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<kmath> <✔elonmusk> SN4 passed cryo proof! 😅 https://t.co/EJakThZRGF
<Mat2ch> and again they laughed at him. And again he proved them wrong
<Althego> wait, somebody was standing that close to it with a phone?
<Althego> with the track record of the first few i wouldnt have gone anywhere near
<Althego> i dont like bathing in cryogenic liquids, not to mention metal structures collapsing on my head
<Althego> 4.9 bar... wasnt it supposed to be 6 for actual orbital flight?
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<Mat2ch> Althego: some phones have a real zoom built in
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<damien> hello everybody
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<Flayer> i disagree
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<UmbralRaptop> goodbye, then?
<UmbralRaptop> or is this disagreeing with the good in the implied good morning?
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