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<Althego> hehe existential question of the day: are laps imaginary? (they only exist if you sit)
<raptop> please do not scare the cats
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<taniwha> if you square a lap, do you get a positive or negative result?
<Althego> lol
<Althego> and our office internal communication decided to break down after the holiday
<Althego> somebody upgraded something
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<lordcirth> Dune might actually be good!
<Althego> the new one? supposedly it is good
<lordcirth> I find it oddly encouraging that the director said it's the hardest thing he's ever done. Taking it seriously.
<Althego> what i dont understand, why isnt there more hype around other frank herbert universes? because he had several. consentiency being one, destination void and other
<lordcirth> Honestly, I've never read any of those
<Althego> my point
<lordcirth> I probably should
<hatrix> is the book that good?
<hatrix> I've read 300 pages and I still don't have a clue if I like it or not
<Althego> what, the dune book?
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<Althego> the whole series is like that, several similar books with a story arching over several thousand years
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<Althego> lol somebody sent adam a set of embalming tools with a huge book on embalming
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<lordcirth> hatrix, Dune is great. I think it may be the book I have reread the most times
<Althego> when i was a child i read "life on earth" (the book version of the series), over 20 times. despite being a hard cover it fell apart
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<Althego> 5
<Althego> 4
<Althego> 3
<Althego> 2
<Althego> 1
<Althego> 0
<Guest15824> anyone here
<Althego> amazing
<Althego> at least i am here
<Guest15824> How do you use the object thrower? mmb doesnt work
<Althego> the one in the cheat menu? i may have used it once. but i think it was left click
<Guest15824> Yup
<Althego> have to wait for the game to start up
<lordcirth> Guest15824, stick around and choose a nickname
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<Althego> middle click after clicking the unarmed checkbox
<Althego> then it turns into armed
<Deiwyy> Yup ik but it doesnt work
<Deiwyy> Maybe its just the speed of the object
<Deiwyy> one moment
<Deiwyy> Nope, still doesnt work
<Deiwyy> I mean, now it works and i see the thing but it goes through walls
<Althego> moves with the camera, adds the speed of the camera to the throw
<Deiwyy> Ooooh
<Deiwyy> i'll try it on lauchpad
<Deiwyy> Oh ok, it was just going to fast
<Deiwyy> thx
<Althego> just when i found it out
<Deiwyy> .
<Deiwyy> How do i
<Althego> generic problem in any kind of stepped simulation, objects can move through other objects because they move too much in a step
<Deiwyy> wait a moment
<Deiwyy> sooooooo what do i do to destroy my space station before kraken does?
<Althego> lol
<Althego> de3orbit it into jool?
<Deiwyy> Ah yes, great solution
<Deiwyy> nah its actually better to create huge cities on kerbin and deorbit it into one
<Deiwyy> So many dead kerbals
<Deiwyy> Nah just kidding they're Indestructible
<JVFoxy> someone said they all underground
<Althego> some visual mod creates cities and city lights
<JVFoxy> I tried something I hoped would add clouds, it ended up also adding night lights as well..
<Althego> yes that
<JVFoxy> sadly, my pc had a real hard time dealing with the clouds part
<Althego> was it whatever visual enhancements or scatterer?
<Althego> one of the 2 cause a really ugly aliased horizon so i didnt keep them
<JVFoxy> think it was V.E.... caused my system to 'stutter' very slightly
<JVFoxy> stupid high cpu usage
<JVFoxy> I just wanted clouds... it ended up adding a few other things I wasn't really expecting. -shrug- I never kept it
<Althego> ksp 2 wants to have clouds :)
<Althego> but maybe the guardian of forever knows when it is released :)
<hatrix> lordcirth: I find it quite boring tbh, nothing really happens during those 300 pages
<hatrix> well, once a station gets attacked by a worm, but that's it
<hatrix> should I continue?
<lordcirth> Dune isn't about the action (mostly) - it's about characters, setting, ideas
<hatrix> I'm fine with nothing happening, I love Arthur C Clarke's books
<darsie> Dune was too boring for me.
<hatrix> but here… I don't know
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<hatrix> I finished 2001 a few days ago, I'm waiting for the next ones
<Althego> i gave up the 2001 series at the point when the around 5th book starts with finding and reviving the guy who was killed by hal while on eva in the first like hundreds of years later
<JVFoxy> watched a thing about the things 2001 predicted right (and some wrong)
<JVFoxy> Hatrix preffer the book or the movie?
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<Althego> what did it predict correctly?
<Althego> maybe glass cockipt
<hatrix> I haven't seen the movie
<Althego> hehe, the end. i call itt "the lines are coming". for like 5 minutes
<Althego> 5 minutes for something that looks like a demo effect from the 90s
<Althego> and completely without context
<Althego> otherwise good movie
<Althego> i like 2010 more
<JVFoxy> Althego: scene after they just woke up, watching news on flat screen tablets.
<Althego> ah yes the tablets
<Althego> we only realized that after tablets appeared
<Althego> it was so far ahead
* JVFoxy looking for what else they predicted right. Ends up on stupid long article from wired...
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> here is something readable at a glance, bit more down in google result
<JVFoxy> ya.. ran across the one from Northjersey which was what brought up the video pad thing as a main point
<JVFoxy> heh.. robotics in space, Canada represent! ;P
<Althego> basically every space probe is a robot
<JVFoxy> depends on the level.. I think they were more talking about with arms and manipulators
<Althego> i didnt know robots had levels :)
<Althego> how many xp is needed for the next? :)
<JVFoxy> er... not xp
<JVFoxy> I mean.. ok probes can be robotic, in the sense of a control system. a few devices attached. Then you have robotic as in with limbs that can reach out. Next step is limbs with graspers.
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<JVFoxy> I guess maybe 'types' is a better term
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<Althego> hehe... "and that's the glow you see when you look at the milky way... if you have gamma ray vision"
<UmbralRaptop> Fermi bubbles?
<Althego> yes
<Althego> pbs space time
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<darsie> Can I transfer fuel through a heat shield?
<Althego> no
<raptop> There's a setting about fuel transfer needing to obey crossfeed rules
<darsie> k
<Althego> you can go around it
<raptop> Off by default I think?
<Althego> i never understood waht that does
<Althego> so i always left it like that
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