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<darsie> I switched from core2 quad 3 GHz to i7 3770 and still get yellow time during launch of a complex ship. Not too bad.
<darsie> Made a test flight with my asteroid pusher to the fuel ship:
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<Flayer> hmm
<Flayer> playing without revert and quicksave makes it a lot more interesting
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<Flayer> but i do feel i need quicksave for landings
<darsie> Flayer: But how are you going to test stuff? irl there are simulations.
<Flayer> just do a test on the launch platform
<darsie> I built rockets that needed many launches till I knew how to fly them to orbit.
<darsie> Sure I could overengineer. Maybe that's what you'd have to do.
<darsie> There's a flight plan in the description:
<Flayer> in my current game i am so starved for science that i am launching my first tourist mission before my EVA because I need kredits to convert it into science
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<darsie> You convert with the administration strategies?
<UmbralRaptor> insufficient resources for a Minmus landing?
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<darsie> kerbals can fly to every biome on Minmus, get a surface sample and return to the ship.
<darsie> Without contract that won't make money, though.
<darsie> Best way to make much money is with the IR telescope.
<hatrix> I'll be reinstalling my OS tomorrow or friday, hopefully KSP will run better and I'll be able to make money :p
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