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Mostly_Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP 1.⑨.1, NaN is doing | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Darpa challenge @ 19:00 GMT
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<kmath> YouTube - First Time in 1.9 - Kerbal Space Program
<Rolf> whoa. weird bug. you know what it means
<Rolf> he will break ksp so badly again
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<kmath> YouTube - KSP - Single stage spaceplane to Tylo and Laythe: stock, non-refueled, round-trip
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<hatrix> how do you plan such gravity assists?
<hatrix> is there a tool for that?
<Mat2ch> I guess that's just experience and many many tries
<Mat2ch> but you can calculate this, at least for KSP
<Mat2ch> and he says it in the video: He tries to do little corrections and get resonant orbits. Those orbits are known or at least caluatable
<Mat2ch> *calculatable
<Mat2ch> (a resonant orbit means that e.g. for every two times you orbit your target orbits one time or so)
<hatrix> yep, that website has been helpful for setting up relays
<packbart> hatrix: some tools, from (rather simple) to (moar complex)
* packbart seldomly bothers with gravity assists
<hatrix> man, why is the readme not telling me how to run the thing
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<Deddly> Shame about all the part clipping in that video
<Deddly> I get that it's still an incredible feat, but as soon as cheats are involved, I no longer feel like we're playing the same game.
<Deddly> I would be more impressed with a non-cheaty but well-designed craft that uses staging than a part-clipped SSTO.
<hatrix> I feel the same
<Mat2ch> it's a tech demo somehow
<Mat2ch> and yes, I'd like to have no more clipping for KSP2...
<Deddly> I can deal with a little realistic clipping by using the move tool - like moving an RCS fuel tank into the empty space of a nose cone or something like that
<Deddly> I used to have a tiny satellite that would just about fit underneath a Mk1 nosecone and stack decoupler. That was before we had fairings, so I was pretty proud of that :)
* packbart likes to move a "Dumpling" tank between a probe core and RA-100 antenna
<Mat2ch> Deddly: so we need a nose cone designer that can also make fairings out of it :D
<packbart> it fits into the space with just a little clipping
<Mat2ch> because the difference between a fairing and a nose cone is just the release mechanism...
<Deddly> I don't think my satellite would fit anymore because they made the decouplers smaller. I'd have to use two of them
<Deddly> Oh yeah, talking about using decouplers as fairings, did I ever show you guys this?
<Deddly> Tiny rocket that can take one Kerbal to LKO :)
<packbart> it's... tiny?
<Deddly> The Kerbal is on a chair inside the stack of decouplers that act as a fairing
<hatrix> lol
<Deddly> Basically, it's what Copenhagen Suborbitals would design if they ever go Orbital :)
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* darsie starts KSP to one up that :).
<hatrix> i'm looking for posters like that about science in general
<hatrix> anyone has ideas?
<hatrix> I've found some from CNES also
<darsie> Tiny rocket to get one Kerbal to LKO: Ok, the Kerbal has to complete the orbit with the jetpack, but there remains enough EVA fuel to deorbit.
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<hatrix> that's cheap
<darsie> It also needs to be flown very precisely, or not enough fuel will remain to deorbit alive.
<hatrix> what's the Δv of a kerbal in vaccuum?
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<darsie> 600 m/s
<darsie> IIRC
<hatrix> oh wow
<darsie> A Kerbal can jetpack to orbit from The Mun.
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<darsie> Deddly: That decoupler fairing is interesting. Might make using the ant more feasible.
<Deddly> Nice rocket, darsie. where is the Kerbal?
<darsie> At home. It's for tourists.
<darsie> Goes to the command seat.
<Deddly> Where is the command seat?
<darsie> on top
<darsie> hidden :)
<Deddly> Oh right
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<Deddly> LOL
<Deddly> Well I wanted my Kerbal to have at least a little protection :)
<darsie> Mine get a space suit :).
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<Mat2ch> darsie: with only minor damage, right? ;)
<Mat2ch> T-2:30h :P
<darsie> Mat2ch: Well, almost burn up during reentry, and if they don't bring a chute, they impact at terminal velocity. They fall unconscious from that, but recover quickly ;).
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<Deddly> I'm going to have to fire up that rocket again, it's been a while. I think I could land the "capsule" back on the ground
<hatrix> ahah, found that from quite a while ago
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<Deddly> I have actually so far failed to find a use case for the big wheels in my games.
<hatrix> dumb looking rockets :)
<packbart> very heavy rovers
<hatrix> i'm gonna buy this one I think
<packbart> the ruggedized wheels start to bounce around under load
<Deddly> Do any wheels not?
<Mat2ch> Deddly: I had one. But then KSP ate my rocket :P
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<Althego> 55 minutes?
<Mat2ch> No, 54!
