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<JVFoxy> soo.... was wondering...
<JVFoxy> anyone do much in the way of colab's in KSP?
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<JVFoxy> oof... so I guess not then
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* JVFoxy lols.. looking through some old screen shots. Wondered where got these tiny little cargo boxes from. Finds out its KIS that went through tweekscale mod.. boxes were just regular sized shrunk down.
<JVFoxy> was thinking they would have been a good size for cargo space on a tiny heli
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<Althego> lol i cant get to eve
<Althego> the alexmoon calculator gives an obviously wrong date
<Althego> at that point eve is ahead of me and it should be behind
<Althego> and i cant get an encounter
<Althego> and i have been there many times
<JVFoxy> oof...
<Althego> ok got something with trial and error about 213 days earlier
<JVFoxy> attempting something a little more... 'local' seeing how badly I can make a boat.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> easily, everything floats
<Althego> not as much as they used to, but still
<JVFoxy> may float.. still gotta deal with balance and asthetics
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<Althego> hydrofoils work
<JVFoxy> then matter of getting it to the water.. (in stock)
<Althego> put on landing gear
<JVFoxy> well ... so much for using wing parts.
<JVFoxy> lol.. little boat, actually looks good, wants to lift off even at 30m/s
<Althego> yes that is the biggest problem
<Althego> everything flies
<Althego> so why would you waste fuel by floating in a water that slows you down?
<JVFoxy> testing out what I could do
<JVFoxy> everyone's all gun-ho about space, other planets. Some reason got in my head to see what sorta things I could for supporting a polar statoin
<Althego> become a submariner
<JVFoxy> got a c-5 galaxy like plane for cargo, suppose I could fly a tiny heli over.
<Althego> we still dont have ballast tanks in stock, except for the ore tanks
<JVFoxy> welp... wing sections for out hull... fail
<Althego> water always leaks in
<Althego> but that shouldnt worry you too much
<Althego> and yes, anything with lift is going to fly
<JVFoxy> leaks? pah.. more like wings pulling too many directions, ship wants to roll one way, steer another. No control
<JVFoxy> and ya.. I had 'rudders' but they did natta
<JVFoxy> huh ok.. takes 8 monster wheels to get it to the water but.. it floats and actually cruises pretty good on the water at 56m/s
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<JVFoxy> eh well.. enough messing around...
<Althego> i think i need ducted fans on duna
<Althego> if the do anything
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<JVFoxy> powered how..? fuel or electric?
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<Althego> the dlc electric
<Althego> they seem to add some thrust on kerbin
<JVFoxy> ah
<JVFoxy> boat I had done.. 52 m/s, enough fuel for 10 hours full power running. ugh.. 1500km or so range..
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<Althego> the ducted fans sure have power compared to normal props
<Althego> but hom am i going to pack this inside a fairing
<Althego> maybe with 4 of the largest i could fly on duna
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<Althego> but the ducts seem too big for the blades. strangely they are a good fit for the normal props
<JVFoxy> can't say I've seen the design of plane or ducted fan part
<Althego> but this looks dumb. the whole point of the duct is to be really close to the tip of the blade
<Althego> s
<JVFoxy> tip.. blade... eh.. this engines on rotor tips sorta thing or?
<Althego> and the duct also make it almost impossible to click on the engine inside
<JVFoxy> normally I tend to think duct fan as engine in duct and part of plane body instead of on rotor.
<JVFoxy> I understand on rotor if wanna do vtol and dont' wanna deal with body torque
<Althego> that is it. you dont put the duct on the engine, you put the engine inside the duct
<Althego> once there the blades and the duct and the things behind the engine like wings block the engine completely from a click
<Althego> you have to move the camera inside the duct to click it
<Althego> and because of the rotatinal difference the engine is not even a symmetric part, so you have to do this at least twice
<JVFoxy> self built duct or.. part that fits over the engine?
<Althego> the dlc part
<Althego> a self build duct wouldnt do anything
<Althego> because of the lack of true airflow simulatin
<JVFoxy> wasn't sure.. since I haven't seen anything
<JVFoxy> engine+rotor self built then the shroud?
