UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP 1.⑨.1, NaN is doing | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | 2020 rover is Perseverance
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<kmath> YouTube - CRS-20 Mission
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<Althego> actual stream starting, instead of spacex music tv
<Flayer> is there people on this one?
<Althego> no
<Flayer> boo
<Althego> that is in a few months
<Althego> unsure when because it seems the original short stay was lengthened to something closer to a full mission so the astronauts go through eva training
<Althego> hah real life plasma effect
<Althego> lights visible
<Althego> and there it is, the 50th landing
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<hatrix> why does changing the root in the VAB affects the Δv?
<hatrix> how can I be sure of the value displayed?
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<hatrix> unplanned gravity assist with Ike
<hatrix> for once it's not in the way :)
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<hatrix> argh, nothing to harvest, _again_
<hatrix> Duna is so hard to mine
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<Althego> nice
<Flayer> so's your face
<Althego> lol
<Mat2ch> uh, nice SN2 water test has completed
<Mat2ch> so LN2 soon
<Mat2ch> we all wish for success and hope for bloop ;)
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<kmath> YouTube - New Glenn First Stage Tank Production
<Althego> so they are doing something too
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