<Althego> butt according to nextrocket there is still more than 3 hours to go
<Mat2ch> whaaaaaat
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<Althego> finally, there is the scott video
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<Mat2ch> Well, the stream hasn't started yet...
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<Mat2ch> according to Astras twitter account coverage should start in 1:30 h
<Mat2ch> 20:00 GMT
<Althego> and launch in 2 hour
<Althego> s
<Mat2ch> yep
<Althego> so i am going to go to bed before that
<Mat2ch> hopefully the launch is made by people who wouldn't set the stream timer on youtube wrong.
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<darsie> 10 kg decoupler has excessive drag: 10 kg battery not:
<darsie> Both right after flameout.
<darsie> Confirm?
<Althego> hehe, flat earther: waves are caused by diamagnetism. they are caused by the wind, dude
<darsie> Root part is the nose cone.
<darsie> Nose cone, TD06 decoupler/battery, Oscar B, Spark.
<darsie> What's your velocity/Ap after flameout?
<hatrix> ok, now is the time to land this base from the start
<hatrix> I'm confident everything will work from start to end this time
<Althego> hehe
<hatrix> I've been on this thing for more than a month now T_T
<kmath> YouTube - Crew Dragon’s First Demonstration Mission | One-Year Launch Anniversary
<Althego> ot has been a year?
<Althego> that was fast
<Althego> i guess i am starting to get old
<darsie> hatrix: Did you calculate drag/weight?
<hatrix> nope
<hatrix> but this thing flies correctly on ascend, I've got no idea why
<hatrix> you definitely need gimbals though
<Althego> gimbals of steel :)
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<Althego> 15 minutes until stream
<Mat2ch> No, 13!
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> Althego: are you staying awake for the launch?
<Althego> no
<hatrix> Ok, I'm on a circular orbit of ~101 - 110km around Eve
<hatrix> and I've got 600m/s left :)
<darsie> Go to hell!
<Althego> meaning the surface of eve
<darsie> ofc :)
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<hatrix> I just need to know _when_ to enter the atmosphere
<hatrix> I don't want to land on water
<darsie> It's molten lead.
<Mat2ch> quicksave and try, try and then try harder. :D
<hatrix> had to cut some parachutes but this looks good
<hatrix> touchdown!!
<hatrix> alive!!
<hatrix> thanks to whoever recommended the struts to land instead of legs!
<hatrix> I don't have enough batteries to have all the radiators + drills + ISRU
<hatrix> with 1/4th of the radiators it works though
<darsie> hatrix: yw :)
<hatrix> is it considered cheating if I now transfer that craft from my sandbox to the career one?
<darsie> You're the judge of that.
<darsie> You mean the build file? I don't think that's cheating.
<umaxtu> I personally wouldn't consider it cheating. as long as you've unlocked those parts
<darsie> If there are locked parts, it won't launch.
<hatrix> yes only the build
<hatrix> I started testing in career mode but I lost about 1 million
<darsie> I test a lot in career, but I load if tests fail.
<darsie> Testing in sandboxs is good. It counts as simulation.
<hatrix> I hope you like albums, I'm gonna make another one
<hatrix> all resources to the max :)
<darsie> How many struts exploded on landing?
<hatrix> none
<darsie> cool :)
<darsie> :)
<hatrix> I'm even impressed I managed to land elsewhere than on the heatshields I jettisoned
<hatrix> I don't know what to do anymore with my life, it was centered on that mission :|
<darsie> Try mind uploading.
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<kmath> YouTube - Aldehyde-Stabilized Cryopreservation is Cryonics for Uploaders
<darsie> Bring a surface sample back to Kerbin.
<hatrix> ahah, that's going to have to wait a bit :)
<hatrix> like one or two months :D
<Mat2ch> hoooold /o\
<Deddly> Is there a way to reverse control surface functionality? I forget
<Deddly> Ah, got it
<Deddly> Get control authority to a negative number
<Deddly> Except don't try and use it for roll, in that case...
<Deddly> Oh, I missed the launch, didn't I?
<UmbralRaptop> Did you recreate that one Протон?
<hatrix> don't think so Deddly
<hatrix> they just take their time
<Deddly> Ah, ok
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<Deddly> T-5 ?
<Deddly> minutes
<Deddly> Maybe
<Deddly> Video stream says 15, heh
<hatrix> full album
<Deddly> Wow, you landed the entire thing in one go?
<Deddly> Are you planning on using it to refuel other craft, hatrix?
<Deddly> T-5:00 again on the stream
<hatrix> yep, in one go
<hatrix> It's just a commercial contract, I don't plan on doing anything with it
<Deddly> Ah OK. Well, well done :)
<Deddly> Who knows - it might come in handy at some point
<packbart> trying not to hit the ISS. that's nice
<Deddly> Sounds like it's an indefinite hold
<Deddly> Oh well.
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<packbart> the music volume increases. something is happening
<Mat2ch> Not really...
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