<JVFoxy> ooooh
<Althego> also there are too many parts in the aero section, it should be split to lift and propulsion
<JVFoxy> you know why they did ducted fan designs?
<Althego> in the game? no
<Althego> but i guess they wanted to make a way to really fly on duna. even with 8 8 bladed engines it was really hard
<JVFoxy> well in game.. eh.. IRL, shroud is build pretty close the blade tips. The idea is to stop tip vortices
<Althego> that is what i said. normally you would have them close
<Althego> there are normal prop blades which fit in it better
<JVFoxy> nearly every commerical aircraft engine is like that ;P
<Althego> the medium duct is too small for these
<JVFoxy> you running stock+DLC only?
<Althego> yes
<JVFoxy> ah.. was thinking tweakscale mighta helped but eh
<Althego> actually these are the biggest ducted blades, but they have lift comparable to the biggest non ducted blade, which are bigger than the duct
<JVFoxy> erk
<JVFoxy> sorry i just stuck with stock for the time being.. sigh
<JVFoxy> would love to try something with blades and rotors though. For now, just one or two mods
<Althego> maybe i put 4 of the smallers on
<Althego> that wouldnt look this dumb
<JVFoxy> zoom...
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<Althego> with the 4 ducted fans it is ok to fly on duna at low altitudes
<Althego> still dont know how to land like a plane safely without parachutes slowing down the plane instantly
<JVFoxy> not enough air pressure to land normally?
<Althego> this plane has something with the gear
<Althego> s
<Althego> landed at 50 m/s quite good for duna
<JVFoxy> massive flaps? -shrug
<Althego> the back wheels threw the nose instantly to the ground
<Althego> the tail jumped up and that was it
<JVFoxy> oh.. eh...
<Althego> but the fans work way better than expected
<JVFoxy> don't know then. I never flew on duna myself
<Althego> maybe have to change the spring constant
<JVFoxy> I only hope the place isn't too chaotically hilly on ya
<JVFoxy> maybe a little spring but also bump up the dampeners a little too
<JVFoxy> not sure if it does it in current versions but I remember when the springs bottomed down, it would shoot things back up
<Althego> probably that is what happens
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<Althego> the damper helped
<Althego> wingtips hit the ground :)
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<Guest14065> Ciao cosmonauti
<Althego> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Althego
<Althego> oh no
<JVFoxy> ws
<JVFoxy> blateg
<JVFoxy> uh wha.. ugh, maybe I should get some rest....
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i think i am going to have a nap too
<JVFoxy> almost 5am here...
<Althego> if i folded the wings right before landing they wouldnt be able to hit the ground
<JVFoxy> maybe I'll poke through CKAN another time for this project wanna do. If I could ever find motivation.. but anyways
<JVFoxy> I just don't wanna end up so bogged down in a lot of mods..
<JVFoxy> all the best..
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<hatrix> uuuuh ok
<hatrix> I time warped
<hatrix> the wheels exploded
<hatrix> how did that happen?
<hatrix> ah, maybe I didn't stop the ISRU
<hatrix> that would make sense
<hatrix> anyone tried running KSP on Wayland?
<Mat2ch> Shouldn't make a difference, just a dip performance-wise
<hatrix> no gain to change from xorg then?
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<nascarlaser1> would someone be willing to help me with a modding/config editing issue I created?
<hatrix> just give a link and someone will look into it I guess
<hatrix> asking to ask will get you nowhere :)
<nascarlaser1> sorry
<hatrix> no worries
<Mat2ch> hatrix: it's not very well optimised yet. But there should be already an opengl passthrough integrated so there shouldn't be too much of a performance penalty
<nascarlaser1> Does anyone have an unedited version of the config file for the Air intake Radial XM-G50 part?
<nascarlaser1> I was editing config files last night for my own resource I'm trying to add to the game, but now the game itself wont load
<nascarlaser1> The yellow loading bar gets stuck at around halfway,and the file that it stops on is this one specifically
<nascarlaser1> I dont know what I did wrong,but I'm hoping that by putting the original config back it will atleast let the game load
<hatrix> the .cfg?
