I never use those sites. I'm not such a cheapskate that I can't pay for good games
<raptop> I'd suggest using the dev's store on, steam, or gog.
<raptop> There are fairly substantial sales fairly often
<Guest41170> I was looking at this website. Is this one bad?
<FluffyFoxeh> without clicking it, yes
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<Guest41170> How can you tell?
<FluffyFoxeh> just a guess based on experience. and after clicking it, it looks super sketch
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<FluffyFoxeh> where are these coming from, why are they selling them like this
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<Guest41170> I personally think the website is very nice
<raptop> A side effect of the transition from physical to digital media is that third party resellers are much less legitimate than they used to be
<FluffyFoxeh> I'd wait for a Steam sale
<Guest41170> I'll add it to my wish list and wait for the sale then
<Guest41170> What kind of chat website is this anyway? I'm seeing everyone's ip addresses here
<Althego> hehe not a website?
<raptop> Not a website per se, but an IRC channel
<Althego> what game are you talking about?
<raptop> (IRC being Internet Relay Chat -- a type of chat/message protocol that dates back to the 1980s)
<FluffyFoxeh> "Pirating the game hurts us less than using these sites. "
<raptop> There are of course web interfaces, like on the forums
<FluffyFoxeh> "The Grey market" section
* raptop hugs that IRC uses effectively 0 RAM or CPU. Shame about needing to mess around with bouncers, etc for having history
<Guest41170> Discord is a nice piece of software but it's full of children unfortunately
<FluffyFoxeh> it's also hostile to third party clients, so no thanks
<Althego> discord is some js running in chrome, it cant be nice
<FluffyFoxeh> proprietary protocols are no bueno
* raptop is mainly annoyed that discord's "night" theme is medium gray instead of a proper black
<raptop> though, yeah, the protocol stuff also
<Guest41170> This is nice though
<raptop> Yeah
<raptop> Also, if you have any questions about the game, feel free to come here and ask. (Though depending on activity, you might need to wait a few minutes)
<Guest41170> I think I will
<Guest41170> Thank you for your kindness
<raptop> If you want to change your nick from Guest41170, type "/nick newnickname" (wihtout the quotes)
<raptop> :D
raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social sitancing, join IRC TODAY!
<raptop> (Yeah, I know. no more Cirno joke in the /topic)
<Althego> what is sitancing :)
raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY!
<raptop> oops
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<UmbralRaptop> y-wing configuration o_O
<kmath> <✔OSIRISREx> Now it’s time to start moving my solar panels into the Y-wing configuration, which will take 10 minutes to complete…
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<Althego> wintergatan
<Mat2ch> \o/
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<darsie> Kindergarten
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<Mat2ch> Althego: this really looks like it's coming to an end
<Althego> a new beginning
<Althego> end of build, start of music
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<Althego> it looks like there are only a few launches happening lately. is that because of voldemort?
<Mat2ch> but launches are booked years in advance
<Althego> and yet they are moved to a later date almost every time :)
<Althego> hehe action lab. voldemort hits. goes out with his magnet to collect meteorites
<raptop> corona-chan wants you to inagurate point to point service to madagascar
<kmath> <✔NASAInSight> My team at @NASAJPL & @DLR_en continues to take encouragement from our latest efforts to #SaveTheMole. Another push…
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<darsie> I've been trying for hours to get an Eve flyby Pe at 90 km in the equatorial plane ...
<Althego> that is hard
<Althego> because of the high inclination of eve
* darsie settles for a close approximation.
<Althego> close encounter of some kind :)
<darsie> :)
<darsie> I wanted to make a cheap plane change at high Ap.
<darsie> Making an upgrade to my asteroid pusher in LEO.
<darsie> sensors, relay antenna, picoports
<Eddi|zuHause> not LKO?
<Althego> low eve orbit :)
<Eddi|zuHause> what is this? evil space program? :p
<Eddi|zuHause> ("evil" being the word for inhabitants of "eve")
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<Althego> dr evil :)
<Althego> is there a piny emoji?
<Althego> pinky
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<Eddi|zuHause> i haven't followed the evolution of emoji
<Althego> no evolution
<Althego> random s...
<Eddi|zuHause> i'm pretty sure that's what evolution is. you try out random stuff and see what works
<Althego> no
<Althego> this is like random, and all stays
<Eddi|zuHause> there may be a slight delay on the second part
<Eddi|zuHause> this is like an explosion phase... there's going to be an extinction event at some point
<Althego> not these
<Althego> i meant the unicode ones
<Eddi|zuHause> yes
<Eddi|zuHause> brb
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<Tsar-bomba> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Tsar-bomba
<Althego> at least the bot didnt fail this time
<raptop> \o/
<Tsar-bomba> Who, mod9000?
<raptop> beep boop
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<Tsar_bomba> Anyone else not know how much they miss going places until you can’t?
<lordcirth> ikr
<lordcirth> I mostly stay at home anyways. But on Wednesday evenings, I go to a board game cafe. And I really miss it & my friends
<Althego> hehe, no. i am fine like this. why couldnt i have worked from home before? lot better
<lordcirth> I enjoyed the first week
<lordcirth> Now I'm stir-crazy
<Tsar_bomba> Well, as I do e-learning, I somehow miss school.
<raptop> Making home and the office the same is very bad for my ADHD, but otherwise it's fine
<Tsar_bomba> well, at least my dog is enjoying this
<Tsar_bomba> For some reason though, I have been playing less ksp
<Tsar_bomba> Anyone else have loss of FPS since 1.8?
<raptop> loss of motivation more than FPS
<Tsar_bomba> No, it has became noticeably less smooth
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<Tsar_bomba> And I am less motivated
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* raptop has tended to drop the FPS limit a lot for other reasons, >_>
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<Tsar_bomba> My internet cut. What did I miss?
<Tsar_bomba> i know it wasn’t much
<raptop> just my comment on messing with my FPS cap for Reasons
<Tsar_bomba> Ok good
<Tsar_bomba> Anyone know a good shipyard mod
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<packbart> Grobal Construction
<packbart> or what do you mean by "shipyard"?
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<Tsar_bomba> Like building something in space
<raptop> Like exoplanetary launchpads (if that's still around)?
<packbart> yeah, that's around, too. I started with Ground/Global Construction
<Althego> isnt that extraplanetary?
<Tsar_bomba> Ok thanks
<packbart> ( )
<Althego> seems taniwha still updates it
<raptop> Althego: possibly
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* darsie added sensors, a relay antenna and pico ports to his asteroid pusher at eve:
<darsie> And I completed my contract of sending science from Eve.
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