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<mib_psdh4d> ?
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<Althego> snmp mib?
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<hatrix> how can I edit my wheels in order not to do wheelies in minmus?
<hatrix> is there a torque setting?
<Althego> turn off sas
<hatrix> it is off
<Althego> ok depending on the direcion you go
<Althego> also alwayshave advanced tweakables on
<Althego> then you have access to all the possible settings of all parts
<hatrix> friction/spring/traction yes
<Althego> if it is not in the context menu in the editor with advanced tweakables on, then it is not settable
<hatrix> aaaah got it
<hatrix> it was the reaction wheel
<Althego> that is why i said it depends on your direction
<Althego> the same keys control pitch and wheels
<hatrix> just learned that :p
<hatrix> I also might go to sleep now, 7:34am…
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> it is already morning
<Althego> so why sleep now
<hatrix> yeah right :p
<hatrix> I slept 3h, woke up and couldn't sleep anymore
<hatrix> and now I'm doing uninteresting contracts on minmus
<Althego> since voldemort hit and i dont need to go int o the office to work, i sleep a lot better
<hatrix> I liked my office schedule actually
<hatrix> forced me to wake up early, bike there and everything
<hatrix> I also used to do a lot of sports, it was easier to sleep
<hatrix> now I'm a couch potato
<Althego> now if i could apply this old pentium heatsing to the pi, that would make it a lot cooler
<Althego> technically it fits there, but there might be some parts on the board which are too tall
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<hatrix> does a pi really heat that much?
<hatrix> well, I'm going to try to sleep, good night :)
<Althego> pi4, gets over 60 in idle with a small heatsink and the case cover off
<Althego> the display outputs are 1 mm too high
<Althego> but maybe i could file a bit off from the bottom of the heatsink
<Althego> ths is goingto take a while without power tools. but i can listen to gloryhammer while doing it :)
<packbart> Hootsman, The; immortal(*) cyborg god, powered by a neutron star; (*) presumably dead
<packbart> reminds me to make a "Anything Arise!" shirt
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<Althego> 2 discs later
<Althego> it seems the p1 sink brought down the idle temp of the pi by around 15 degrees
<Althego> and i cant put the case cover back. also two connectors are obstructed. doesnt matter i didnt want to use them
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<kubi> idle temp by 15?
<Althego> now by 10. got a little warmer since then
<Althego> but still 55
<Althego> i need to get a better case because the basic one is inadequate
<kubi> how comes that idle is that high?
<Althego> pi4 idles with double the power draw of 3
<Althego> now i still could put the old p1 fan on this that would reduce the temperature further, but i want passive
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<Althego> it is still such an amazing plane
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<Flayer> you're an amazing plane
<Flayer> zing!
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<Althego_> It works.
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<Althego> i had this phone for something like half a year and i didnt set up irc
<Althego> still lot shorter than the more than 3 years for the office
<Tank2333> hehe
<Tank2333> my Honor phone doesnt like background apps
<Tank2333> i gave up using irc with it
<Althego> oh i never tried that
<Althego> i just fired it up and never waited for it to sleep
<Tank2333> ah ok
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