TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP 1.⑨.1, NaN is doing | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | 2020 rover is Perseverance | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY!
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<Lewie> Hi everyone I've been playing Ksp for about five months know, but I'm still new to the forum and what-not. I'm really excited to join y'all!
<raptop> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, raptop
<raptop> thank you, modbot
* raptop feels bad about being an op here, but also somewhat burned out on KSP
<Rokker> raptop: someone's gotta do it
<Lewie> why? Have you just pretty much done everything the game has to offer?
<raptop> Not as such, but been playing off and on since, er, july 2011
<Lewie> Nice man! that's pretty epic. How'd you get introduced to ksp?
<raptop> By a facebook post from an astronomy prof
<Lewie> nice
<raptop> It also was way too easy to end up playing Kerbal Excel Program at one time (especially before things like the stock Δv display)
<Lewie> I need some help. What's the best transfer window for minmus? I can get to the mun in no time at all but I can't seem to get a encounter with that delicious ball of minty ice cream
<Lewie> ohhh ok
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<Lewie> Are there any players here that play KSP on the PS4?
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Malachit1 is now known as Malachite
<raptop> bah
* raptop was on the phone with a parent
<JVFoxy> Raptop: I can get a little burnt out on KSP sometimes too. Or idea blockage, so take a break, come back next day or something.
<JVFoxy> Speaking of PS4... times I wonder if I should pull out my dualshock type controller to use as flight controls when flying around on KSP with planes... eh.
<raptop> Sure. Or shenanigans with a helicopter?
<JVFoxy> or just Vtols period... I don't have too much problem with them. Trim can be a pain sometimes though
<JVFoxy> or that 'fly-by-wire' mod that works for a bit, then just freaks out for no apparent reason suddenly
<JVFoxy> sorry... I mean not the DLC, been using Airplanes+ mod... though I can't say I've updated it in a wihle
<raptop> gremlims
<JVFoxy> got a tiny X-29 type plane I made in old KSP named the Gremlin
* JVFoxy lol whoops... two pics one missing a 'm' in the name it turns out. Fixes..
<raptop> Grelin
<JVFoxy> ya basically
<JVFoxy> A while back, I made a folder to hold pics of some of the craft I made and liked. Threw the screen shots in there, then renamed them with KSP version and craft name. Gremlin-ER from V1.05. ER cuz it has a drop tank on each wing made from a set of 3 MK0 each.
<JVFoxy> I haven't added anything in there for a while. Looking at it now, sorta feel bad for neglecting the project a bit
<raptop> ooh
<JVFoxy> I'll port the pic over from the other pc -fires up bluetooth file transfer-
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<raptop> smol
<JVFoxy> Oh I tried updating one of my spaceships. With the changes of the Mk1-3 command pod, and the new Poodle engine... well ok not so bad with the Poodle's new look but meant longer ship cuz of the command pod's new door location.
<raptop> whelp
<JVFoxy> the 'spine' that has a couple of Mk1 crew modules and holds the landing craft's docking point connects at the 'top/back'. New command pod meant the connection had to be pushed further back.
<JVFoxy> also sigh.. just want plain white rockomax fuel tanks
<JVFoxy> Oh.. wait.. speaking of the new Mk1-3 command.. that integrated RCS, has it ever just stopped working on you before/
<JVFoxy> I took the lander out, brought it back.. but then the aft RCS blocks were the only thing working. the ones on the command pod just.. quit for some reason.
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<JVFoxy> ugh.. couldn't sleep any more.. -fires up KSP- ugh.. can't figure out what to do next in the game. Upgrades?
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<Althego> collect all biome science :)
<Althego> from everywher :)
<JVFoxy> have 818k funds, 349 science...
<JVFoxy> and a bit of debris splashed down after my last mission it seems..? -goes to check it out, it blows up instant it loads- well ok.. n/m then.. mental note: recover splash down parts instead of checking them out
<JVFoxy> 3 contracts for 'above 16-18km'.. one of them nearly half way around kerbin... thanks.
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<Russekof71> Hello, I wanted to know which mod is compatible with Sigma Dimension x2.5
<lordcirth> Russekof71, most mods that don't also change the solar system should be fine?
<Russekof71> I'm playing with Ksrss x2.5 and I'm looking for mods with real rockets that are compatible
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<kmath> <A_J_Higgins> Teaching my compressible flow course online is giving me the opportunity to answer some long-standing questions, su…
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<raptop_> Althego: Also free hugs!
<Althego> a 2 in 1
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<Althego> scott
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<darsie> SPOILER WARNING! I detected an anomaly in the mountains. Is it the rock or the grass? Or something else?
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<hatrix> can you claw it?
<darsie> This is a really nice plane that can fly slowly, but it tail strikes very easily
<darsie> hatrix: No, it's a virtual rock.
<darsie> I guess it's just a bug.
<darsie> But I haven't found anything else.
<hatrix> nice δv
<darsie> That's not unusual for jet engines.
<hatrix> I know I know
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