<nascarlaser1> yes
<hatrix> in GameData/Squad/Parts/Aero/airIntakeRadialXM-G50/airIntakeRadialXM-G50.cfg
<nascarlaser1> I was trying to turn the air intake into a resource collector
<nascarlaser1> ok thanks :D
<nascarlaser1> here is my version of the cfg is anyone would be willing to see if they can find what I did wrong
<nascarlaser1> am reloading the game now with the original cfg
<nascarlaser1> thxs hatrix :D
<hatrix> thank me when it works
<nascarlaser1> it worked :D
<nascarlaser1> now to figure out what I broke lol
<hatrix> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<hatrix> glhf I guess
<Althego> 33 m/s. slowest landing on duna yet. and the back still jumped up
<Althego> therefore i abandon this wheel dsign
<hatrix> how can you land so fast?
<Althego> normally you can, that is really slow on duna
<Althego> the problem is the back gear shootign the back of the craft up, thus crashing the nose to the ground
<Althego> this would never happen anywhere
<nascarlaser1> Game works ^^
<nascarlaser1> I broke the ISRU and drill XD, but the game itself loads
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<Althego> with smaller gear the effect is greatly reduced, thus managed to land
<hatrix> I'm doing my first Jool mission, going to Pol :)
<Althego> and it cant really take off lol
<hatrix> twr?
<Althego> i guess i have to add a fifth lifting fan
<Althego> it takes too long to take off and over 40 m/s it is quite unstable on the ground
<Althego> all those bumps and stuff
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<hatrix> ok so for Jool you really need the big relay dishes
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<hatrix> made it to Pol!
<hatrix> let's hope the lander has been well designed
<Althego> bop has tourist sights, unlike pol
<hatrix> I like the color of Pol
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<hatrix> why is my lander so jiggly?
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<Althego> use autostruts?
<hatrix> I'll try that
<hatrix> I went to Pol _once_ and I got a contract to mine Laythe and bring the ore in orbit of Jool haha
<Althego> relatively simple
<Althego> jets work fine on laythe, and it has low gravity anyway, so goin into orbit and escaping is quite easy
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<hatrix> I need to work on my SPH skills then
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<hatrix> what could be nice to have in a base on Duna?
<hatrix> I've gor fuel, ore, monoprop, mobile lab, a miner
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<kmath> YouTube - Starship SN3 Moves To Launch Pad Timelapse
<Mat2ch> It's happening! \o/
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<kmath> YouTube - Starship SN3 Lifted to Test Stand at SpaceX Boca Chica Sunday March 29
<Mat2ch> I'd like to cite Carl Cox here: Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes!
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<hatrix> I had another contract to expand it :)
<Althego> hop on the train :)
<hatrix> and thanks to that mobile lab I just finished the tech tree
<hatrix> I can die happy
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> you cvan finish that without ever leaving the krbin soi
<hatrix> really? only with the biomes of the moons?
<Althego> there is a ton on minmus
<hatrix> that requires hopping everywhere
<Althego> an east to reach with a biome hopper
<Althego> easy
<hatrix> but boring
<Althego> you need to do that around twice
<Althego> then a bit later when you get the gravity thing
<Althego> ok that is 3 tiems
<Althego> i hate it that i always miss one of the flatlands
<Althego> then i have to search which one i missed
<hatrix> easy fix: don't do that
<Althego> but o have to collect the biome data
<Althego> one of the most boring part is the dual gravity probes
<Althego> 2 in low and high orbit above the mun, 2 in high and low orbit above minmus
<Althego> the mun has something like 17 biomes
<hatrix> I usually discard any contract related to biomes
<Althego> this is not contract
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<Althego> the gravioli detectors comes very late
<hatrix> so you inflict that upon yourself?
<Althego> but it gices a lot of science
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<Althego> the vustom action groups for robotics
<Althego> they only work on one side of a symmetric group
<Althego> is that a bug?
<Althego> i wanted to build a vtol with rotating fans, but of course that is not possible this way
<Althego> unless i decouple them from symmetry but then i cant reposition them anymore
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